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Being Gay isnt natural

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posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by Haydn_17

Says who? who says we are here to reproduce? Science? Science can be wrong, we thought the earth was the center of the universe... then the sun now we know our galaxy isn't even the center of the universe...

What about when a guy masturbates? He's not reproducing, or impregnating... Maybe this is natures way of getting rid of us. We are over populated creating weapons that kill masses of our own species we have toxins in our water, we hunted other species into extinction. Maybe its time for our species to die out... Who knows I don't and neither do you... Nature and the universe has a balance and things happen for a reason.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by JonInMichigan

Originally posted by Haydn_17
But you dont simply walk up to her and have sex, you know thats not acceptable.

But I can day dream that it is acceptable!
Im friending you for that

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by Xiamara
reply to post by Haydn_17

Says who? who says we are here to reproduce? Science? Science can be wrong, we thought the earth was the center of the universe... then the sun now we know our galaxy isn't even the center of the universe...

What about when a guy masturbates? He's not reproducing, or impregnating... Maybe this is natures way of getting rid of us. We are over populated creating weapons that kill masses of our own species we have toxins in our water, we hunted other species into extinction. Maybe its time for our species to die out... Who knows I don't and neither do you... Nature and the universe has a balance and things happen for a reason.

Ok i admit it, your right, you and other members have changed my perception of Homosexuality

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by Xiamara

But i still stand to my point that it isnt really a natural thing to feel.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by Haydn_17

No because you are straight if your gay and are forced to be straight I'm sure it feels the same way. Don't bash gays because you don't get it...

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 03:17 PM
We are all gay its just a matter of to what extent are you gay
WARNING !!! This is R rated. PG in my opinion but what do I know

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 03:20 PM
It's kind of ironic that people say being gay isn't natural when it's apparent in NATURE. The animal kingdom shows homosexuality in almost ALL species, including humans. You can't tell me that animals are "choosing" to be gay can you?

As far as your ability to understand, if you aren't a homosexual there is no way for you to understand, not totally in any case.

Futhermore it's not like this affects anybody who isn't a homosexual in the first place. Needless to say that we are completely able to reproduce, my junk works just fine and so does the large majority of homosexuals.

How we choose to go about it however may be different then heterosexuals, doesn't make it any less valuable in my eyes.


posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by Haydn_17

To mate is to reproduce, if I see an attractive female I'm not thinking I want to reproduce with her, that's the last thing I want with someone I don't know. All I'm thinking is I want to have sex with her. So I don't see your logic in that.

You said orgasms happen when you ejaculate sperm so therefor having an orgasm is natures way of reproducing?
I don't understand your logic with this either, females have orgasms and cum, you can't get pregnant like that. Hell the girl doesn't even have to have an orgasm to get pregnant, so you are incorrect with the statement you put forward.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by Haydn_17Being attracted to the opposite sex is your bodies way of ensuring the species lives on.

You have to realize that "attraction" is subjective. What's your favorite band? Is the lead singer a male? Are you not attracted to his voice or his lyrics, or his musical ability? Who is your favorite athlete? Is he not a male? Are you not attracted to his maneuvers and abilities? Who is your hero, real or not? Are you not attracted to the idea of him? What's your favorite color? Are you not attracted to this color? This doesn't mean you want to sleep with it.

Attraction is more than just sexual reproduction. Some people get married and never engage in sexual intercourse. Ever seen an elderly couple? Think they are knockin boots? I doubt it.

In some way, you and your closest friends are attracted to each other. Does this make you gay? No, but it does mean there's more to attraction than spreading the genes.

Ever seen a handsome man and thought: "If I only I looked like him, I'd get laid more."? You can't say you haven't, not honestly anyway. If anything, this could be considered natural. Subconsciously, you are attracted to the strongest traits of your own gender, and yes, this attraction is in a sexual context.

In my mind, attraction is more about spreading ideas than propagating the species. Perhaps at one point attraction was solely meant to ensure the survival of the species (it actually makes sense), but humans didn't come this far without evolving. Human-human attraction is about ensuring the survival of knowledge AND ensuring the survival of the species.

Personally, when I see two guys kissing, it makes me gag (or leave the room), but this is my own personal psychological conditioning. It's unnatural to me, but it's obviously natural to them. But when I see two girls kissing, it's hot. How can this possibly make sense? The answer: it doesn't. It's all in the individual mind.

Who knows? Without homosexuals, the human species might've went extinct thousands of years ago. Some of the greatest minds in history could've been hiding in the closet for all we know. There's really no way to tell what's natural and unnatural; not easily, anyway,

edit on 23-9-2010 by xiphias because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by Haydn_17

Originally posted by Jay-morris
Also, there are many straght people who don't want kids, but still have sex. Is that unatural too?

Only because we have designed birth control methods is that possible, if you want sex and you wait, you want it so much, if would have it no matter what. if you wanted kids or not.

