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Nothing to sneeze at: Common cold virus may make kids fat

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posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by DevolutionEvolvd

Hey there, thanks for your opinion. I certainly don't expect everyone to agree with me and weight is, as you say, a very complicated issue.

My issue with this article is how the information from the study is presented. It's obvious to me after reading through it several times that the original article being used for this makes it clear that they are NOT claiming this virus alone is causing obesity, but the numbers are taken and then re-worded to make it appear that way. They even get it first saying it proves overwhelming evidence that this virus causes a weight gain of 50 lbs...even though the data later quoted is 35lbs.

I am just tired of MSM trying to manipulate the masses with misleading information such as this. We are all too eager to place blame anywhere but ourselves.

Ofcourse I realize that some people have true genetic disorders and struggle their whole lives with it. But you must know that the majority (key phrase here) of overweight children/adults are that way because of lifestyle. I know this first hand. I last 35 lbs last year and I can tell you I got that way due to inactivity and eating crap. People who are obese are much more likely to die from cardiovascular disease, strokes and diabetes. I have some family members that are overweight and it has NOTHING to do with a stupid cold virus! I am just tired of excuses and I think the info from this 'study' is grossly misrepresented.

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 09:22 PM
And THIS is what I believe is the real reaon behind this:

If the association proves true, Schwimmer said that a vaccine could be developed against AD36 that might help prevent obesity -- although that's still a long way off.


That is a quote from the lead scientist behind the study from another article about it. $$$$$$$

I just found another GREAT article pretty much linking together everything I have said. Here are some quotes:

From this observational correlation, the scientists involved in the study as well as virtually the entire mainstream media leaped to the false conclusion that the virus must be causing obesity. It's sort of like saying that pregnancy causes sex. They have it all backwards.

Being obese (which is caused almost entirely by food and exercise choices) makes you more susceptible to infections because it impairs immune function. So obese kids are more likely to be infected with AD36 right from the start. Furthermore, obese kids are far more likely to have reduced time outside playing in the sun, so they're more likely to be vitamin D deficient, making them even more susceptible to infection.

Laughably, the so-called "scientific" medical community can only see this issue in one way: The virus must have caused the obesity! This reversal of cause and effect coincidentally happens to support -- guess what? A vaccine agenda against AD36. If they can convinced everyone that AD36 causes obesity, they can roll out an "obesity vaccine" and claim that taking the vaccine stops you from getting fat. (It's the same scam currently being pushed for HPV vaccines.)

There's some good stuff in this article, check it out! LINK

edit on 21-9-2010 by westcoast because: To add article info

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by DevolutionEvolvd

Originally posted by SassyCat

Originally posted by DevolutionEvolvd
But really, how the hell can anyone be pissed at this study?

Genetically modified, hormone stuffed, selectively bred, drugged etc. chicken meat and beef makes people fat, not cold virus.

Stop making things up, please.

Well I'm not pissed but you can't honestly take stuff like "cold makes me fat" seriously?

Also, some people should not eat certain foods and when they do (because they're mindless automatons) they'll get overweight. Generally, people eat like pigs, they put most foul things in themselves and it is logical that some of them will epically fail and acquire genetic diseases on the way that will spread onto their offspring. It is also logical that this "condition" will spread at the same rate general stupidity spreads. If general percentage of overweight people doubled in past 100 years then I'd safely say number of complete idiots doubled as well (no offence to overweight people dealing with the issue).

Well, colds can make you skinny if the cold virus attacks the beta cells in the pancreas that produce insulin. And the researchers are VERY quick to point out that this is a possibility and that obesity is a multifactorial disease. It helps if you take the time to read the article in its entirety, instead of overreacting to a title.

i disagree.
eatign all that meat will make you fat.
if that were not the case, wheres all the fat vegetarians?

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 02:38 AM
reply to post by Ong Bak

I've known MANY fat vegetarians... excess carbohydrates make you fat, not fats and proteins... In fact, a diet that is almost exclusively protein based will make one lean...

