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something I finally feel comfortable sharing and hopefully get some insight from others..

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posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 10:09 AM
I have gone back and forth on whether to tell this on here or not. I have told a few members in private and they have suggested I share it and not worry what others think.

This is a dream I had years ago, over 5 yrs and it scared the living crap out of me. I woke up in tears and I just felt scared and couldn't sleep after that. It bothered me for a while and it bothered me even more when I saw two things in my dream later on in my life things I had never seen before that dream and yet these two things were staring me in the face in real life years later.

I have had dreams come true before so this is what really disturbed me about the one I had years ago.. It felt so real.

Here is what happened in my dream.

There was some sort or war going on that much I can tell because there were helicopters and fire everywhere. People were running and hiding. There were small aircraft flying all over as well. They were really small sort of like drones. Well I was hiding in the water next to this white round building with other people. We were hiding from these guys in black military style suits and they had these gas mask things on that were very creepy and I will never forget what they looked like because I had never seen anything like it before. The area were were hiding in had a bridge behind the white round buildings and the other people and I were hiding in the water and trying not to be seen by the helicopters and guys in those suits walking around. I remember fires everywhere it was literally like a war was going on. Everyone was scared and trying not to get caught. I just remember all of us praying that we would get out of this situation or that it wasn't happening.

That is all that really happened but the two things in that dream that disturbed me most were the white round buildings and the uniforms the military type guys were wearing. I will get some pics of the buildings if I can, you kind of have to pull over on the bridge and you really aren't allowed to do that so I don't want to get a ticket since cops sit there daily.

I moved to where I currently live 2 years ago and before that I had never been to the area I live now, NEVER. Well the first time I drove over one of the main roads to get to the beach side I turned white as a ghost and started to shake. The white building I saw in my dream and bridge were staring me right in the face. It made that dream seem more real at that moment. My friend asked what was wrong and I just made up a lie that I didn't feel good. I had never been to this part of FL before and I had never crossed that bridge before. I had this dream long before I ever saw this area and to see what I saw in my dream so many years before really freaked me out. I don't even like looking at that building when I drive over the bridge to work, and I have to pass that white round building every day I go to work.

The other part of my dream that freaked me out was the uniforms and I can't for the life of me find the picture anymore. I was reading online about the military getting new gas mask type uniforms and the picture sent chills down my spine because again something from my dream was staring me right in the face. I use to have the picture on my old laptop but when it crashed I lost the picture and I haven't been able to find it since. I hope that maybe someone on here who is knowledgeable in military style uniforms might know what I am talking about. The uniforms were out in the last two years. I don't remember what branch had the uniforms but I do know that seeing the picture sent chills down my spine.

Again this is not something I easily or opening like to talk about because usually people just say I am nuts or they say I must have seen it before well I can tell you this I had this dream years before I ever lived here and I had never been to the area before so seeing something in my dream and then seeing it where I live literally a mile from my house and viewable from my balcony really creeps me out. I don't know what to think of this dream but it has always been in the back of my mind. I will never forget how I felt when I woke up. It was complete terror, like I was fighting my way to survive in the dream.

Thanks to those who encouraged me to tell know who you are

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 10:26 AM
Hello! Glad you shared, and it sounds like a terrifying place you were in!

The soldiers you described sound like the Year Zero soldiers from the Nine Inch Nails concept album of the same name. They would be the type of soldiers used in domestic situations, as in more police than actual military. Maybe used for rounding folks up.

1.16 onwards.

Unfortunately only time will tell if your dream is prophetic or not, and if it is, it will be too late.

I hope I haven't killed your thread!

edit on 23-9-2010 by Big Raging Loner because: To remove TMI!!!

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by mblahnikluver

Thanks for sharing..That takes courage..

I really hope your dream was just that, a dream..

The alternative is too scary..

You may have seen these two items on TV or in a book, who knows..

I'm one of the lucky ones that only has nice dreams..
I've only had a couple of nightmares in my whole life and I woke up in a sweat each time.


posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 11:08 AM
This sounds like something out of a post-apocalypse video game!