Thats still your instincts kicking in, forcing you to reproduce.

I think you are making this up as you go along. People have sex to have children yes, but people also have sex because they like it. Nothing to do with thoughts of reproducing. Also, if you want to go down that road, then why do women have organisms. They don't need them to get pregnant.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by Haydn_17

You said you ask because you want to learn, but you argue against many who offer nothing but truth. Here we go again:

Homosexuality: Not a choice. Anyone who argues this is the definition or ignorant, if 100% of the gay population is telling you that it is not a choice, accept it as fact, because you do not know for yourself. Do not tell gay people what they are -- they know -- you are the one who needs to be educated here. "Deny ignorance", if you will.

Homosexuality: Not any more of a sin than working on the sabbath or eating a pig (all stoneable offenses according to the Bible, which clearly promotes child slavery and genocide in other sections). Don't pick and choose which parts of your religion you want to believe to support your twisted stereotypes.

Homosexuality: Not something that is really anyone's place to form an opinion about because it's not a negotiable matter. It is a fact that you are uninformed about; whether or not you're mature enough to accept what people tell you so graciously over and over again is your own hang-up, don't pretend your "opinion" holds any weight against those who experience it every day of their lives.

Homosexuality: Not unnatural. If humanity did not have homosexuality, humanity would not be here. It's likely nature's way of keeping the population in check. The suppression of homosexuality has likely played a major role in the extreme increases in population density and resource problems all over the world.

Also, lesbians know where the G-spot is; by your logic, they are the most natural relationship because they are the best at achieving this natural female pleasure? And, last time I checked, the prostate gland is located in an overly convenient spot to provide pleasure for men during anal intercourse and result in a scientifically more pleasurable experience. By the looks of it, by your logic, heterosexuality is the most "unnatural" of relationships. This way of thinking is pretty silly.

You ask the question "Why". So I ask it back to you for the sake of perspective; why are you heterosexual? What have you done to deserve it? Do you think gay people want to be gay? To be ridiculed throughout their teenage years, to be generalized by the government, to sacrifice their emotional stability in the name of love? Truth is, it's just something that happens. If gay were a choice, there would certainly be no gay men -- not with the way many straight men treat them based on ignorance.

My biggest hope is that you don't impress this crap on your children, my father did and I loathed him until I explained the entire thing to him, and he understood. We had the worst relationship because he thought he had to impose on my "opinions" (realizations is more like it), now that we get along, he regrets it; I forgive him, but I will always resent this activity and remember how it destroyed my adolescence.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 04:00 PM
Animals also perform unnatural acts with other species, not just with other genders. Remember that the next time a dog hangs on your leg. Using the misorientation of animals as an excuse to justify homosexuality is not helping their argument. Physical body characteristics might help, tho: The vagina has a 30 cell deep protection against tearing. The anus has one cell layer. Tearing in the anus can result in infection into the body, and that is compounded by the contact with fecal matter. Just based on that alone, it is a bad idea.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by Jim Scott
Animals also perform unnatural acts with other species, not just with other genders. Remember that the next time a dog hangs on your leg. Using the misorientation of animals as an excuse to justify homosexuality is not helping their argument. Physical body characteristics might help, tho: The vagina has a 30 cell deep protection against tearing. The anus has one cell layer. Tearing in the anus can result in infection into the body, and that is compounded by the contact with fecal matter. Just based on that alone, it is a bad idea.

Care to explain oral sex and fetishes using this logic? What about hermaphrodites?

One could argue that the 30 cell deep protection in the vagina is intended solely for child bearing purposes, not sexual intercourse. The one cell layer in the anus is obviously intended for dropping deuces. You really have to separate biology from psychology if you want to contrast heterosexuality and homosexuality. I highly doubt homosexuality is solely about anal sex.

I'm not saying it's right or it's wrong. It's all in the eye of the beholder. Is homosexuality a choice? I'd argue: yes, and so is heterosexuality. We have a brain and the ability to make decisions for a reason. Those personal decisions should be respected.

edit on 23-9-2010 by xiphias because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 04:20 PM
I hate to dive into this, cause it's like trying to convince a democrat a republican is right about something

The OP's poorly worded post was intended, imo, to start a biological discussion about reproduction and the animal urges that humans feel in order to procreate. All the knee jerk, PC responses reveal that when it comes to some subjects, you aren't very open minded to discuss facts and ideas at all. As someone else posted, they could post a 'religion is BS' topic and no one would bat an eye.

So here's some facts to help get this thread going in somewhat the direction it was intended:

A) Homosexuality is a choice, and Homosexuality is not a choice. To further confuse, homosexuality is a choice made under duress.

1. Many people are born with feelings and attractions to the other sex. It is clear that these people are indeed born homosexual.
2. Some people are exposed to homosexuality and enjoy it, and adapt to it, becoming homosexual or bisexual.
3. Some people may have been born heterosexual, but through sexual or other trauma in their lives they are unable or unwilling to expose themselves to the opposite sex. We are still wired to want companionship, and homosexuality is the only choice aside from being very alone in life.