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 02:54 AM
reply to post by westcoast

It's because they got a cold virus!!!!! THAT'S it!!! Oh please......

And you would rule that out as a possibility why? No where in the article is it saying that the cold virus is THE only reason for obesity. Certainly a poor diet and inactive lifestyle would compound the problem already created by the presence of the antibodies/virus.

By the way it isn't science's job to tell us how to live our lives. Science isn't supposed to set up moral or behavioral guidelines for society and if it did start doing so people would be in outrage about arrogant know it all scientists telling us how to live our lives. So I find it odd that you would attack the scientists who conducted the study as if their findings are somehow just an excuse for kids to stuff their faces with pizza all day.

SO....out of the MILLIONS of kids in the U.S., they are making this radical claim based on the results from 67 obese kids, of which 15 had increased antibodies to this virus.

Admittedly the sample size was a bit lacking, however when dealing with a study like this you need FUNDING and its possible they couldn't get the funding for a large sample size. Now, with some solid results under their belts, maybe they'll get enough funding to do a considerable sample size and even start putting together their research with other scientists working on obesity.

I'm not sure why you're so worked up about this.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 03:47 AM
reply to post by Titen-Sxull

I'm not 'worked up' about it, I am just tired of seeing these wild speculative conclusions called science, it isn't. It is sloppy and a huge jump to take these meaningless numbers and apply it to the country as a whole.

I don't know if you read through my last post, but I explained why I am irritated by it in detail.

If you read the last article I linked, it explains my whole perspective very well.

Why money would be spent on this, instead of trying to find a real solution to our social problem is just plain dumb. We are raising a generation brought up on excuses and I think it is a symptom of a huge looming problem.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 03:55 AM
Have been watching Jamie Oliver in America, he is in Huntington West Virginia, he is trying to get the kids to eat more healthy foods, as currently the kids are served pizza for breakfast, nuggets for lunch and nuggets for dinner. We are killing our kids with food, forget the cold virus.

edit on 22-9-2010 by woodwardjnr because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 05:30 AM

Originally posted by DevolutionEvolvd
Stop making things up, please.

Believe it or not, I'm not, actually:

Of course, you can choose what meat to eat. Most steroids have been banned (in EU), but that was just recently. Enough time for people to get all kinds of "conditions" from them (lets say steroids 'r bad). In US I reckon you still use most of them, besides your corporations are big enough to bypass regulations.

Originally posted by DevolutionEvolvd
Well, colds can make you skinny if the cold virus attacks the beta cells in the pancreas that produce insulin. And the researchers are VERY quick to point out that this is a possibility and that obesity is a multifactorial disease. It helps if you take the time to read the article in its entirety, instead of overreacting to a title.

I have nowhere written that study is wrong. This is what I wrote:

Originally posted by SassyCat
Irresponsible parenting coupled with fast food is the probable cause of 98% of obesity. I think solving that 98% is the priority rather than "studying" the other 2% with genetic diseases, psychological disorders and such. Although, I honestly think NOT solving it is the priority, hence these outlandish studies funded by League of Stupid Lazy Peoples sponsored by PTB™

I take this study as ridiculous. Especially since there is this:

If the association proves true, Schwimmer said that a vaccine could be developed against AD36 that might help prevent obesity -- although that's still a long way off.

A vaccine for obesity? To me, this is a new low for our civilisation, not even for discussion - it is so plainly and obviously foul.

As for vegeterians - yes, of course they can get overweight. Anyone can get overweight - I don't see many overweight people here because we don't have most of following products:


Oh and, besides that, this is what makes people fat

Yummy! My conclusions: vaccines and viruses are a joke, eat good and you won't get nor need any (especially cold virus). Of course the pharma industry would not agree with this.

