Hi everyone
Let me introduce myself
I am Jack, a 26 years old 6"2 218 lbs male living in Montreal , Canada.I was born in Qu�bec and lived there for the first 8 years of my life before
moving to Boston for 4 years because of my father's new job there at the time.I came back here (Montreal) at my early 13 and i am still living here
right now working as a computer parts seller for LCI.
Btw , my first language is French but my english is not bad at all even if it still need some improvement in certain areas
In 1999 , i joined a Canada/ Europe inter-country program and i went there to work for an European contrator who financed the program and to visit a
few European countries while i had the chance to.I stayed there (worked during 7 and half of theses) for 9 months and i visited Spain , France , Italy
, Romania , Germany and Austria during my trip.That experience changed my whole life and perspective of the world for may and various reasons.
Here are a few things that i like: geopolitics , history , astronomy , science , archeology , conspriracy theories , electronics , computers
,military weapons systems, freedom of speech, boxing , womans , beer ,heavy metal of all kind (power , gothenburg , melodic , symphonic ect ect ect )
Here are a few things that i dislike : extremism of all kind from all spectrum (religious , political , racist ect ect ect ) , hypocrisy , pollution ,
extreme close mindness , the neocons , poverty , deliberate ignorance ect ect ect
I discovered ATS after typing something along the lines of "political conspiracy message boards" on google.I really liked the ATSNN thing and i
visited it for the past 2 months almost everyday to see if i didn't missed any news.I read a lot of international news everyday and sometimes there
was some interesting stuff that was not reported here and this is one of the principal reason that i decided to join , to submit news and to debate
various subject that interest me.Btw , i am not a newbie at debating as i posted on a few political boards before coming here so no need to go easy
with me
Also , i want to clarify one thing. My name may be The Centrist but i am not necessairly an hardcore one.I consider myself a progressive with a
tendency to support liberalism more than conservatism but then again it depend on the situation.So don't be surprised if you hear me bash Bush and
the neocons because i really don't like them. On the other hand , if Kerry wins in November and act like an hypocrite , lies, flip flops or whatever
else , you will also hear me criticize him as i really don't like blind partisanship and extreme political bias.
That said , i am glad to be part of the ATS community.Now i am out to make a decent avatar
The Centrist