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A Message from our Creator Son

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posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 09:29 PM
I'd like to share with you all a channeled message from Christ Michael Aton - the Creator Son of this universe. Those of you unfamiliar with Michael may wish to consult the Urantia Book (

This piece was channeled today and foretells of imminent and earth-shattering changes that are upon us. Please take heed and prepare as a tumultuous period is coming to a head.

In light,


The cradle of your birth and sustenance is now prepared for an overhaul which shall lead to the fall of all that have chosen to fall. Her rocking shall no longer be that gentle balm to your frenzied senses and tiring bodies. The tempo of her movements will create discomfort and for many fear. Yet this is a glorious time in My Universe for My creation, Planet Earth as you call her is to receive the breath of new life. For by My breath she shall be cleansed and by My light she shall be risen.

I have efforted to give to you My children all my understanding and compassion. I have offered to hold your little hands and lead the way to joy and promise; but many of you shun the very one you call God. How could you not have known Me My children. You have chosen to align yourself with those who have purloined the very seat of your existence. Your conception of God is so flawed and your consistent rejection of the truth has had the cumulative effect of casting the planet and your consciousness backward instead of forwards and upwards to the Source.

I cannot sit in idle waiting for you to grow whilst my planet and those children who have come into a greater understanding of Truth and God wither for want of service; for they have efforted to serve My will to bring you ones into the Light. You have rebuked and reviled them as you have done to My many messengers throughout the ages.


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    edit on 23/9/10 by masqua because: Trimmed cut/paste

  • posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 10:07 PM
    well, sorry to inform you, but I just channeled the real creator, and he just said that your message is wrong and he didnt say any of that

    posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 10:31 PM
    reply to post by JotaPlata

    So basically God is saying:

    What goes around, comes around...

    Now I understand all the confusion of the last 2000 years if this is the way He conveys messages to us. Dude really needs to learn how to keep a message short and simple...


    posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 10:43 PM
    These are beautiful words to my ears and my Heart. Thank you.

    Please allow me to remain here with our Mother as I wish to help replant her forests and honor all the diversity of which she can carry.

    May Our Lord Christ Bless us all by allowing us to see that Heaven is here for us if we so choose. No matter the destruction, no matter the process, the Natural elements are Healing elements of which GOD is the voice.

    Blessed Thee!

    posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 10:45 PM
    No thank you! I'd prefer to follow the ways of the Buddha!
    Buddha is awesome and has great peace!

    posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 10:47 PM
    Thanks, JotaPlata!

    I've spent a bit of time reading a few of the papers in the book you linked to. Interesting reading, for sure!

    By the way, were you the one who channeled the Christ and received this message?

    posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 10:55 PM
    reply to post by JotaPlata

    Why is this prophesy more valid than say the 7th day Adventist, or the Mayans, or Nostradamus, or Brother Caleb and Sister Debbie or Revelations?

    posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 11:35 PM
    Hi, Earth fans.

    Jota's message is based on the second line of my signature !

    Did you noticed: new big floods, land slides, volcanos,
    hurricanes in new regions, etc. . .

    We are now in the "inconveniences" talked about in this material !
    . . .and that whas talked about around 1980 1981 !

    Blue skies.

    posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 11:54 PM

    Originally posted by whaaa
    reply to post by JotaPlata

    Why is this prophesy more valid than say the 7th day Adventist, or the Mayans, or Nostradamus, or Brother Caleb and Sister Debbie or Revelations?

    What he/she said....

    posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 10:39 AM

    Originally posted by JotaPlata
    I'd like to share with you all a channeled message from Christ Michael Aton - the Creator Son of this universe. Those of you unfamiliar with Michael may wish to consult the Urantia Book (

    This piece was channeled today and foretells of imminent and earth-shattering changes that are upon us. Please take heed and prepare as a tumultuous period is coming to a head.

    In light,


    You have to watch those channeled messages like that, they tend to have way to much conscious thought thrown in with it.

    My children this is your Father Christ Michael Aton. These are my final words to thee before the righteous fall. Walk into my embrace and I shall give thee shelter for you are my lamb and for all who choose Me I shall shepherd you to a land of life where light shall pour from the heavens as you take your next step on your journey to the lighted One.

    I took out most of the message here for a reason. That being, when I read down to this part, it got my attention more than the rest did(hashing and rehashing old material).

    First off, no Aton, you are not our Father, not alone you`re not. You are only but a part of the Father, as we are all a part of the Father. As I stated after your first quote above, this sounds like to much conscious thought, ego thought to be exact, thrown into the message. That makes it hard to buy any channeled message.

    Second, our shepherd is within each of us, and is not one person. This is another reason it is hard to buy a message such as this. Aton, try teaching the people about the Father within, instead of trying to make it look as though you alone are the Father.

    posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 11:14 AM
    reply to post by JotaPlata

    I'm not into channeling but I see a lot of truth in what was written. Yes it is for sure this old earth is tired and worn and groaning. Her lands have not been given the Sabbaths of rest and it will be made up and new before too much longer. God chastized Israel for not giving the land a Sabbath of rest every seventh yr.but man don't listen to him, instead to the destroyer like Eve did. There will be a 1,000 yrs. of rest after this 6,000 which will be around 2015 for it to make up the rest it should have had. Then She is revitalized and starting the 8,000 then time will no longer be an element to run out of for then it is eternity. His Redeemed will take part.