Oh and yes Jamie was trying to change UK school diet because it was most terrible. I think not giving crap to children is bigger priority than obesity vaccine, but that's just me.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by westcoast

wild speculative conclusions

The conclusion is drawn from the data of the study. Those who had antibodies from the virus weighed more, therefore there is a correlation between the virus and a persons weight. That's not a wild speculative conclusion, it is perfectly reasonable.

instead of trying to find a real solution to our social problem is just plain dumb.

It is not science's job to interject itself into our social lives and if they did start doing so people would complain about it. Science can only deal with the SCIENTIFIC part of the obesity problem, that's why it's called science.

We are raising a generation brought up on excuses and I think it is a symptom of a huge looming problem.

Simply because a few overweight children MIGHT latch onto this as an excuse does not void the results. Science tells us the facts and in this case the data indicates a correlation between the virus and weight. When publishing the results you can't just expect them to censor their conclusion from the public in order to save a few fat kids who MIGHT use this as an excuse. Should science also not come out with results about what might cause cancer or some other health issue? Also, like I said, nowhere are they claiming that obesity is exclusively caused by this and certainly an inactive lifestyle and poor diet add to the problem.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by SassyCat any of those links, do you see anything pertaining to obesity? You're making things up if you think that hormone/antibiotic laden, genetically engineered meats are making us fat.

Regarding a vaccine....R&D: Research - first of all, they'll have conduct larger studies with better controls. All they've done is provide an association. Once they've found stronger correlations, the clinical studies will commence. And those clinical studies will have to conclusively support the hypothesis. And then....there's development - vaccine development and testing will take years.

Even if this virus causes obesity, and it's a long shot that it does, it probably only effects a certain subset of the population with a certain genetic expression. A "fat" vaccine is ridiculous, but it's also ridiculously far out.

Eventually, in order to produce a vaccine, researchers will have to answer these questions...If childhood obesity is even partly caused by a virus then why don't we see other cultures around the world experiencing this same problem? Why does a cold virus only target the USA and the UK and not others? Why did this virus lay dormant until the last 100 years or so, and then suddenly become extremely virulent over the last 30?

Irresponsible parenting coupled with fast food is the probable cause of 98% of obesity. I think solving that 98% is the priority rather than "studying" the other 2% with genetic diseases, psychological disorders and such. Although, I honestly think NOT solving it is the priority, hence these outlandish studies funded by League of Stupid Lazy Peoples sponsored by PTB™ .

It's actually undereducated and extremely misinformed parents. It's public health policy. Those are the largest contributors to childhood obesity. Labeling fast food is responsible for childhood obesity is an irresponsible accusation.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 03:35 PM
Just to add my pennies-worth:

I have Polysistic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) which is a congenital disorder (meaning you are born with it) and it can be passed on by both parents. One of the many symptoms is being overweight (which I am) or morbidly overweight. Having this condition means that it is also very difficult to control your weight.

This condition affects 5%-10% of the female population and these are the ones who have been diagnosed. If you are in the UK and unless you have extreame symptoms or are having problems getting pregnant (this was how I found out) you are unlikely to be formally diagnosed.

The principal features are obesity, anovulation (resulting in irregular menstruation) or amenorrhea, acne, and excessive amounts or effects of androgenic (masculinizing) hormones. The symptoms and severity of the syndrome vary greatly among women. While the causes are unknown, insulin resistance, diabetes, and obesity are all strongly correlated with PCOS.


I would suspect that a lot of cases of obesity are caused by an undiagnosed condition (due to the lack of other severe symptoms) and these may be on an increase. The artificial rubbish in our food and water and reduction in excercise are to blame too, but some of us can't help being overweight!

Oh and I have NEVER had the flu and only had a few mild cases of the cold.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 03:50 PM
Other conditions that CAUSE weight gain


Cushing’s Syndrome is Caused by Increased Cortisol Levels
Hypothyroidism Slows Down Metabolism (underactive thyroid)
Insulin Resistance Can Cause Diabetes
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Causes Weight Gain

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 03:53 PM
Viruses are strange little things. The fact they can reprogram cells to produce products they weren't producing before, suggests a sort of primal sentient malevolence.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 02:53 AM
reply to post by Titen-Sxull

Once again, I will sum up my thoughts with this:

I do NOT consider 14 kids having antibodies to a virus scientific evidence linking said virus to a countrywide obesity problem.