You know, in all may have had a premonition. There is no doubt in my mind that this sort of thing will happen. Our economy is heading for a major collapse due to the housing crisis, the job shortages, and the flood of money being thrown into the system.

I hope your dream is wrong, but I do not see how it could be!

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by CynicalM
reply to post by mblahnikluver

Thanks for sharing..That takes courage..

I really hope your dream was just that, a dream..

The alternative is too scary..

You may have seen these two items on TV or in a book, who knows..

I'm one of the lucky ones that only has nice dreams..
I've only had a couple of nightmares in my whole life and I woke up in a sweat each time.



I can assure you I have never seen either before. The building and area it is in I had never been to or even heard of before I moved here and the uniforms are new in the last two years so I didn't see those previously when I had this dream more than 5 years ago.

Here is another dream I had in 2002 and it came true. I dreamt I saw my recent ex-boyfriends engagement announcement in the paper. I woke up upset since it had only been about two months since we broke up. Well he and I had lunch that following day and long story short he told me he was engaged. It was a surreal moment and I freaked out. I left extremely upset because my dream was right and well it got even weirder after that. I got the paper every day well that day I didn't for some reason, it just never came. I like to think divine intervention...Well my mother had the paper and knew it was only a matter of time before I called her and told her. When I got my hands on a paper that day I literally had a breakdown it was the exact article and picture from my dream. It literally had come true.

This isn't the only one I have had come true like this which is why the dream I shared on here disturbs me most since I saw two things in my dream in my real life years later. I don't know what it means and I hope what I saw NEVER happens. I honestly just want to move out of the area and was going to but I am stuck here for two more years due to school.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 11:11 AM
reply to post by Big Raging Loner

Thanks for you reply. Ok that video is creepy..

I guess they would be more like police but the uniforms I saw online were for the military, might have been the national guard but I can't remember. I have been looking online for a while for that article and picture and so far I can't find it. If I remember correctly it was an AOL news article.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 11:11 AM
I remember having a dream some years back about a nuke going off in either washigton DC, or NYC...some east coast city anyhow...and seeing the destruction.

I was very concerned for awhile that the dream was some sort of precog dream because it was so real and vivid.

at the time, I was also playing -alot- of fallout 3. I reckon it was a connection.

I am curious what makes some dreams far more vivid than others.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 11:11 AM
I know this is your thread and all but i just wanted to say that i have had a dream about being in a warzone, and it was extremly frightening. and disturbing, not creepy but too realistic.

I was a tourist in maybe afganistan/iraq(i think) and was on some sort of guided tour of a building, we were all out side sitting on a bench at this point, when armed rebel fighters stormed in and started shooting people, someone put there arm around my head, to comfort. but I knew I was going to get shot any second. And I was. shot in the head, then I woke up. This was too real for me, I had no idea it was a dream when it was happening.

Just wanted to add this as i thought it was relevent, in that dreams can be very real and scary sometimes. while this hasn't had such an affect on me as you. it has changed my perspective of war.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 11:20 AM
Your Dream is of the Apocalypse. Get Ready!!!

!!! WAKE UP !!!

The CELL-PHONE is the MARK of the BEAST

WWW = 666 (Revelations 13)

From the Hebrew (kabbalah), Aramaic and Arabic (abjad) a "W" represents the number 6. The Arabic Numerals we use TODAY (0-9) assign value to position - unlike the Roman Numerals of yesteryear. Thus "W" in the 3rd position is 600, the 2nd is 60 and the 1st is 6 - 666 (Rev 13:18).

Think about it: A being known as Ba'alzebub (Beelzebub) – whose name literally means "LORD of the FLIES" created a World Wide Web like a spider – The Lord of the Flies.

The BEAST rising out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns (rev 13:1) is the G-7 (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom, and United States) and represents the meeting of the FINANCE MINISTERS from the seven “industrialized” nations – That cause “craft” (industry) to prosper (Dan. 8:25).

Upon his heads was the name of blasphemy (rev 13:1). THINK! If the “Majority” of the world is to be EVIL at the “end of times”, then DEMOCRACY would mean that DEMOns are ruling! (Demon-crazy - Blasphemy).

