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How much time is left?

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posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 05:30 AM
It all depends on what we are timing... this 'Rolling Stone' article presents a very pausable economic collapse (graphic language)

How the oil giant's catastrophic spill in the Gulf could trigger another financial meltdown

but in any event, according to Apocolypse scriptures 'we' have at least another 42 months minimum

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by America?

I hear ya, when they're reporting solar storms will peak in 3 years & the defence forces (forget which nation) have begun making plans to counter the effects - blackouts, etc already, I wonder how long I have to acquire sufficient wind/solar/? energy generating systems in place before the blackouts etc begin??

I got a less than 1 year feeling at the moment.
Don't know what my options are with what I have to work with....
Need my own land & shelter first, but have no finance, sure there's plenty of people in the same boat or worse...


posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 11:32 AM
I also feel it.

I can feel it in the air.

This feeling won't go away.


edit on 24-9-2010 by Thibotham because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 03:10 PM
Thanks for all the replies everyone. there is alot to think about. I just saw on today that the dollar has also hit an alltime low.

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by gardCanada

You always gota have friends. Altough traveling after a major catastrophy of some sort would be a huge problem and most likely in the end would have to be traveled on foot, so a long distance could be the end of that.

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 03:33 PM
You can take the 400 different 2012 theories and put them all together and they have common denominators.

None or little proof, Everyone thinks they are right, A lot of people are not sure, followers change their mind.

I think this planet is always going to be here, Its quite possible Mars had its own cycles of life and is now seen in our terms as a "dead planet".

So as I read theory after theory I ask My Self, What is true?

I know that I am a being of infinite consciousness having a human experience, no matter what occurs I will be okay. I have nothing to fear while I walk the middle road as a warrior of the shamanic wisdom path.

If aliens come to destroy us, save us. If we all ascend through some type of universal star alignment, if we all meet our demise through meteor showers of pole shifts of the very planet that birthed us know in your heart that everything is always going to be okay.

But if you dearly love this human experience and those you share it with, it doesnt hurt to be prepared, to be filled with knowledge.

Follow your heart and do what inspires beauty and creativity and be prepared for change, however it may manifest.

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 04:10 PM
I asked Cleverbot (a hushush subproject of web-bot -the future predicting government software) "How much time is left" and you know what it answered? "Not much."

I advice you to stack up on ammunition and weaponry. Don't bother with anything else! When The Endtimes come, those with the most firepower will rule the Earth as God intended!

edit on 24-9-2010 by lynxlynx because: I think -they- are on to me

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by America?

I am asking this as a serious question, "How much time do you think we have left?"

Loads of time.....go and stick the kettle on and make some toast...........if anything happens while your doing that, I'll give you a shout

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by lynxlynx
I asked Cleverbot (a hushush subproject of web-bot -the future predicting government software) "How much time is left" and you know what it answered? "Not much."

I advice you to stack up on ammunition and weaponry. Don't bother with anything else! When The Endtimes come, those with the most firepower will rule the Earth as God intended!

edit on 24-9-2010 by lynxlynx because: I think -they- are on to me

God intended that the people with the most guns will rule the world????...........I never knew that

I always had God down as a bit of a pacifist.........well you live and learn

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 08:54 PM
You probably have time to watch a good comedy!

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 10:03 PM
reply to post by crazydaisy

Yeah probably as I am currently sitting here waiting for a party.

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 11:01 PM
When the collective conscience reaches critical mass. We first have to figure out as a collective what we do not want. These past few hundred years have been slowly setting us up for this realization. Every year the pendulum swings at a faster rate. Each year more people become awakened. When enough of us look at the image in the mirror and say "you have to change your ways" critical mass will be reached and it will take over the collective.

When this happens we will reach for our next step in our human experience. The time is very near, most people feel it. When the rapid polarization is done we will become in balance.

Get rid of ego, live in the now. The new age is almost upon us. Every age of the zodiac has an ascended master that sets the stage for the next two millennium. Jesus was the last one and opened the next to the last Chakra. The next one will open the last of mans Chakra's being the Crown Chakra.

Interesting times are upon us all.

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by St Udio
It all depends on what we are timing... this 'Rolling Stone' article presents a very pausable economic collapse (graphic language)

How the oil giant's catastrophic spill in the Gulf could trigger another financial meltdown

but in any event, according to Apocolypse scriptures 'we' have at least another 42 months minimum

The above mentioned article is a very good read, and I think it should probably have it's own thread really. There is alot of good information in there that I don't think many are aware of.