This thread has somehow gone down some wierd road where we now have people with legitimate conditions defending themselves. Ofcourse there are a certain percentage of obese people that no matter how hard they try, can not change the way their body metabalizes food. I would never try to diminish the severity of those cases. The whole point to this thread, as stated in the OP is the sloppy 'science' using ridiculous numbers to give the appearance that this virus is somehow a leading cause for childhood obesity....leading to some new vaccine that stands to gain the drug companies billions.

It is garbage like this that hurts the struggle to understand and address the REAL disorders/illnesses.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 03:19 AM
A telling point...... In no starving population recorded in History have we seen the odd fatty running around, who just can seem to lose any weight.

That is an indisputable fact that brings all these arguments or excuses crashing down. .

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 12:01 AM

reply to Originally posted by DaMod
reply to post by HunkaHunka

this is bad science....

No, this is bad journalism... msn should be embarassed...

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 12:10 AM
reply to post by JaxonRoberts

Actually a balanced diet of all three types of foods--carbohydrates, fats, proteins--is what makes you lean. Staying away from processed foods makes you lean. Exercise in moderate (30 minutes/day at least, but not too much because that would be over training) amounts makes you lean. Stress reducing leisure activities keeps you (sane and) lean....

Obesity is an abnormality. If you are overweight you are at a higher health-debilitating state of unbalance. Equilibrium or homeostasis is where the body wants to be. Maintaining a steady healthy weight.

And by "healthy weight" ... I'm talking slim or slender, not skinny or ripped... 2% BMI is just as unhealthy and dangerous as 30+%... BMI (the one that takes into account muscle mass with bicep and neck measurements or something similar).

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by YarlanZey
Just to add my pennies-worth:

I have Polysistic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)...

This condition affects 5%-10%...

The principal features are obesity, anovulation (resulting in irregular menstruation) or amenorrhea, acne, and excessive amounts or effects of androgenic (masculinizing) hormones. The symptoms and severity of the syndrome vary greatly among women. While the causes are unknown, insulin resistance, diabetes, and obesity are all strongly correlated with PCOS.


I would suspect that a lot of cases of obesity are caused by an undiagnosed condition (due to the lack of other severe symptoms) and these may be on an increase. The artificial rubbish in our food and water and reduction in excercise are to blame too, but some of us can't help being overweight!

Oh and I have NEVER had the flu and only had a few mild cases of the cold.

I hear you loud and clear, sister! I have PCOS and Cushing's (probably--being diagnosed/studied by a very good local endocrinologist, currently speaking).

My lab of 24 hour urinalysis for Cortisol (stress hormone) was 285, while it's supposed to be under 45.

[ Ramble ]

And yes... some OBESITY is caused by underlying hormone imbalances... I can attest to that.


It's the chicken or the egg thing here... Is it what we're eating that's causing the hormone imbalance or the imbalance that's causing the overeating of the bad foods...

Or something like that...

[ / ramble ]
edit on 21-6-2013 by schmirror because: *phew* code error fixed in the nick of time!

posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 05:51 PM
Sounds like propaganda to encourage toxic jabs

posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by John_Q_Llama
I wonder if they considered the fact that perhaps being overweight might be make one more vulnerable to a common cold. Don't people who are overweight tend to suffer from more health issues than those who are not overweight?

Yes, my thinking exactly! Fruits and vegetables, along with nuts and seeds are immune-boosting foods. Without those, your body's defenses are down and more vulnerable to viruses and diseases. Most people aren't getting enough fruits/vegetables in their diet but the overweight are more prone to catching colds and other viruses.

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