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The END of Online Piracy

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posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by Mobius1974

Boy are you hatefull... Why do you loath athletes in such a way? Was it a NY Met that fathered your child?
Tennis and volleyball? I am glad to see you are in touch with your feminine side.. Ill tell you what.. When you want to belly up to the big boys table.. Slap on your skates and come play AA hockey with my 11 year old.. My bet is he would make quick work of a bender!

So calling somebody a bender? or questioning the paternity of there child is not an attempt at insulting someone????

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by serbsta

Thank the heavens. Piracy takes money away from skilled artists in music, gaming, television, and movies. About time they considered a crackdown. Maybe we can save some of these industries from disappearing.

edit on 21-9-2010 by Section31 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by Mowgli

Sarcastic response to a hateful post.. in my mind was not insulting.. Just like this isn't stealing to you folks... I will form my own reality on this one...

What is funny is.... Not a word about his hateful post.. I called him a bender.. Do you even know what that is? Not really an insult..

Did you read his hateful post? why no comment? Because he agrees with your stance on this.. One sided and pathetic!

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by Mobius1974

Well they may pay a portion, but for that the property taxes pay a much larger portion. Sales tax could pick up the rest if Income tax was eliminated, but our lottery also pays a huge portion, and Bill Gates donated a portion of money to our schools, I would wager a guess what the Fed pays in less than 5 % of what is actually used by our schools. Like I said the only thing the income tax should go to is defense, not offense, and to medicare and social security which I would not mind paying as it would also be a lot less of a percentage. Oh how about adding taxes to Insurance, that could pick up the schools too. At any rate it still is ridiculous to have to pay so much to Income tax to a government who uses it to bail out corporations who should have been left to drown. Bad busines practices are being rewarded with our income tax and that is truly disgusting. The government should be working for us, not big banks and corporations, or hollywood, so we should have say over how much of our income goes to them and what it can be used for.

But that isn't this thread. This thread is about piracy. Which is stupid, it is not stealing, stealing is taking the thing and reproducing it and taking credit for it like it was ours...We don't do that. We use it for our own entertainment and I never said I did it, you assumed I did, anyway that's neither here nor there. The fact of the matter is I am not taking someone else's media and claiming it's mine, oh but wait, isn't that what the record companies do? Hmmmmmm seems to me they're the real theives.

edit on 21-9-2010 by ldyserenity because: darn spelling again sheesh.

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by serbsta
Well I think this is pretty much it...

United States lawmakers have proposed new legislation today that would allow the Department of Justice to take over domain names of websites that promote copyright infringement. The proposed bill would allow for court orders against domestic as well as foreign sites, which could potentially shutter many torrent sites including The Pirate Bay.

It's called the Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act and not surprisingly has the full support of the MPAA and RIAA. Earlier this year about 10 movie streaming sites were shut down, with the passing of this bill, all major torrent sites will go down in flames.

On the one hand I do think that online piracy is just that... piracy, stealing. But on the other hand, I place huge blame on the media authorities who refuse to adopt new techniques of doing business that would allow them to utilize these new technologies.

Don't expect you'll be able to just hop on the Pirate Bay and download the latest U2 album before going and out and buying by the end of next year.

same thing happened with free viewing mangas online sites like onemanga, however our liberties gave us the right to view for free.

funny how people on this issue are rather pro government

star and flag!

edit on 21-9-2010 by Agent_USA_Supporter because: (no reason given)

The US does NOT rule the world and does NOT own the internet

edit on 21-9-2010 by Agent_USA_Supporter because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 01:40 PM


posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by ldyserenity

Under the current law you are stealing.. Because you define it as "taking and claiming it as your own" as stealing.. WOW..That is not how the law defines it.

FACT: you are stealing under the current law.. Argue it in court..
Stand for something in your life.. If you dont agree with it.. DO SOMETHING... Or you are just a common theif!

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 01:44 PM
Isn't there a loophole to this? Here is my thoughts. Buy 2 servers one host your domain name website and another hosts your pirated files outside the U.S then have the site load in those files. If your taken to court you can argue that your domain name and website is not hosting those files so they are in compliant to the law.

Just my guess. I am in the process in making my own website. It's very hard to have to make the graphics on your own. This concerns me that the rich wants to get richer no matter what. I am a programmer and I can tell you what turbo tax software should be cheaper then they sell it. They don't change the artwork much but only every new version has newer code added to previous software. So in reality they don't work much on the new version yet still have the same price being sold. I know people who priates this and I just told them about this they said well screw it. I then don't have to pay taxes if the U.S government wants to get rid of freedom. They said freedom has gone out the window. What does America stands for right now???