B) Homosexuality is appearing to be on the rise. Again there are three factors:

1. Growing social acceptance of homosexuality in the last 30+ years has created an environment where homosexual people can come out without the traditional fears of being shunned, abused and demeaned.
2. The same growing acceptance allows people who are in a position to experiment with homosexuality to act on their curiosities without the same fear of retribution, ergo more people are trying and liking a homosexual lifestyle.
3. Sexual abuse has become so common and widespread in our society that the number of people who are affected by heterosexual intimacy issues has skyrocketed. No I didn't do research on that today, but I have in the past, feel free to put in the time to verify. I believe that today 1:4 women experience some form of sexual abuse/assault in their lifetime. That's 25%. That's HORRIBLE. I *think* the same statistic for males is 1:10, but I am not as sure of that number. Again, HORRIBLE.

C) What happened to the natural instinct to reproduce? For this question we have to look at the "born homosexuals", the other 2 categories I listed have too many social variables to properly answer the question.

Who knows? Social and Biological scientists have put their minds to this question for some time now, and there are many theories but no one has come up with a smoking gun to explain homosexual urges.
I googled "scientific theories for homosexuality" and got tons of great links, this is the first on the list, with some great scientific data regarding ideas and theories on your question:

Anyhow, hope that bit helps, everyone else, don't profess to be open minded and analytical, but then immediately resort to childish attacks and condemnation when the PC topic of the moment is brought up in a questionable light.

Deny Ignorance my friends.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by Haydn_17

People forget, we are surrounded by technology, social trends, but deep down, really we are animals, animals with basic instincts, to survive, to reproduce, for some reason our society is losing its instinct to reproduce, 1% of the UK see themselves as being Gay or Lesbian, not much, but what will the figure be like in 100 years time? 10%?

edit on 23-9-2010 by Haydn_17 because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-9-2010 by Haydn_17 because: (no reason given)

I think it's genetic most of the time (hormones and chromosomal) If you'd let them be and let nature take it's course instead of forcing them in closets to reproduce, the tendency to be gay will most likely dwindle, not increase.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by quantum_flux
People are going gay because ...........

I`m a straight guy who has slowly come to realise the avalanche of ignorance, that the gay community must deal with on a daily basis .


posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by blamethegreys

I'd just like to say amazing post. However, your stat on women in my opinion should be higher. There are so many unreported rapes and abuse cases involving women is scary. Not to mention at my university in the first week of school there was a stat that 1:3 women will get sexually assaulted, that's including the unreported ones...

In the first 2 weeks there were 20 women who were sexually assaulted. Most women in university end up not reporting it due to the fear they wont get a conviction because they were drinking and ended up unconscious and getting raped. There was a story in BC about a 15 year old girl who was drugged then raped repeatedly by a group of men ages from 15-20's I think. This event was filmed then posted on the web.

Sorry totally unrelated but I thought I would just add that.

As well there is still a lot of homophobia. There was a gay man who I heard speak about his trials and hardships he was nearly killed in his dorm room, when campus police came by they told him its his own fault for being gay.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 04:41 PM
I admit that, due to circumstances going on in my real world right this moment, I cannot read all of the replies to the OP, so if I am repeating anyone else, I humbly apologize.

But my spin here is pretty simple... As a straight male I feel that trying to engage in gay sex would be very unnatural for me.

And I imagine that a gay person would feel exactly the same way if they were forced to contemplate heterosexual relations.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by Haydn_17

Originally posted by Xiamara
Aren't there cases of homosexual dolphins and other animals too... Also being gay is natural, its people who say its not who aren't. If its your instinct to be attracted to the same sex why deny it? Also Homosexuals have been around a looooong time. Sorry OP your the weird one...

I am straight but I really don't care what you do with your life or who you love. Love is love that's all it is. No one has the right to say who you should love...

So your telling me that if every Dolphin, monkey or whatever decided to be Gay it would ok? You would happily accept the demise of a species, by just following "there feelings"?

edit on 23-9-2010 by Haydn_17 because: (no reason given)

Um, how do you plan on making animals that are gay mate with the oppisite sex? I can see how you can intimidate or threaten a human too..but wth are you planning on doing with the dolphins, monkeys, w/e? Explain to them that they do not understand their true instincts?

Yea you're real far off and seriously lacking in research. The very fact that animals can be gay blows away you're "instinct" theory.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 04:48 PM
A gene harmful to male reproduction may be retained by natural selection , if it provides an advantage to female reproduction .
There has been some research which has shown that female relatives of a male homosexual are more fecund , producing more children.

There needs to be more research conducted but it looks like an interesting avenue of inquiry, with this `apparent` Darwinian paradox perhaps being better understood.

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