posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 06:03 PM
2012 connection? Or is it just going to be another thing to brush off our shoulders?
No, I really believe that the mayan calendar estimated themes and events for different eras,and periods. What I dislike about the mayan 2012
phenomenon is the varied information you'll find concerning "predictions". Regardless, there's no overwhelming catastrophic end. Indications of sorts
of chaos and unrest? Yes.
yeap, we are all going to die. old news
you forgot [end sarcasm/], you know how some doomsayers take this seriously.
It could indeed paralyse the Earth in 2013. Although it's just as likely to occur tomorrow. Or in 2018 or 2150 .....
Just as sooner
I wouldn't compare solar flare's to other possible events that are much less frequent.
Based on all the attention that the solar flare event is getting, I believe the problem will be addressed. The article highlights some pretty simple
solutions to avoiding massive blackouts (unplugging transformers? Genius!)
I believe the worst that will happen is perhaps business comes to a stop for a few days, satellites get fried, GPS stops functioning, etc. Any nation
would look stupid if they didn't prepare for this. The disruption to the business world would be far too inconvenient. I don't believe there will be
massive blackouts. This is an easily avoidable scenario and such a scenario wouldn't be in the best interests of the powers that be, in the short term
and the long run.
Also on a side note concerning what people believe to be future doomsday scenerios, if we pass this without much chaos and destruction of society, we
have the technological ability to survive any threat...i.e.-sending missles into space to send killer astroids off course, etc. perhaps HAARP even has
the ability to prevent disasters contrary to to popular believe that HAARP causes them?
edit on 25-8-2012 by DivineEvolution because: (no
reason given)