I notice the celebs and rich people spend the money on stupid things. I seen one guy buy 2 hummers to just play with their friends bumper cars.... I was like what??? what a waste of money and resources. So this makes me angry. I for one do pirate a times but if that goes away then I don't need computers in my life. I will work against the system.

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 01:47 PM
The end of online piracy? Yeah right! List below:

- There are newsgroups.
- Private FTP servers.
- Peer 2 Peer.
- Proxies; connect from a country like Sweden where it is legal.
- Proxy"ware"
- ...and many many more which I know you intelligent folks on here know of.

So in conclusion. Will this be the end of piracy or simply drive it further underground? It will drive it under ground and get rid of leeching NOOBS!

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 01:48 PM
Hmmmmm I don't know about the gamers, yeah never heard that one... I know WoW is a monthly charge so how would one do that? Pirate world of warcraft? I know any games I played (SIMS SIMCITY AND SIMS2 AND Roller coaster Tycoon I just bought) My kids played WoW until we couldn't pay the membership anymore. But these things are seriously addictive they should be outlawed WoW and all those of the like that charge monthly. Sims and that doesn't charge, the only fee you pay is when you buy it. Now that's crazy I didn't even know games were pirated, I did however lose my code to sims once and had to use someone else's code but with a disk I already had gotten twice(The first one got scratched up). But that wouldn't be considered pirating, I don't think. cause I paid 50+ tax dollars for it but moving lost the booklet to it. Wow I really ddn't know games were pirated.

But anyway, I wonder how this is different than in the eighties when one person bought an album and we'd take our tapes to their house and tape it, and we got like thirty kids doing this or rent a movie and copied it to our VCR tapes, and their were at least eight people in the house while you were renting it there to get their own copy of it? How was that any different? I guess it was harder to monitor is all. Eh, god bless the eighties. LOL

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by Section31
reply to post by serbsta

Thank the heavens. Piracy takes money away from skilled artists in music, gaming, television, and movies. About time they considered a crackdown. Maybe we can save some of these industries from disappearing.

You mean well, but your analysis is superficial. It's been a long time since bands, for example, derived most of their money from concert sales, CD sales and merchandising. The rest is kept by the industry who is simply sniping for tomorrow's hit and doesn't do much to develop talent.

Four major companies (count them, 4) control 90% of music distribution globally. If you don't think that makes a perfect storm of price fixing an gauging, think again.

I do buy CDs occasionally and as of late, buy MP3s on Amazon, of the stuff I really like.

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by computerwiz32
Isn't there a loophole to this? Here is my thoughts. Buy 2 servers one host your domain name website and another hosts your pirated files outside the U.S then have the site load in those files. If your taken to court you can argue that your domain name and website is not hosting those files so they are in compliant to the law.

Just my guess. I am in the process in making my own website. It's very hard to have to make the graphics on your own. This concerns me that the rich wants to get richer no matter what. I am a programmer and I can tell you what turbo tax software should be cheaper then they sell it. They don't change the artwork much but only every new version has newer code added to previous software. So in reality they don't work much on the new version yet still have the same price being sold. I know people who priates this and I just told them about this they said well screw it. I then don't have to pay taxes if the U.S government wants to get rid of freedom. They said freedom has gone out the window. What does America stands for right now???

I notice the celebs and rich people spend the money on stupid things. I seen one guy buy 2 hummers to just play with their friends bumper cars.... I was like what??? what a waste of money and resources. So this makes me angry. I for one do pirate a times but if that goes away then I don't need computers in my life. I will work against the system.

Oh don't even get me started with that. How about these antiviruses that don't work worth crap. I have had two free trials one of CA and One Mccaffee and neither version did jack for my computer, didn't even use the full thirty day trial!!! No sirree they are crapola!!!! ANd not worth the cardboard they're packaged in. I wouldn't even pirate that crapola. Right now I would rather jsut get a mac at this point!

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by EnactedEgoTrip
All these laws are designed for one thing only: to get the rich richer.

Even more than money, ... they have more than they need already ... they want power.

They want to shape society so their own descendants will always be the puppetteers.

For this they need censorship, because knowledge is power.

The long-term aim is to prevent communication, so people will all believe whatever they're told, and have no way to influence others.

