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Christine O'Donnel would not help Jews evade Nazi persecution

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posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
This is a philosophical debate, not a political one.

I beg to differ. Bush cited God as the source of his salient decision, so as long as political stuff is concerned, it's quite relevant.

This is the same thing that that idiot Rachel Maddow did to Rand Paul, talk about something from a different generation and a completely different time and put it as if it's applicable in a today's context.

I'm not a fan of Maddow's, but I bet she would be more coherent when asked a similar question.

If it was republicans or Fox News doing this everyone would say oh "she's being taken out of context".

I wouldn't. I really do use the same yardstick. O'Donnel came way short.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 07:20 PM
Election season is disgusting. Political engineers can suck it. Wake up America

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 07:42 PM
your attempt at politacal smearing is loaded
i ask you the question would you lie or misrepresent the op for your political biases
dont get me wrong we are all biased i just ask you if you will admit to yours?

the hitler question obviously provokes people to attack her no matter how she answers


posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 08:14 PM
Her dam stupid moral dilemma has nothing to do with being anti Jew or anything like it. Shes just really really dumb here.

Shes a strange one though. Getting backed up into her own corner like that. Shes got some issues. Her whole anti sex thing probably has to do with regret more than principles. But to get cornered over Ann Frank just shows a person that has been able to pull it off without coming to turms with some things. Its ok to lie for one.....but you should never tell a senator that?

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by buddhasystem

Uhg I hate Bill Maher. Garbage.

But anyways.. America didn't help the Jews, we turned away refugees during WWII. OOPS! Not supposed to mention that as it's not taught in the Public School System!

I think this ladies a tad bit on the eccentric side.. little bit off you know.. Personally.. I'd vote for her just because she admitted to once being a witch and having a romantic midnight picnic on a Satanic Alter.

I hate politicians, so I favor anyone who at the very least doesn't appear to be a politician but human. God forbid we be Human and say stupid crap sometimes.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 09:16 PM
reply to post by Logarock

She seems to me to be a typical so called "born-again-Christian" ... a complete ego-centric hypocrite. The fact that even after that, she's still a better choice over the other Republican doesn't say much about.......well about her opponent. (not the dem, the repub, I forget his name because he was a nobody)

Sadly for us, the ultra "right wing" Conservatives getting into office are not the right wingers we need nor want.. we hoped for Fiscal Conservatives and it appears we are getting more eccentric Neo-Cons.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 09:32 PM
OK all the Anti-Tea party people need to get a hobby, politically incorrect... the deck will always be stacked against anyone religious ... whatever, destroy this chick, keep the Democrats in power, and see Rome burn...

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 11:24 PM
reply to post by buddhasystem

I thought it was against the T&C to post blatantly false titles:
Christine O'Donnel would not help Jews evade Nazi persecution

I watched the video, her response (though naive) was that she believed that god would magically give her a way out of her moral dilemma of having to lie.

Your title is beyond putting words in her mouth and borders on outright fabrication.

This would be like asking (insert political victim's name here) if they would murder someone. When they said "no" you then state in your headline:
""(person)"" would not shoot 911 hijackers if given the opportunity! Would let it happen all over again!

False and misleading.

edit on 20-9-2010 by infolurker because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 05:25 AM

Originally posted by Target Earth
OK all the Anti-Tea party people need to get a hobby, politically incorrect... the deck will always be stacked against anyone religious ... whatever, destroy this chick, keep the Democrats in power, and see Rome burn...

Yea thats right. The good guys are just going to have to stand waste deep in their own poo-poo and sop of gallons of spew from their own....and smell their own asses to get by this one. But hay this is what we get when we let the jackass selfright has so much pull in the thing. I have seen these slobs in action up close. They are the kind that will make the person that can do the job go set down in the "back row" becouse they have some stain and yet they cant do it themselves. So they will watch Rome burn rather than let the firemen up. Or they will "forgive" sin and turn thier head if an ex sinner goes on a mission against everything they ever did. But then this is what you get a dingbat that "will never tell a lie" and yet "dabbled" in the craft. A dabbler? See how even that is a qualifier? What if she had said that she rose to top positions in the craft and was known as a master in the arts but tuned to Christ and put away the wicked ways? They would make her go set in the back row.

Do you see what runs the left? Hard core commited left, educated in the best left schools, life long members, wizards of the thing. And the right insists on sending these folks up that not only have to battle the left but have to do so while preening for the religious right.

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 06:13 AM

Originally posted by buddhasystem
she would betray the Jews and send them to gas chambers because she can't be bothered to lie to a sadistic bunch of criminals that Nazis were.

Like I said ... SPIN.

She said she won't lie because it's a sin.
It isn't 'that she can't be bothered' to help Jews.
It was that she wouldn't SIN.

Big difference.

But I see you prefer the spin. That attitude and behavior is no different then the MSM. Congratulations.

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 06:16 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Why didn't she just get down of her high horse and say that she would lie?

Because THAT would be a lie.
She said she is a Christian now and wouldn't sin and lie under any circumstance. Not even to help herself.
So according to you she was wrong NOT to lie ?? This politician SHOULD be telling lies??
She should lie and say she'd lie??? Or are you saying something else and I missed it??
Tea Party candidate ... damned if she lies and damned if she doesn't lie.

edit on 9/21/2010 by FlyersFan because: fixed word

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 06:25 AM
The truth of the matter - no one knows for sure how they'll react in a severe situation. We all think we know, but we really don't until it happens. I hope I would be COURAGEOUS enough to lie to save peoples lives from Nazis. It would take COURAGE to lie. The easy way would be to tell the truth. But thankfully I won't ever be put to that test.

