posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 11:28 AM
Last night I watched the EVENT. It seemed pretty interesting to me that it had a highjacked plane by a guy who seemed to be under some type of
controll as he tried to fly the plane into the house. Thing is when he got close the plane dissapeared in some hole type structure. There was a guy
who seemed to have his total world turned upside down as if he didnt exist (HE WAS ON THE PLANE AS A PASSANGER?) His girlfriend got sick and when he
returned to their hotel suit it was nolonger his room and his girl was gone. There was a lady known as THEIR LEADER whos leader not sure yet.
SO ATS are there any CONSPIRACY RELATED activities within this much awaited series. Or is this just Hollywood playen with our emotions. Feel free to
add what you think the show is trying to share with the viewing community, if there is anything at all.
Oh yea and at the end it showed the guy who was on the plane before it dissapeared before crashing into this house the president was about to speak
at. The guy was in some hospital type location.
Mods if in wrong place please move it for me, thanks.
edit on 21/9/2010 by Mirthful Me because: All Caps Title.