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WTC North Tower (securty camra Video )

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posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 12:20 PM
Newly released clip of security camera on the North Tower... Short clip, but I thought it was pretty interesting

real or fake ?

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by Nephi1337

Should be fairly obvious that it's a fake.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by Nephi1337

Totally fake.
wrong kind of airplane.
The 9/11 airplanes were, I think 767's. That looks like a 707.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 12:28 PM
i thought it was fake ,but why would anyone do this ? and what is the point ? their are some sick people out their ,it reminds me of that picture of the guy standing on top of the wtc tower and you can see a plane behind him getting ready to hit the building

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 12:39 PM
It's funny, Meph, I was about to reply and I noticed the following link in the threads section to the right...

Disinformation Tactics

You might find the answer as to why someone would do such a thing in there.

edit on 9-23-2010 by rogerstigers because: fixed link

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by OldDragger
reply to post by Nephi1337

Totally fake.
wrong kind of airplane.
The 9/11 airplanes were, I think 767's. That looks like a 707.

Yup agree with this poster looks like a 707 to me too with the four engines. Im pretty sure that 100% faked .. very poorly at that.

Why cant websites that put these videos up do a bit of basic back ground knowledge research.. fooooools

edit on 23-9-2010 by ThePeaceMaker because: added additional views

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by Nephi1337
i thought it was fake ,but why would anyone do this ? and what is the point ? their are some sick people out their ,it reminds me of that picture of the guy standing on top of the wtc tower and you can see a plane behind him getting ready to hit the building

Not fake in the sense of trying to fool anybody. I think I saw it in a dramatisation of 9/11.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by Nephi1337

How would security camera footage survive the cataclysm that followed? And if so, why not more security camera images if it were possible?

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by Witness2008

The camera itself would not have to survive. Most security cameras are feeding their video by either video wire or network to a remote server that may not even be on site.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by rogerstigers

It's stands to reason then that there would have by now been leaked security camera images. Maybe there are and I have simply missed them.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by Witness2008

Oh I agree.. the lack of this sort of footage is actually more than a little puzzling to me. I have heard like many others that the FBI confiscated lots of footage. What bothers me is that it was never really relased after they were done with it.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by rogerstigers

A bit of searching gave me

A powerdown would result in keeping unnecessary electronics from sucking power.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 01:25 PM

Originally posted by rogerstigers
reply to post by Witness2008

Oh I agree.. the lack of this sort of footage is actually more than a little puzzling to me. I have heard like many others that the FBI confiscated lots of footage. What bothers me is that it was never really relased after they were done with it.

You're thinking of the 84 videos the FBI obtained from cameras CC near the Pentagon. All but one showed nothing (and the one exception only showed a shadow), which makes sense given that CC cameras generally point at what they're supposed to guard, rather than a government office building nearby.

And the reason they were never released (apart from the one showing the shadow of AA77), is that all of the videos were private property. After the FBI were finished with them, they were turned over to their respective owners.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 01:32 PM
Why would the security camera be adjusted to the light ouside thereby rendering the building's interior all but invisible due to darkness/shadow?

Also, if you look at the actual footage, smoke/dust/debris billows up almost instantaneously after the crash, but in the "security footage", nothing of the sort appears outside the windows a good second or two afterward.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by roboe

Do you have something to substantiate that the footage caught with private security cameras had been returned to their owners? I would think that these business owners could put to rest all of the conspiracy theories and shed some light on the truth. Seems a reasonable human thing to do if you are correct.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by Witness2008

All of that was on the now defunct website.

The site is gone now, but the result of the FOIA request is still available here:

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 01:56 PM
i agree, seems a fake video to me, the point about the exposure is spot on, if that was a real security camera it's not doing it's job at all.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 02:00 PM
Why would someone on the umpteenth floor of the WTC building have a security cam on a darkened conference rooom mailnly featuring the window, anyway? Are there no people on that floor?
Were they expecting Spiderman?

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by Nephi1337

At least the plane approaches in same attitude as on rest of the videos (it's left wing slightly upwards compared to the right wing)..

And why do the security cameras have such poor image quality? With such poor quality, many details lacks precisision in case of robbery/accident/perpetration...


edit on 23-9-2010 by v01i0 because: 545

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 02:06 PM
Wrong thread!!!

edit on 9/23/10 by Hefficide because: (no reason given)

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