posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by Awory
When you leave the military, you are given a form (DD-214) that documents your entire military career. However, I believe the numbers in question were
derived from the VA. The VA, through their benefits program, has good ensight to a person's living condition, whether homeless or not. Many veterans
even seek social services from the VA. When you are veteran, you have access to help that non-veterans don't have access to, therefore almost all
homeless veterans (with VA benefits) take advantage of these services. In fact, most homeless shelters and other social welfare programs for the
homeless population document whether you are a veteran or not, as you are entitled to more help as a veteran. I have volunteered my time at several
homeless intervention programs and the most common question asked of these homeless people, is whether or not they are a veteran, which their answer
is verified through records. Of course if a veteran chooses not to disclose whether he is a veteran, he wouldn't be counted, though I'm sure that is
very rare. Furthermore, almost all homeless people seek out help at one time or another, whether it be for a blanket on a cold night, a hot meal on
Turkey Day, a new and clean needle for their drug habit or a medical problem. They are then documented as veteran or not.
I have no doubt in my mind that these numbers are very accurate and that's saying a lot, as I usually don't come to the same conclusion for other
government derived statistics.
edit on 23-9-2010 by airspoon because: (no reason given)