posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 03:35 AM
I know I am known around ATS as the Liberal Commentator and everyone can rely on me to give the Liberal/Progressive spin on American politics. But
little do people know that I am fighting a Civil War inside my mind with two very powerful opponents, each winning on occasion but one almost always
winning over the other.
I think to myself upon these complex thoughts and emotions about which side is truly better to form my final opinion on, to lay out my official
groundwork in unanimous support for. It has torn at my mind, playing a war in every section of socio-political thoughts, torturing me into just
calling for this to end let one side win over the other already.
I spend my leisure time combing the internet typically reading and educating myself upon political though, philosophy and history. Attempting to
understand every side of each argument, but it is a difficult thing to do when you are torn with one side of your mind saying, "this is correct",
and the other side saying, "no, this is correct". I just want it to stop!
I believe that the reason for this internal division is due to the heavily Libertarian nature of the AboveTopSecret network. The majority of the
people that believe the things I believe are not with my internal winning side on political thought, rather they are on the opposing team. I read
threads, posts and opinions from a wide variety of sources and people, each making a deliberate connection between freedom and conspiracy.
They argue that freedom and liberty is the answer to the questions we so commonly ask in the area of political thought. Just give yourself over to
independent self motivation, aspiration and hard work and we can all succeed. Society works best when government governs least. These opinions flow
through my mind continuously day and night as I spend my days on ATS.
I try to maintain and control my opposing side inside my head from seeping through into my fingers which then submit that message onto ATS which I
would then sound like a complete hypocrite, flip-flopping from one side to another not being able to make up my mind. But I believe it is deeper than
what appears on the surface, a truly personal touch has created my current political ideology.
Basing my currently winning beliefs off the idea that the rich are not to be trusted, corporations are not our friends, government can work best and
every person should have the choice to make their own personal decisions. But then my opposing side says that the rich whom rightfully earned their
money are entitled to keep the fruits of their labors, that corporations under a truly capitalist system can work for the greater prosperity of
society, an active government is not necessary and still every person should have the choice to make their own personal decisions.
As you can probably see by now I am truly undecided in which side I support, my learning has taught me that Libertarianism has overall been the best
diagnosis for society’s ills while my experience of personal poverty, unemployment and welfare has taught me that some people need a hand up and it
is only fair and humane to watch after every member of our society.
So if I decide to go Libertarian than I think to myself that I am abandoning my fellow man and treating them inhumane, but at the same time I believe
that under Libertarianism that all people who are willing to work hard can make it.
While I am quite sure that this war will rage on for some time to come I am simply asking if any other members of ATS are currently having or have had
the same internal struggle that I am currently having and how you finally came to your conclusion?