posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 01:52 PM
To anyone who resonated with the first message. I bring you another message from a divine source concerning our upcoming roles as times become
You are about to come into your freedom, your liberation from the eons of that which kept you in bondage. Know that with freedom comes great
responsibility. A Responsibility that will require you to have extreme wisdom along with extreme humility. These are qualities that will have to be
honed. These are qualities that will be honed when you face that which is about to descend upon you.
For the ‘snapping' of the chains of bondage, releases the fetters that not only kept you in control but also aligned you to a framework that
customized your thinking and your behaviours around that which you considered the norms of your world...norms which you diligently ‘obeyed.' You
manoeuvred within this framework of norms which was designed to give support to your reality as you believed it to be.
This is now about to change.
You keep thinking that these changes have to do with changes a la Terra...but more than that these changes have to do with changes to and within You
and your psyche and that alone will pose more challenges to you, because that which supported your perceptions of your world is about to be removed
from below your very feet.
It will be instructive to you, if you have not been mentally prepared to think upon this...other than that what you are about to face WILL by
necessity re-engineer or rather re-format that thinking and in so doing force you to face a different reality than what you have become accustomed to
.. It is in the acclimatisation to this new reality that you are about to hone your lessons on responsibility..
Responsibility carries with it a "Godly' charge of energy, that has, in the reality that is about to end, been used in a manner that was considered
less than Godly.
Those who were entrusted with such a Godly charge used it in a fashion that meted out force and dominion over others. As responsibility is an intense
energy, it is a Godly charge...the force of such usage and the intent behind the usage have wrought calamity upon the planet and her inhabitants by
those who mishandled and abused this Godly charge - this Godly Energy of responsibility...
All that is about to change.
This message is for those who are now going to be entrusted with this Godly charge of Responsibility...The apple cart is about to be turned upside
down. While it was felt that there was sufficient time to hone the newcomers in the art of responsibility, certain mitigating circumstances have now
pre-empted or caused the ‘fast-tracking of the lessons necessary to allow those being entrusted with this God charge to ‘care-take' this energy
in their hands and use it with the utmost diligence as expected of those utilizing their God sense or better described, their God ‘essence.'
The ‘hastening' of events however, minimizes the necessary time to affect the timing of preparation of the very few who are now being entrusted
with such responsibility. Said differently, Not many have had sufficient ‘on the ground' preparation for the discharging of such responsibility
within the context just mentioned. .
Therefore I am here to advise you that your learning will be experienced in these times of renewal, for to handle the changes which are to descend
upon you will require your discharging of responsibilities within the context of leadership, wisdom, understanding and humility.
You will not get it right at first...but circumstances facing you will force you to get it right not too long after...Your first response will be
‘instinctive' and that can go in any direction based upon your experience and exposure to trauma and the like. For this reason I say that you may
not get it right the first time. However your initial exposure will temper you somewhat and the rapid succession of events will put your mind on
When the mind is in that state...the God essence will emerge unencumbered...for the mind, being in a somewhat temporary ‘unthinking' phase, allows
for the God essence to emerge unchallenged by a ‘questioning' mind.
That, for all intents and purposes, gives free rein to the God essence and from the God essence will flow the God charge which will now imbue your
Human essence including the ‘auto-piloted' mind.
When this happens the mind, which was on ‘ auto-pilot', comes ‘ on line' with the God Essence and in that sense you will now be of God mind and
now expected to discharge the God Charge as is expected of One with God and of God.
Do not be afraid of this. DO not go into fear of this awesome authority that is about to be thrust upon you. Do not feel that it will be too much to
bear while simultaneously dealing with indescribable situations....That is the best way to learn in any event. ‘Hands-on' experience or
experiential knowledge is significantly superior to abstract theory and knowledge gleaned under hypothetical or differing circumstances.
What you are about to face is monumental and will be a milestone of significant proportions. It is not beyond any of you to handle this for you have
been well chosen.
What will determine your success is your ability to face your fear and forge ahead. What will determine your success is your knowing that there are
many around you (even if you don't see them) and asking for help. What will determine your success is your knowing that you are equipped to handle
this, even if you don't remember such or even if your programming tells you that you are a loser or that you are too weak or that you are not smart
That is just the programming that has been put there to keep you unknowing of who and what you truly are. A programming that most of you
sub-consciously and consciously bought into and accepted, in order to preserve your human life while awaiting your ‘mission'.
Do not over analyse to the extent of mental paralysis...
Continue as you would, continue as you should but keep your ‘ears to the ground and your eyes to the skies.'
And remember this ‘lead up time' to events constitutes part of your physical preparation, your mental training and your spiritual downloading..