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The Why(s) & How(s) of 9/11

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posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 11:16 PM
After a few years of reading through tons of messages and posts,all the arguements became white noise to me.
Afterall how many times can you hammer home the same points,before everyone agrees which side of the line in the sand they are on.

Throughtout the arguing I began to watch the people who were posting,and how passionate they were on both sides.

And then I began to think about the why(s).

Why did 9/11 happen?
To use it as an excuse to prement wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
(a)To build on America's empire
(b)To take control of those countries resources(Oil,Drugs,Lithium deposits)

To pass the patriot act and further the governments influence in peoples lives and privacy.
(a)Warrantless wire taping
(b)Naked body scanners
(c)Being able to declare an American citizen an unlawful enemy combatant,and to hold the with out a trial.
(d)To bring fourth a 1984 type of existance

19 Arab hijackers flew planes into the WTC and Pentagon.
(a)Islamic extremists,who view all non muslims as infidels
(b)America's policies across the world drove them to believe this was the right think to do.
(c)They were ordered to do so by Osama Bin Laden

Its a plot by the global elite to rule the world.
(a)New World Order
(b)Billderburg Group
(c)Free Masons

It was a plot by the United States and Israel.
(a)To help secure Israel's existance in the middle east
(b)To help Israel to expand its lands beyond its borders through U.S led wars.


How Did 9/11 Happen?

(A)19 Hijackers took over 4 planes and used them as weapons.
(B)Nano Thermite(Controlled Demolition)
(C)Space Wepons
(D)Holograms of planes,but were in fact missles

How has the world changed since 9/11.
(a)1000's of servicemen have lost their lives.
(b)1000's of civilians have lost their lives.
(c)The U.S is waring in 2 theaters and is going bankrupt at home.
(d)New security messures were past that has allowed the goverment unpresedented athority into people's private lives.

Who is Seaching for the "truth"?
(a)Victim's famy members
(b)Current and former government employees
(c)Architect and engineers
(d)The average citizen
(e)Other world leaders

Who is promoting the "Official Story"
(a)Victim's famy members
(b)Current and former government employees
(c)Architect and engineers
(d)The average citizen
(e)The Media
(f)The government
(g)Other world leaders

What Information do both sides pocess to prove their cases?
(a)Videos (Internet and news coverage)
(d)Statements made by various people

And what has all this led up to?

People name calling,fighting,arguing,all be it with passion,but like treaading water,not getting us anywhere.

Why do all these people continue this fight on either side?
I dont believe its so any one person can jump up and say "I was right".
And its not for the victims who perished on 9/11,for they are dead,and no longer can want anything.

Is it for the survivors of that day?

But I believe its because in everyones own personal way,they NEED to be right.
The people who believe the official story need to be right,because they wanna feel safe.
They dont wanna believe that any other version could be real,as it would leave them feeling unsafe in this world.
A world of possibilities where very bad things can happen based on a groups wills and wants.
Its hard to come to terms with the fact they they have been lied too all these years.And if 9/11 isnt what they were told,then what else could be a lie?

The people who believe in the conspiracy side of this,also wanna feel safe.
And they feel,from their research,they have been lied to.
I believe that there efforts arent to undermine others and deem anyone truly blind or stupid.
I believe they think they are doing what they think is best to find answers to this horrible day.
And by looking for the "truth" they also believe they are doing it in order to prevent anything from this from being allowed to happen again.
They cant believe the official story because of their beliefs of a lack of evidence and the fact that this couldnt have been a simple act of terrorisum by a enemy of the U.S.

These are just my personal observations on this journey through this forum.
I have nothing but respect for both sides.
I truly believe passion gets in the way sometimes and people forget what is important.
Each other.
The only thing that is certain,is that nothing will change the events of that day.
But people can find common ground.
By which events like these may never be allowed to happen either way.
Theres alot of brilliant people on this site.

This is nothing more than my 2 cents.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 11:38 PM
who did really lose in the 911 all case? the Islamic community

who won? Israel, since it is surrounded by them, and every other religion, since Muslims are for the world like Jews were for the Nazis

thats what really matters from everything ... who are the losers and winners ... I am sure there are many other winners and losers ...

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 11:46 PM
In my opinion,WE are all the losers.

The only winners are the people who did and continue to benefit from this.
Whether it be from ongoing wars against the U.S for religious beliefs,or the ones hoping to further an agenda.

Which is why this events should bring us all together and realise were the ones who were and will continue to be effected by this in the future.

Nobody will ever openly carry the banner of winner in this matter.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 11:52 PM

Originally posted by Black_Fox
I truly believe passion gets in the way sometimes and people forget what is important.

The only thing that is certain,is that nothing will change the events of that day.

But people can find common ground.

Theres alot of brilliant people on this site.

True, that.
God Bless~

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