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 07:21 AM
Be afraid. Be very afraid.

At least, that is how TPTB want you to feel and it obviously works. It is the finest control mechanism ever and has been used for thousands of years. If you believe that something is just around the corner that wants to hurt or kill you, then you become more complacent and accepting of whatever "they" wish to do to you.

From Hell to terrorists, nuclear threats, higher taxes, etc., the fear of losing something (like your life) is a state that others constantly place you in. I once saw the quote that "No man knows enough to be a pessimist" and I would say that applies here: No person knows enough to be afraid of an unknown future.

Things happen, they always do. But seeing the end of the world as we know it in every other incident is foolish, misguided and completely unproductive. Protect yourself from the obvious but once you let worry about something "coming down the pike" you are reducing yourself to a mental state that has no benefit.

People have always thought that the catastrophic is going to happen in their lifetime...because they have been told that it will. And being ego driven we believe ourselves in a place in time when we will see "the end" because....well, because....we deserve it?

Come what may, all we ultimately have is today. And spending it worrying about tomorrow is worthless. I suggest spending your time in this life seeking your bliss and when others try to drag you into their fantasy of fear, understand that none of us knows what will happen tomorrow, next week or 100 years from now. So enjoy what you can, while you can.

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 07:38 AM

Originally posted by America?
I know I'm probably gona catch some flak for this, but I personally believe something of significance that will have profound effects on how we will live will happen soon. The more I look around it seems to me the boiling point will be reached soon. I am asking this as a serious question, "How much time do you think we have left?"

Maybe it would help your fears somewhat to keep things in perspective. Picture yourself as being one of the one and a half billion of us here on Earth right now living on less than a dollar a day. If your fortunate, you may have a mud-straw hut or a shanty town shack as your home. In a corner lays a crumbly sack with some wheat or rice, the amount of which decines with each passing day. Perhaps you have a family who must live from the contents of that sack as you do. Your water supply is always precariuos, your sanitation facililities are always miserable.

I submit for these billion and a half people "How much time do you think we have left?" must be the most common question ever asked. For 30,000+ people per day, time does run out.

I´m not saying times won´t be harder for those living in first world countries, but in comparison to these one and a half billion, your living in a dream world never to be attained.

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 07:50 AM

Originally posted by LoneGunMan
When the collective conscience reaches critical mass. We first have to figure out as a collective what we do not want.

You want the collective ? Resistance is ..... as they say.
I thought you enjoyed the freedom you still have, once you are part of the colective you are gone.
I see you say you are a fire fighter, it's the very notion of anti- collective.
Red=the collective, comunism of the mind.

The next one will open the last of mans Chakra's being the Crown Chakra.

Who would that be ? I'll tell you it's not going to happen. Going against god is forbiten.
As you know that notion, fulled me once, not going to happen twice.

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by America?

Our planet has stood as we know it for about 6,000 yrs. Check out this man's calendar.

Click the above url if that don't work paste it in your browser and for me I find the findings to be right on.

This earth has a timeline for the habitation in it's present state and it is pretty close to the finish line period.


posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by America?

October surprise. Stock market may crash in the next month in October. And then everything will be down hill until people wake up with the cold reality that they have been cheated big time in every way.

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 09:55 AM
I think it will all start in the first half of november

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 10:31 AM

Originally posted by America?
I know I'm probably gona catch some flak for this, but I personally believe something of significance that will have profound effects on how we will live will happen soon. The more I look around it seems to me the boiling point will be reached soon. I am asking this as a serious question, "How much time do you think we have left?"


There is "something" going to happen soon I too, feel it... seems to me the elections (November 2nd?) could be a boiling point... the news is too quite... its very "ordinary" in daily news... and yes look around you.. I was shopping (stocking up more) and saw huge baskets of beans and rice plus supplies ready for someone to pick up.... I talk to people and then ask about what they think of the economy everyone is really scared not. Its not "if" but "when" this hits us all.

Its just that something is different... everything is quiet.. very very quiet... my daughter (23) says its the calm before the storm. We are prepared as much as possible...

I think "it" will be one of the following

1) political elections causing riots
2) fake terrorist attack plotted by USA
3) real terrorist attack with dirty bomb on major American city
4) Change in currency or banks closing
5) Wall Street crashes with the stock market

if these happen... its over.

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