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Massive solar flare 'could paralyse Earth in 2013'

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posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 02:22 PM
I have been hearing and seeing a lot about this latley..does anyone think that this may have a 2012 connection? Or is it just going to be another thing to brush off our shoulders?

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 02:48 PM
the solar activity at late 2012,2013 is the only actual issue that may arise. Yes, its going to wollop the earth but good according to the scientists

But this will come in the form of dodgy communication now and then due to solar interference...perhaps even some brown outs here and there during really active times.

I don't see this as some sort of doomsday senario the mayans would be writing about...but it will certainly be inconvenient from time to time...

This is a technological issue moreso than anything, it puts a skeptic in a curious place in 2012 threads, where people are demanding something is going to happen...and something is going to happen (massive solar storm forecast), but not in the ground shaking arena they are speaking about...of course, if you mention massive solar storms forcasted that year, immediately they start thinking scorched earth senarios.

2:22 tells it all...bad...but not end of the world.
things are going to get bumpy...

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 03:03 PM
MY advice to you is to write a letter to Santa in 2012 asking for books. So, when the solar flares fry some satelites,power grids and other communication systems, you open up one of those books and immerse yourself into the old ways of escapism.

Otherwise,you'd be left with lighting a candle and casting shadows on the wall with your hands.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 03:21 PM
yeap, we are all going to die. old news

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 03:26 PM
It could indeed paralyse the Earth in 2013. Although it's just as likely to occur tomorrow. Or in 2018 or 2150 .....

Just as sooner or later supervolcano will erupt, and sooner or later a big asteroid will hit the earth, so sooner or later a big CME will hit the Earth. Okay, the later maybe more likely in any given century but at least nowadays we will have forewarning and hopefully be able to react (by switching off power grids temporarily) so that it causes the minimum of disprution.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 04:42 PM
Nothing new at all! This is from Srimad Bhagavatam and it looks like it has happened before

SB 12.4.7: As annihilation approaches, O King, there will be no rain upon the earth for one hundred years. Drought will lead to famine, and the starving populace will literally consume one another. The inhabitants of the earth, bewildered by the force of time, will gradually be destroyed.

SB 12.4.8: The sun in its annihilating form will drink up with its terrible rays all the water of the ocean, of living bodies and of the earth itself. But the devastating sun will not give any rain in return.

From Srimad Bhagavatam

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 03:32 PM
with so much reliance on technology these days it would come as a massive organisational shock to most people. As we essentially have the technology in orbit to provide advance warning of a solar flare (albeit only days) it would be a major effort to prepare both practically and physiologically. when you think about it most people would be in a blind panic, every function of society would be at melting point. I don't think it's a simple as lighting a candle and reading a book. The european 'ash cloud' that grounded aircraft earlier this year caused massive disruption and that imo is pale in comparison to an event like this.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 11:58 PM
Unfortunately, this is really only the case if you were to start the Solar Cycle when it was scheduled to. The previous Cycle had an excessively long lull at the end, with sunspots of Solar Cycle 24 not beginning to form until late 2009. If you were to begin the Cycle then, you would expect the maximum to be in early-mid 2015. Sorry, 2012ers.

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 06:03 PM

2012 connection? Or is it just going to be another thing to brush off our shoulders?

No, I really believe that the mayan calendar estimated themes and events for different eras,and periods. What I dislike about the mayan 2012 phenomenon is the varied information you'll find concerning "predictions". Regardless, there's no overwhelming catastrophic end. Indications of sorts of chaos and unrest? Yes.

yeap, we are all going to die. old news

you forgot [end sarcasm/], you know how some doomsayers take this seriously.

It could indeed paralyse the Earth in 2013. Although it's just as likely to occur tomorrow. Or in 2018 or 2150 .....

Just as sooner

I wouldn't compare solar flare's to other possible events that are much less frequent.

Based on all the attention that the solar flare event is getting, I believe the problem will be addressed. The article highlights some pretty simple solutions to avoiding massive blackouts (unplugging transformers? Genius!)

I believe the worst that will happen is perhaps business comes to a stop for a few days, satellites get fried, GPS stops functioning, etc. Any nation would look stupid if they didn't prepare for this. The disruption to the business world would be far too inconvenient. I don't believe there will be massive blackouts. This is an easily avoidable scenario and such a scenario wouldn't be in the best interests of the powers that be, in the short term and the long run.

Also on a side note concerning what people believe to be future doomsday scenerios, if we pass this without much chaos and destruction of society, we have the technological ability to survive any threat...i.e.-sending missles into space to send killer astroids off course, etc. perhaps HAARP even has the ability to prevent disasters contrary to to popular believe that HAARP causes them?
edit on 25-8-2012 by DivineEvolution because: (no reason given)

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