The Beast is like unto a leopard (fast mobile military), and his feet were as the feet of a bear (fast to dig in and set up military bases), and his mouth as the mouth of a lion (roars or speaks as King of the Jungle or Leader of the free world) rev 13:2. Why wouldn’t he speak as Leader of the free world, power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations – Leader of the free world (rev 13:7).

Germany is the Head that received a deadly wound in WWII - And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. (rev 13:3). The healing of this wound was the destruction of the Berlin Wall representing the removal of a “Bandage” on 11/9/1989 – AS ALL THE WORLD WATCHED.

Who is like unto the beast (G-7)? who is able to make war with him? (rev 13:4) Whom maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men (televised Airstrikes - Missiles/Bombs) rev 13:13. The G-7 was Formed in 1976, when Canada, joined the other six nations – and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months - 42 years – until 2018 (rev 13:5) – much happens before then so be vigilant.

The 4 European G-7 nations (France, Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom) plus 23 other European Nations, belong to the European Union (EU) – The Second Beast (rev 13:11-13) - who exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him (rev 13:12). The EU like the G-7 deals with FINANCES.

The second Beast, the EU, says to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast (G-7), which had the wound by a sword, and did live (rev 13:14). The BEAST (G-7), being financial, its image is the "EURO". THINK!!! - ??? When in history have countries grouped together to form a "currency" ??? In Revelations 13:14 the image (EURO) is to the 1st beast the G-7 but it is actually of the 2nd beast the EU.

And he had POWER to give LIFE unto the image of the beast (EURO), that it should BOTH SPEAK, and cause that as many as would not worship it should be killed (Rev 13:15). The “POWER” is a Battery, the building block of LIFE is the Biological "CELL" and the SPEAKING is the "PHONE". The CELL-PHONE, which goes in your “RIGHT-HAND” gives life unto the EURO (image of the Beast), so that it may BOTH SPEAK and cause all who won’t worship it to be put to Death - with a PHONE-CALL to the authorities. In case you don’t want a CELL-PHONE in your “RIGHT-HAND” - Get a BLUE-TOOTH to place it on YOUR HEAD!!! (rev 13:16)

NO other interpretation can explain this IMAGE of the BEAST - Having BOTH LIFE and SPEAKING except for the CELL-PHONE, which is literally saying (LIFE-SPEAK). ALL, small and great, rich and poor, free and bond (house arrest, prison contraband) have CELL PHONES (rev 13:16) - Not RFID implants or credit-cards (which neither have life, nor speak).

WE shall not be able to buy or sell without the internet WWW or 666 (rev 13:17). What more do you need? What are you worshipping? CELL PHONES emit radiation that WILL cause cancer! - and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast (Cell-Phone), and upon them which worshipped his image (Rev 16:1). Look at the frequencies of 3G and 4G cellular networks and compare them to Microwaves. What happens when a microwave is placed on your temple or in your HANDS!!!

DONT be FOOLED - the CELL PHONE is the MARK of the BEAST giving LIFE (CELL) unto the IMAGE (EURO) of the BEAST (EU) so that it may SPEAK (PHONE) and WWW is the 666 - the medium a cell phone uses to conduct (Finances) and WILL replace the EURO once the economy collapses!!! (Rev 13:15) Can any human out-smart Ba’alzebub, when he fooled Angels? - all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life (rev 13:8).

The Name (Euro or Internet (e-commerce)), the number of his name (WWW or 666), The mark (CELL-PHONE) - rev 13:17. WWW is 666 and the Number of a Man - the EUROpean commonly called the White-man or The “man”; of which the EURO is an image of and the DOMINANT world currency today - surpassing the Dollar in usage in the year 2008 (rev 13:18).

The "BIBLE" says: a Kingdom divided amongst itself will surely fall: (Matthew 12:25-28)

Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand. If Satan drives out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then can his kingdom stand? And if I drive out demons by Ba’alzebub (Lord of the Flies), by whom do your people drive them out? So then, they will be your judges. But if I drive out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.

ThereFore: By LOGIC AND Common Sense:

if Hitler was evil, then whom he call MASTER was the devil. His BLOND-HAIRED, BLUE-EYED "MASTER" race has been ruling ever since. They came from the Nephilim and are The FALLEN ANGELS (Anglo's) mixing with the Saxons (Anglo-Saxon). The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown (Gen 6:4, numbers 13:32,33). These are NOT the BHBE that any of you have seen, I'm NOT racist. These Beings have Glowing Blue Eyes.

