reply to post by OldDragger
I try to keep an eye on Eric Cantor and his efforts toward getting some kind of fiscal reform going. He *seems* to be genuine in his efforts, at
least so far as the "YouCut" program is concerned. Interestingly, if you go to the YouCut site and look at all the expense cuts Americans have
voted for and which have been presented to Congress ... and review the voting records on those things ... it is overwhelmingly the Democrats who are
refusing to cut spending.
I'm conservative in most of my views, though not a Republican. I don't understand why so many people are so firmly attached to the two
parties-in-power. If they were truly so different behind closed doors, we wouldn't be in the mess that we're in. On the other hand, if we look at
all the sessions of Congress since 1945 ( ), we can see that most of the
Sessions in which one Party held the majority, that majority has been held by the Democrats. Further, we can see that during the Clinton years (when
the Country did better financially ... by comparison), it was the Republicans who held the majority. Presidents don't vote those laws, spending
sprees, etc. in ... Congress does and, from my perspective, specifically it's been the Democrats.
That said, the Republicans who held the majority briefly under Bush didn't do much better than the Democrats who preceded them where spending is
concerned and the Democrats that came in behind them were even worse.
Perhaps (*ahem*) SOME of the elected Republicans mean well with their Pledge; however, if any of them regardless of Party affiliation want ME to
believe anything, then they're going to need to:
Pass a law stating no Bill can be more than 50 pages long;
That the Bill must be titled clearly with its intent;
That nothing in the Bill can pertain to anything but the title.
And then pass one limiting terms.
They mentioned tagging any bills with the Constitutional authority (terribly paraphrasing there; sorry) ... when they're ready to add to that they
will remove themselves from office if they violate it ... and have that statement notarized and publicized... maybe i'll consider believing them
And i'd feel a lot better if a whole bunch of the Democrats joined them and produced their own notarized statements of that promise, too.
I believe there are some honest people (regardless of political affiliation) out there who truly DO want the good of American citizens. I just don't
think many of them hold public office.