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Tony Robbins: An Important Note of Caution (Economic Warning)

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posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by unityemissions

I think your very cynical. If you watch the video or read the little transcript I posted you would see that he starts by discussing the led up to the 2008 crash and the 30s and 70s as well as Japan and other fiscal dropouts. He states he was working with some of the big players in 2008, so I wouldn't necessarily say he is behind the times, though it is a possibility i'll admit.

As for self help, I agree with you that it should be from the self. But some people are sometimes so clouded over that they can't see that for themselves and they have to look external for help. Yes, some people will gain from that, but on the otehr hand there are plenty of people out there readily wanting to help people.

If the people feel the benefit, great! If they have to pay, hopefully they will learn that in the future they only have to look to themselves.

I think just because you don't like someone or their values and then ignoring what they have to say is a sure way to end up down a one way street.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
reply to post by unityemissions

You could be right, but then again what does he need the press for? How does it help his reputation to regurgitate old information. Why come out now, like you said in late 2010? Plus, with his list of references and success stories, does he really need the press?

I don't know what he is or isn't selling, I only know that it seems the majority of times that people seem to be most altruistic they are actually being quite the opposite.

Maybe he hasn't had any press for a while? Maybe he does have some things up, but is much brighter than the average con-artist, so doesn't bother to mention it here, knowing that he's already had a following, so the people will keep this "nice deed" in mind when they hear about his new project in a few months.

Sure, I could be wrong. I'm only going off a gut feeling and his body language from the video. I watched a few more minutes just to confirm it ... yeah, he seems to be using quite a few tricks from NLP.

Why late 2010? Thought I already mentioned that. It's because only recently has the public been open to notions of massive insider corruption, dollar/economy collapse, and the like. When ATS members were speaking of this years ago, we were thought of as nuts. Now it's pretty much public knowledge. So he can go on and convince the last 30 or so percentage of Americans who are on the fence about the economy still. That's why.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by carlitomoore
reply to post by unityemissions

I think your very cynical.

I wear my cynicism with pride.

I think just because you don't like someone or their values and then ignoring what they have to say is a sure way to end up down a one way street.

At least I'm not hiding behind a childish naivety about human nature.

There is no true selflessness.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by unityemissions

There is no true selflessness.

There are a lot of theories about that, and they are very hard to argue against!

Some would say that even the most selfless act gives one a personal satisfaction, or joy in their own charity, and therefore it is still a selfish act!

If one does not take joy in charitable acts, and they still do them, then it must be some sense of duty or responsibility, otherwise there would be joy involved with the fulfillment of the act?

It is easy to argue that no act is selfless, even though I don't believe it, I haven't found a good argument to the contrary?

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 03:20 PM
If we keep scrutinizing and killing the messenger we wont get the message. How many people does it take to say this before we get the hint and realize there is something coming. I think we can all agree we are on a collision course with another market crash or maybe worse in the future. The only question should be WHEN not IF.

You really cant loose if you just prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Thats all he is saying in this video.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 09:20 PM
reply to post by carlitomoore

He sells books. That's all you need to know. He's also a tool, in case you're wondering.

Though to be fair, he is mostly correct lol. But the information is easily available.. but I wouldn't take any actual financial advice from him ... like buying his books.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 09:37 PM
Robbins has been around since the late 70's. He wrote a decent book and has never looked back.

Just about every major speaker has used him as a coach. The guy is just damn good at what he does. He's made appearances with several presidents, starting with Bush (the Elder) I know. For some reason, I think him and Nancy Reagan did some work for charities together. Anyway, this guy gets around.

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by carlitomoore

Thanks, CarlitoMoore, for posting the Tony Robbins videos. These were recorded in August 2010.

I may be wrong, but I suspect these videos were made for Robbins' "premium members." I'm guessing someone leaked it to youtube to let everyone know.

Tony Robbins warns about the coming stock market crash expected between Oct/Nov 2010 and the first few months of 2011. Crash could come as early as September 30, 2010 according to other sources

Tony Robbins is NOT alone:

Nouriel Roubini is also warning of a coming crash. Roubini is the one who predicted the crash of 2008 about a year before it happened. He’s a professor of Economics at NYU’s Stern School of Business.

The Hindenburg Omen is a market technical analysis pattern said to portend a stock market crash. It has shown up at least three times in recent weeks.

I hope they’re all wrong, but I don’t think so. Pass this on to the people you care about. Let them make up their own minds.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by Rockpuck

I don't understand all this talk labelling people as tools and working for TPTB. I cannot remember the last time on this website that someone didn't label someone like this.

Every person in the world is not part of TPTB! I think people have some serious trust issues that they cant just take advice from someone or listen to someones opinion without jumping to that stereotype.