As for O'Donnell ... given the choice between O'Donnell (R) and Mike Castle (R) ... I'd take O'Donnell. Given the choice between Coons(D) and O'Donnell (R) .... I say whatever. They both have short comings. It would be fun to see O'Donnell get it just to continue to tick off Carl Rove and those in Republican HQ. Even though Republican HQ is on the other side of town, I can almost hear their feet stomping the ground like frustrated school girls !

Originally posted by infolurker
I thought it was against the T&C to post blatantly false titles:
Christine O'Donnel would not help Jews evade Nazi persecution

It is against T&C to put up false titles. When you see something that you think is false .. hit the alert button.

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 07:42 AM
So if she wouldn't lie to protect the Jews in her house, then wouldn't she had to lie to the Jews in order to have them in her house, ergo meaning she wouldn't have Jews in her house in the first place thus not making it a problem? I mean, there has to some communication going on there, it's not like she sees a group of Jews and opens the front door. Now don't get me wrong, she's as dumb as republicans come, but still.

edit on 21-9-2010 by technical difficulties because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 07:53 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
The truth of the matter - no one knows for sure how they'll react in a severe situation. We all think we know, but we really don't until it happens. I hope I would be COURAGEOUS enough to lie to save peoples lives from Nazis. It would take COURAGE to lie. The easy way would be to tell the truth. But thankfully I won't ever be put to that test.

You would be COURAGEOUS if you were COURAGEOUS enough to hide anyone under those conditions. Besides if you tell the truth what do you think the Nazis are going to do to you anyway? I have faith that you would do the right thing.

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 08:08 AM
reply to post by buddhasystem

So let me get this straight your so afraid of this woman that you and your liberal friends are attacking her over a hypothetical issue? First it was she dabbled in witchcraft, then it was she is against masturbation then it was she misspent campaign funds on her last campaign now this seriously?

Next you and your liberal friends are going to attack her because of her hair color right? Everything you and your liberal friends have tried to attack her with has backfired in your face. she is more popular now than she ever has been. if you guys would have just kept your mouths shut, she more than likely wouldn't have won the primary and she definitely wouldn't have won the Nov. Election.

But no you guys just had to attack her over non issues and guess what your giving her free press keeping her name fresh in peoples minds and guess what the people that live in her district apparently could really care less about her past.

So she is a Christian woman. so she doesn't believe in masturbation. so she says she wouldn't lie, so she's not exactly the smartest person in the world and who really cares she dabbled with witchcraft in High school. A normal person experiments with a lot of things when they are young. and we all have different beliefs. you don't think she'll be a good senator for the state of Delaware. well then find the real proof that proves she shouldn't be the next senator and quit attacking the poor woman for stupid things that didn't hurt anyone in her past and her personal beliefs about masturbation. And everything i have read about the she mis-spent campaign funds accusation by a former aid supplied absolutely no proof to back up his claims. and makes me think he was paid off by either the libs or her sore loser republican opponent what's his name?

you libs really are scared of losing your power that you will say and do anything to keep your power and honestly that scares the hell out of me!

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 08:41 AM
She just seems like a lot people who are very religious. She thinks in absolutes and seems to believe that the world and morality is extremely black and white instead of the grey it really is.

In my opinion she also comes across as someone who hasn't really experienced much life outside of the circles she belongs to. Almost as if she hasn't encountered people who disagree with her all that much.

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 09:48 AM

Originally posted by Mercenary2007
reply to post by buddhasystem

So let me get this straight your so afraid of this woman that you and your liberal friends are attacking her over a hypothetical issue?

I don't have to be afraid of her to not like her, or to appreciate what conservatives call her "checkered past". In this instance, she refused to take a stand and really copped out by referring to God. Duh. Would I trust this woman as a policymaker? No way.

First it was she dabbled in witchcraft, then it was she is against masturbation then it was she misspent campaign funds on her last campaign now this seriously?

Yes, guess what, she likely embezzled the funds:
O'Donnell sidesteps specifics on funds

And get real here, it has nothing to do with me being a liberal or right wing. Deal's a deal and she is just not seeming fit for the office. As to masturbation issue, if she takes is THAT seriously, there is something wrong in her scheme of priorities.

Back to "liberal" -- since you resorted to this supposed ad hominem quite a few times in your post, thus highlighting your own lack of substance -- I'm not a liberal. I'm probably the opposite. Now, continuing reading of that boring ad hom:

Next you and your liberal friends are going to attack her because of her hair color right? Everything you and your liberal friends have tried to attack her with has backfired in your face.

Her mess with not paying her debts and embezzling funds can only fire back in her own face, don't you think?

she is more popular now than she ever has been

Yes, there are plenty of hacks in this country who can understand issues like masturbation but have no clue in politics. And that's the scary part.

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 09:50 AM

Originally posted by technical difficulties
I mean, there has to some communication going on there, it's not like she sees a group of Jews and opens the front door.

Ah, so you have a nagging suspicion that she indeed would decline to help the Jews altogether? Just keep the door locked?

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 09:58 AM

Originally posted by buddhasystem

Originally posted by technical difficulties
I mean, there has to some communication going on there, it's not like she sees a group of Jews and opens the front door.

Ah, so you have a nagging suspicion that she indeed would decline to help the Jews altogether? Just keep the door locked?
Yeah, but you have to admit it's far better than helping the Nazis. But then again, if she were to witness Jews in someone else's house or in her area and was questioned about it, she would tell the truth, so I get your point.

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 10:11 AM
Lets be real...this lady wouldn't be hiding jews. She sounds like one of those fanatics who would kill someone because god told her to. I can't stand to listen to her.

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