If all Else Fails (Logic and Common Sense), Just FOLLOW the MONEY:

$ -> Hitler/Germany -> SWISS BANKS -> EU -> EURO -> WWW/666 -> CELL-PHONE!!!

We are at the end of the money trail, the end of times, who do you think is ruling? To help save lives, copy this letter and distribute it. That’s all GOD asks of us, For Now. Our Faith is being tested by fire, it is not a matter of whether we Believe IN GOD, the test is: ??? DO We Believe GOD ???

If any man have ear, let him HEAR! He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints: (rev 13:9,10). And also through his policy also he shall cause craft (industry) to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many (peace keeping forces): he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand. (Dan 8:25)… If thy hand offend thee, cut it off:.. (mark 9:43)

Warning: This message will be considered the ramblings of a Mad Fool, by all not chosen! The days of visitation are come, the days of recompence are come; Israel shall know it: the prophet is a fool, the spiritual man is mad, for the multitude of thine iniquity, and the great hatred. (Hos. 9:7)

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 11:23 AM
Is this the style gas mask you speak of, which were being rolled out in 2008?

Could you at least tell us the name of the town the bridge with the white round building is in? We can find it on Google Maps if you give us that information, and then pictures will follow

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by SaturnFX

I have always had very vivid type dreams. I know when I am dreaming many times and I can control it, it's actually fun sometimes. I have had dreams where they freaked me out so bad that didn't want to "play" anymore so I woke myself up. I know to many this sounds crazy esp to my non ATS buddies. I could never tell them this stuff, they would just look at me funny which is why I felt comfortable telling it on ATS, it took me a while but I decided it was time.

Then I have dreams like this that are just disturbing and give me a feeling unlike any other regular dream I have.

I really do believe dreams mean something, there is something to them and I have always believed that. I have used my dreams and interpretations for many things in my life. I use to dream all the time that my teeth were falling out, had that dream more times than I can count.

I had a dream about a nuclear bomb going off and it scared me because as anyone knows on these boards I am terrified of them. I was in the pool with a friend and I see this flash near the space center and I knew what it was. I told my friend to duck under the water and next thing I see is a flash of light. I got under the water and I look up and see this fire flame go over us in the pool, that is when I woke up. Now that could have to do with the things I read or the fact that I had watched "The Day After" a week or so before that dream, but it still scared the bejesus out of me.

I really just want out of Florida...

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by MarshMallow_Snake
This sounds like something out of a post-apocalypse video game!

You know, in all may have had a premonition. There is no doubt in my mind that this sort of thing will happen. Our economy is heading for a major collapse due to the housing crisis, the job shortages, and the flood of money being thrown into the system.

I hope your dream is wrong, but I do not see how it could be!

Yes that is exactly how it felt, although I don't play video games. I have no patience for all the buttons

I believe in premonitions because I have had some crazy experiences in my life with them. I one told my friends in a conversation everything he was about to say and it really creeped him out. It was like I had had that conversation before and knew what he was going to say and we had never had that conversation before. I even asked him if we discussed this before and he said no. This went on for about 20mins. It was like a long lasting deja vu or something.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 11:26 AM
Looks like you have some kind of gift, albeit not a very pleasant one, but perhaps useful if the dream does turn out to be prophetic in some way.
As the saying goes...'Forewarned is forearmed', so at least if you do see or come to know about any imminent activities of the nature enacted in your dream, you at least know that maybe you should get away from there if/when things get a bit hairy.
Like the other poster said, hopefully it was 'just a dream', but from what you said about never having been there before......, gets a bit spine tingly.

All the best.


posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by MR BOB

Hello Mr Bob, thanks for sharing your story. Yes i agree war dreams are quite scary. I have had dreams where I died and woke up immediately and I have had dreams where I died and just stopped dreaming but kept sleeping.