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by Mobius1974
reply to post by ldyserenity

Really? Fairfax County Schools

Property taxes accounted for 62 million
Federal Govt.. kick in .. 245.00 million..
Is that a portion?? Keep digging.. or man up and admit you just type things that you have ZERO idea about.. You really have no character.. You are a empty man with no Morals or anything to admire.. I am done talking with/to you.. We are not on the same level.. That is a fact!

oops so the county paid 3.95 percent well idk where fairfax county is, but here I know it's like five percent of florida state's schools, in fact this year I don't beleive we got anything from the Federal, so why again should I pay for Virginia or fairfax in hicksville anyway??? I will never use their school system, Fairfax is in virginia? Well I guess they can use all the help they can get. I know some urban schools also get some of the taxes, however Florida is a self reliant state, and I beleive all states should be wholly responsible for their own schooling.

edit on 21-9-2010 by ldyserenity because: spelling and changed sentence

edit on 21-9-2010 by ldyserenity because: spelling

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 02:04 PM


posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by serbsta

Unfortunately the foreign bit of the equation isn't up to the US to decide. At best they will manage to force all the US ISPs to block such addresses and nothing more. Unless of course the foreign country where such sites are hosted decides to work hand in hand with the US and bend their own laws to block these. Something that I doubt will happen in every instance for every country out there.

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 02:13 PM
PDF file from Cryptome.

The pdf is talking about how the US and UK want to create a new larger global governance to control everything and there out look for 2025.

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 02:16 PM
Here is the US law on copyright infringement. link

For people throwing the word "Crime" about you are wrong in every respect.

Copyright infringement is a "Tort" or "An infringement of private rights" and is a matter of civil law suits not Criminal courts.

Defenition of Tort

Theft is a federal crime, Copyright infringement is not,

Copyright infringement can become a federal crime under certain circumstances.

These circumstances are

If the copyright was infringed:-

(A) for purposes of commercial advantage or private financial gain;

(B) by the reproduction or distribution, including by electronic means, during any 180-day period, of 1 or more copies or phonorecords of 1 or more copyrighted works, which have a total retail value of more than $1,000; or

(C) by the distribution of a work being prepared for commercial distribution, by making it available on a computer network accessible to members of the public, if such person knew or should have known that the work was intended for commercial distribution.

So unless you are A making money from it, B Sharing MASSIVE amounts of mpp3's or c) MAking a piece of work available BEFORE it' released then it by defenition of law NOT a crime

edit on 21-9-2010 by davespanners because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by ldyserenity

I am actually REALLY done arguing with you.. I have read through your previous posts... Not only do you steal files from the internet.. How do you explain illegally hooking up your cable? What I get from this is.. even if you felt dling programs/songs from the internet was wrong.. you would still steal it.

I also have a serious question about your stability.. I would prefer to not have any more contact with you..
It seems you live a different life, depending on what thread you are posting in.. It is rather scary to say the least..

I guess we will agree to "not agree" on this piracy subject.. I hope things get better for you.. My advise would be, develope a better more positive attitude. It will change your life.. Or at least make you happier.

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by ldyserenity

Ya, those software sucks. Did you know anti-virus software companies have hackers that make virus's and spread them on the internet So you could only get rid of it by buying their software.

You should learn more about linux ubunut OS. I think this area will grow in such times. It's a communtiy OS where you can download software for free. Well we programmers volunteer and make software for people to use for free. It's a community thing where even artists volunteer too.

I haven't been to a movie theater since the movie 2012. Eversince then I think the movies were crap. I might go see the new saw movie but overall I think the movie industry is putting out more crap and I am surprised they make millions off films that even suck.

If the U.S government does such a thing then they must meet us half way and protect the consumers from companies to gauge us with high prices.

If you recall AMD and INTEL their graphic cards they were found guilty of fixing the market where they set a price and both would have the same price to force you to pay high prices for graphic cards.

I think this is one step closer to regulate the internet 100% soon they will get comfortable and start taxing us on that. Yet no one recalls that the GOV promised us back in world war 2 that income tax was to be temperately. The internet is the next target for a global tax.

I am in college majoring in accounting and I am a programmer. I can tell you that in 2016 the U.S plans to have a world accounting system by then. I was told this by my accounting professors that learnt this from seminars. They said that soon the world will have to follow the U.S on the accounting system and reporting. This way there is no way to hide your financial information. They also do want to make you use a eletronic device to be used as money but will call these credits. That way you can't pay anything in cash it be all eletronic and trackable.

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