    It has all been laid out but even though most have eyes and ears they neither see nor hear.


    posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 11:30 AM
    reply to post by JotaPlata

    Walk into my embrace and I shall give thee shelter for you are my lamb and for all who choose Me I shall shepherd you to a land of life

    JFC...why is it that all prophets/christ/narcissists demand that you pay homage before being shown the proverbial light..?

    Can't we get someone on stage that has an original message and not the same recycled crap..? You'd think these chosen ones would figure that out...

    posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 12:20 PM
    God is not outward, but in all of us...thereby collectively WE are God. How to tell channeled messages are from a divine source---NEVER do divine channeled messages instill fear in the reader and they NEVER make predictions because the potentiality of what will happen is controlled by US collectively, which is changing from second to second. The divine ascended masters on the others side have stated this over and over in their various channeled messages. Ascended masters and any other divine messages DON'T make predictions...because they ultimately don't control what happens to us....WE do. Our collectively thoughts manifest our reality and what happens.

    posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 06:41 PM
    Thank you all, well most, for your thoughtful responses.

    I just now realized that the message was edited by masqua who "trimmed" my cut/paste . I'm not certain of why that had to be done. I'm still sort of a newbie here but clearly my intent was to paste the entire message. So again I will try posting the message in its entirety.

    "The cradle of your birth and sustenance is now prepared for an overhaul which shall lead to the fall of all that have chosen to fall. Her rocking shall no longer be that gentle balm to your frenzied senses and tiring bodies. The tempo of her movements will create discomfort and for many fear. Yet this is a glorious time in My Universe for My creation, Planet Earth as you call her is to receive the breath of new life. For by My breath she shall be cleansed and by My light she shall be risen.

    I have efforted to give to you My children all my understanding and compassion. I have offered to hold your little hands and lead the way to joy and promise; but many of you shun the very one you call God. How could you not have known Me My children. You have chosen to align yourself with those who have purloined the very seat of your existence. Your conception of God is so flawed and your consistent rejection of the truth has had the cumulative effect of casting the planet and your consciousness backward instead of forwards and upwards to the Source.

    I cannot sit in idle waiting for you to grow whilst my planet and those children who have come into a greater understanding of Truth and God wither for want of service; for they have efforted to serve My will to bring you ones into the Light. You have rebuked and reviled them as you have done to My many messengers throughout the ages.

    My children it is with the greatest Love that I bring forth this message for know that I Am Love only. You perceive me as a vengeful God and many will harbour this perspective and perpetuate it in days to come as the planet changes her tact and frequency and throws down her gauntlet as she screams the pain away to ease her polluted loins.

    You have not yet seen or known vengeance my little ones and this is not my vengeance for I am Love. What you shall perceive is vengeance, for that is what you have sown. This will not be of My doing but your reward.

    You have been indifferent to that which I bestowed upon you- LIFE. You have failed to recognise that your planet too has a life of her own and a soul like all I have created. She feels, absorbs and gives out energy just as you do. She has been a faithful custodian to you my children as she contracted to and you were meant to reciprocate with loyalty to her. She has fulfilled her bargain but you have not. As a result of aeons of abuse, contamination of her soils and atmosphere, corruption and depravity, vacuuming of her precious resources to kindle your needs whilst depleting hers, she has withered with the pain of rejection and become cold from want of the warmth of her life blood. It is because of her that you have had a place to continue your journey of evolution; she has given you habitation for soul growth. She has sustained you with life but you have stolen hers. My children the planet can no longer sustain. Her cycle has ended. You have crucified her on the cross of avaricious temperament and bestial living.

    This is the time of her cleansing, purification and renewal. She must be purged and through this purgation her bowels shall spew. This is the vengeance that you will perceive is mine for her relief shall be your pain. No my children not even the planet harbours vengeance for she embraces my light and she too is love.

    Know that what is about to transpire is metaphysical as well as geo physical and part of a greater universal plan. You see beloveds the planet has served her time in hosting those fallen and she is now required to abdicate the position of a prison planet and assume her reward for her just and loyal service to mankind. For all that has been injected into her she must now throw up as part of her cleansing and healing process. So understand that what befalls is necessary that she may rise in light again.

    I want you my children to take responsibility for your actions. Do not delude yourselves in believing that her movements will be unrelated to that which you have contributed. That which festers must eventually explode. What you have put into her she will give back to you. I desire you to open your eyes and see my children. If it is one thing you take away from the impending experience is an acknowledgement of the part you played. For this assumption of responsibility will hold you accountable to your soul and auger well for your continued evolution. It will provide you with a blue print of how you must change and provide you with the vehicle to your final destination.

    Do not castigate the very One that gave you life for life is not ending. The planet's movements are necessary for the transition into life and light. Your lives will not end through the upheaval awaiting you, for your life is immortal. You will all merely be transported to various places conducive to your continued growth. Beloveds, again I say to you that I have not made these choices for you, you have. For those who know themselves they will know that they are not flesh and blood but soul made of the sinews of light, My light. This shall usher understanding.