I had one about being crushed in the box compactor outside my job once. I knew I was going to die and was at peace with it. I could feel myself being crushed and when I died in my dream I woke up. It was creepy and I didn't go near that compactor for like two weeks. The dream had a lot of meaning as to what was going on in my life personally at the time and that is when I made some changes in my life. Dreams to me have meaning, it's just figuring out that meaning one has to do.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 11:39 AM
Hello there.... I definitely believe that some dreams can become boss at work once dreamt that i am going to marry a colleague of mine, way before this colleague and me even dated. Guess who is my wife now?

Please note that at the time my boss told me that dream, i was laughing, because i strictly believed in "no relationships at work"

edit on 23-9-2010 by nagabonar because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 11:58 AM
You know, I kinda like having epic dreams like that. Ones that you remember months down the road. Yours sounds just like Half Life 2
What with the copters flying around, little drones, and soldiers with gas mask type things (sounds just like what the Combine wear) as well as the refugees trying to hide out. Awesome game
Not so awesome though if you really had to live through something like that!

Thanks for sharing

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by mblahnikluver
reply to post by SaturnFX

I use to dream all the time that my teeth were falling out, had that dream more times than I can count.

That just sent shivers down my spine, I often had similar dreams. I never remember the context or premise of the dream, all I remember is how real the sensation is. You feel as though your front teeth are getting loose and every brush of your tongue on them is making it worse but you can never help to akwardly push your tongue against them. You start to panic not knowing what to do until your teeth finally give away and you can basically pull them out...It feels so real. That deep feeling of relief when you wake up confused of finding all of your teeth intact with the subtle brush of your tongue...Whoa

edit on 23-9-2010 by jesiaha because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by harrytuttle

That isnt the mask but thank you. There was actually a member who had an avatar that reminded me of it. I don't remember the members name however. They were in all black with these masks and they had guns, but not small ones. Sorry I am not familiar with guns. All I know is they were very creepy looking outfits. I do remember the mask having a hose like piece on it.

As for the city, it's Merritt Island and it's off of the 520 causeway. When you are going east its on the left side of the causeway. It extends out on it's own little piece of property. I honestly try not to look at it when I drive by since it gives me chills. I would use google earth and take a pic of it but I don't have google earth on this laptop and I can't get it cause it's not compatible with the OS on this Mac. Grrrr. My other laptop that has google earth is down and in need of assistance.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by jokerzwild
You know, I kinda like having epic dreams like that. Ones that you remember months down the road. Yours sounds just like Half Life 2
What with the copters flying around, little drones, and soldiers with gas mask type things (sounds just like what the Combine wear) as well as the refugees trying to hide out. Awesome game
Not so awesome though if you really had to live through something like that!

Thanks for sharing

Well I have never heard of either of those games since I am not a gamer in anyway unless it's old school NES

Yeah this is one I have thought about for years since I had it and even more so since I saw both these things in my dream. If I see anything else from that dream I might end up in the nut ward lol

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 12:31 PM
Wow.. I got chills while reading this. I've had a very similar dream, it occurred about 2 years ago and it still seems very fresh in my memory, as if it really had happened. Not trying to hijack the thread or anything, but I'll go ahead and share my dream. Some very interesting coincidences between both of ours..

My dream started in my home, or at least what I believed was my home in the dream. Upon awakening, I realized the house was nothing like my real home though. I remember the house seeming "out of date" to me.. Kind of rundown a but still a decent little place. It was dark outside, I didn't know for sure at first, but all of the lights were on. Most of my family was at my house and I couldn't really figure out why.. It seemed like a holiday maybe, but there were no decorations and there was an odd tension about everyone. What made it even more strange was knowing that my family rarely gets together because we live all over the eastern US, and making arrangements to have everyone somewhere at one time can be troublesome. Everyone seemed to be making idle chat, nothing out of the ordinary, but still an odd tension.. Almost like an ambient hum that kept everyone kind of at the same level. Almost melancholy.. Strange.

Then, the tension snaps.. A loud crash outside has everyone ducking and covering their heads for a moment, and the ground seems to rumble beneath my feat as an orange glow illuminates the front windows and living room. A few of us make our way to the window to see what exactly happened, and much to my dismay, I saw an aircraft of some kind, definitely of human origin, I didn't feel uncomfortable or surprised to see it, nor did anyone else. The surprising part was that it had crash landed or at least just crashed and tore up much of the street. My cousin Will, who is more like my brother.. Began speculating that maybe they tried to land, seeing as the street is a dead end. The neighborhood was still in tact, but something was off.. The houses seemed somewhat unkempt and the lights weren't on in many of them. Bushes and plants seemed to be scarce, and garbage seemed to be scattered about.. not just garbage from this aircraft, but plastic bottles and what not. It was like people no longer had a way to dispose of waste. Everyone else didn't seem to care, or act nearly as surprised as myself. It was almost like business as usual to them. So then I started to wonder what the hell was going on..I went to ask my Will and just as I did the Television began making an alarming sound, one that definitely grabbed my attention.
A bulletin was posted across the screen, inferring that we needed to pay attention. A mans face appeared and began to speak, and then the TV seemed to get fuzzy, the lights flickered for a moment and the power went out. Of course I didn't get to hear or see the whole message, but it seemed extremely urgent. At this point I started to wonder about other loved ones.. I was scared for them and overwhelmed with a sense of fear. I had no idea what was going on, but everyone else seemed to think it was bad news.. Or knew it was. I'm not exactly sure what happened to get me to the next point.. And this is where the major similarities between your dream and mine start to appear.

A few of us crept out the backdoor, in a very quiet fashion.. And to my surprise, it was nothing like I had expected. Mounds of dirt built up everywhere, creating pathways between them.. barbed wire garnished the tops of the mounds. It was like trenches you'd see from WWI only built up with dirt on top of the ground instead of dug into it. There were things on fire in some places and if I could have smelled it, for some reason I'm given the impression it would have smelled like burning rubber.. The air was pretty thick and a haze rested over everything. Will and I moved ahead, and a couple other family members stayed back for a moment, it seemed like they had come for another reason.. What? I'm not really sure, but they were there nonetheless. At this point Will climbed up the mound a couple steps and began to peak over, very cautiously. Eyes just barely over the top. He ducked quickly and a wide white light seemed to fan over top of the mounds, illuminating the haze in the air. He motioned me to look and as I did, I saw what looked like one the of the six wheeled amphibious vehicles that the military uses or at least used. A heavy gun was mounted on top and somebody was manning it, while fanning a giant searchlight around. It was fairly close to us and all I knew was it didn't seem like a good thing. Constant crashing sounds could be heard in the distance, some very close and others kind of echoed through the night from a greater distance. While observing this vehicle, I was overcome with a great sense of fear again, this time my heart was pounding. Two people were caught in search light and they stopped dead in their tracks. The person manning the weapon on top, pointed the weapon at them and an electronic sounding voice boomed over a speak commanding them to stay put. The vehicle's engine shut off and a couple heavily armored soldiers stepped out and approached the two people, one of the two received a blow to the back of the head via the stock on one of the soldier's weapons and the other person (definitely female) was drug by the back of her shirt collar into the backside of the vehicle. She was crying pretty badly. The other body lay limp in a ditch, face down in what appeared to be a muddy mess. The soldiers looked to be in some type of black or dark navy right gear, but instead of face shields they had a sort of helmet and a lens that covered the majority of their face that came from the bottom brim of the front of their helmet. It was rounded and contoured to their face in a way. It was dark in color too, and you couldn't make out any features of their face. The 2nd soldier, still standing near the limp body removed its helmet, revealing that it was a woman. I was given a very unsettling feeling when I saw her. She instilled a fear in me that could bring anyone to their knees. I didn't know what the hell was going on. She pulled out a walkie talkie type deal and radioed somebody. I couldn't make it out but Will looked at me with huge eyes. Just as he did searchlights scanned over top of us and seemed to be getting closer, Will came towards me and grabbed me to run and I could see lights shining against the mound next to us and a few pairs of feet could be heard stomping the ground as they seemed to get closer. My chest felt like it could explode and my heart was beating so fast.. I then woke up, drenched in sweat and heart racing.

I don't know what to think of it. I've discussed it with a couple people, but it could be attributed to a number of things. One of the most vivid dreams I've ever had though.

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