    I bring assurance this day my beloved children that the geo physical assaults pending will provide a vehicle for change not only for your planet but to your individual circumstances. I take your evolution seriously my little ones but not many of you have been kind to yourselves. I shall never forsake you. At this hour I still extend my hand to you hoping that you will take it and ask to be guided forward. I cannot force thee beloveds. You must choose Me wilfully. Until then you must continue your growth. It will however not be on my precious planet for she is to rise in the glory of the Phoenix from the ashes of death and darkness into the lighted helm of her divine being. All who are ready will rise with her and that moment will be imprinted in the energy of the Universe for eternity. The eyes of My universe watch in brazen anticipation as the phenomena of her resurrection and ascension is triggered.

    Will you not take my hand in love
    That I may raise you up to Me
    To pastures new where peace abounds
    Where freedom kindles light within
    No measure to your growth imposed
    No darkness there to woo and woe
    This is my light I give to you
    The promise of a world anew
    Is now at hand to be revealed.
    Creation's called and she must leave
    Her clothes to change in light of green
    Will you not take my hand in love
    For only I can bring you to that place
    Where life shall blossom, love prevail
    This is my humble plea to you
    Take my hand and leave behind the life of pain
    You shall feel that gentle beat of divine understanding
    And you shall know that I am your resurrection.

    My children this is your Father Christ Michael Aton. These are my final words to thee before the righteous fall. Walk into my embrace and I shall give thee shelter for you are my lamb and for all who choose Me I shall shepherd you to a land of life where light shall pour from the heavens as you take your next step on your journey to the lighted One."

    posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 06:45 PM
    reply to post by Greensage

    No, thank YOU greensage for reflecting on this message. There are very turbulent times ahead but I am firmly convinced that they will give way to a renewed and uplifted planet upon which we may choose that Heaven of which you speak.

    posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 06:50 PM
    Wow, the first time around Jesus had to walk, preach, perform miracles, recruit people, and then get nailed to a big stick until he died.

    Am I to understand that all he'd need these days is an internet account and a valid email address?

    I'm thinking things for the messianic types have gotten way, way,way too easy.

    posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 07:02 PM

    Originally posted by whaaa
    reply to post by JotaPlata

    Why is this prophesy more valid than say the 7th day Adventist, or the Mayans, or Nostradamus, or Brother Caleb and Sister Debbie or Revelations?

    Many prominent religious and spiritual traditions, mystics, seers etc. have hinted towards a period of upheaval and "end times" which shall give way to change. I believe that they were all looking to a time period that is now, very immediately, upon us.

    I have studied the Urantia Book and other materials and have formed the opinion that they contain heaps of truth. I also believe that Christ Michael Aton is returning to this seed planet (Urantia) to restore it to it's original pristine condition co-creatively with humanity as we become a 5th dimensional society.

    We are now on the brink of this change. But before we uplift this planet, the dark energies that have become so entrenched must be shaken off. Mother Earth is weary of being abused and finally we're seeing evidence of this. The flooding in Pakistan, heatwaves in Russia and North America, increased quaking/ volcanic activity across the world in such a short period of time all suggest to me that something profound is underway.

    Back to your question, I believe this message is true because I am a person with great faith in a divinity to this world and universe. This message, in my opinion speaks to that divinity and this time of change before us that was foreseen by many.

    posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 07:09 PM
    My friend,

    I appreciate the message of love.

    However, rather than wait for God to transform the world into the heaven I desire, I'll take the proactive approach. I have already accepted my responsibility for what has happened to this Heaven. I have come to peace with it. I have been forgiven. Now that I see it with eyes wide open, it isn't anything that Man cannot fix. So, keep the love waves coming, lord knows we need them, but I am preferring to try and get people to love each other again, so we can fix this world ourselves without divine intervention. I believe this was Christ's message. If he was willing to die for it, I am willing to live it.

    Judge not, Love all, be at peace

    With Love,

    Your Brother

    edit on 23-9-2010 by IAMIAM because: (no reason given)

    posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 07:27 PM
    reply to post by FiatLux

    Thanks for your reply, FiatLux.

    I understand your concern in Aton referring to himself as our Father. I think this has to be considered in context.

    As the Urantia book discusses, there are 7 superuniverses each containing 100,000 local universes and our planet happens to be located on the 7th superuniverse of Orvonton in the local universe of Nebadon. Superuniverse Structure

    Christ Michael is the Creator Son of Nebadon. It is Christ Michael who created and oversees this universe. He is not Source/ All that is, exactly, but he is the effective representation of Source/All that Is in this local universe. It is through him that we may evolve and grow in our divinity.

    How might we connect with Christ Michael or Father?

    By doing exactly what you suggest, turning inward and connect with Spirit which, just so happens to be our Father within, Christ Michael.

    posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 07:30 PM
    reply to post by truthiron

    Thanks, truthiron,

    I concur that few are paying attention to the change that surrounds us and is reaching a tipping point.

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