This is more aimed at someone who has posted before you, I just think that people need to re-evaluate how they view reality.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by SeaWind

Thanks for your post. Many, many people are touting the end of September as the next stage. This fits in with the trends of the past and I for sure see things getting a whole lot worse for the little guy.

I would not recommend to anyone that they take any financial advice from this video, and the guy himself makes that clear, he is simply alluding to the fact that things may not be as bad as they seem and to prepare for things getting worse rather than better.

Reindhart at Enterprise Corruption has stated today he things it is going to be even more aggresive than even he thought possible, and says that it could be the biggest contraction we have ever seen.

Alot of people don't agree with this prognosis and these are the people who have got the blinkers on and are looking exclusively at the markets right now.

If you zoom out and exchange your market head for your 'reality' head, I think you can make a much more informed decision.

I think its going to happen and within the next three weeks.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 11:34 AM


I don't understand all this talk labelling people as tools and working for TPTB. I cannot remember the last time on this website that someone didn't label someone like this.

In this case the reaction is to be expected.
Robbins has been a counter conspiracy
agent since the seventies, and TPTB
have had plenty of time to program
against him. Here in the new
Millennium anyone who tries
to cut through all discussion
to focus on solutions is...

    a con man
    trying to manipulate you
    so full of chit
    already rich he's not gonna help you

and my favorite

    Just trying to sell something

These are all the preprogrammed emotional responses that the vast majority of pop culture have towards people who are not pretending. Because that's all it takes to trigger this response. In our subconscious the visual image is ruled by the authority of "let's play pretend" and anyone who is trying to do real work is breaking-the-rules, and must-be-destroyed. As a people we may never be conscious enough to overcome this.

[color=gold]What I do find interesting though

Is that sooooo much emotional programing has been done against just this archetypal character. Sure takes a lot of work to stop one guy doesn't it. Imagine how much money would be spent against his kind if he actually asked for help.

David Grouchy

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by davidgrouchy

I was unsure about you for a while grouchy since you commented on my Afghanistan thread and then this one, but Im finally starting to figure how your mind works, your a hard guy to gauge.

But your alright, and I have to say, I am in agreement with you

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 02:30 PM
Robins is absolutely correct that in the next 6 to 9 months we will experience a total implosion.

We WILL have a currency crisis, soon. Other nations will reject the dollar and cut themselves lose from our criminal reserve currency due to the Fed printing outrageous amounts of money.

However, Robins is absolutely wrong about the causes of our problems. It has nothing to do with baby boomers retiring and it has little to do with consumer spending. - It has EVERYTHING to do with the Federal Reserve wiping out savings by artificially suppressing interest rates.

All capital investment must come from SAVINGS - which requires moderately high interest rates in order to induce people into saving resources instead of spending them right away. Today we no longer have any savings at all, yet industry and consumers continue to spend as if they do because of the cheap credit.

This is the cause of booms and busts.

The Federal Reserve.

edit on 25-9-2010 by mnemeth1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by carlitomoore
I for one have never heard of Tony Robbins

Considering you made the largest self-improvement-resource thread on ATS, as linked in your signature, I find it amazing that you dont know the biggest self-improvement-guru.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 06:01 AM
reply to post by Skyfloating

Skyfloating, I have just got the distinct impression that you were trying to call me out as a phony there!?

Maybe it is just my defensive nature. I wouldn't say it was a self improvement thread per se but more of an educational thread discussing the key components of life....

That aside, I had never heard of Tony Robbins, but the more material I check out and from the posts by other members, I seem to be vaguely aware of him.

It would have been nice to hear your take on this, you generally have a level headed opinion on things... when you are not dropping mischeavous posts!

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by carlitomoore

No, not trying to call you out mate. I meant it in a soft/humorous way.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 01:12 PM
I am not a huge Tony Robbins fan and I am certainly not a disciple. However, his work speaks for it self. If you actually watch the entire video presentation, what he says makes a lot of sense. Furthermore, he is not predicting the end of times or a complete economic collapse, he is merely saying there is going to be a downturn in the economy, and a severe reaction will result in the stock market, particularly in certain sectors like home building but also in lending and manufacturing. He is merely telling people to position themselves accordingly, suggesting that people move into necessity type investments (food, power, etc), move into stable instruments such as cash, or even betting on the downturn (short the market, buy inverse etfs, etc).

This is a very well put together video presentation. I would like to add a few highlights.

1) I have been speaking about the effect of the possible effects of the retirement of the baby boomers for at least a decade. I was an accountant for 15 years before changing to a civil service job because I saw this unemployment and downturn coming, although admittedly, not this hard and this fast. I have also been an avid investor since I could read, as my was in the stock market for years, and I was always fascinated with the names on cans of soup, soda, toothpaste, etc and wondered what companies brought me these items, how they made money, and how I could profit from that as well. I agree with 95% of what Mr Robbins says, but one thing that is uncertain is the impact of baby boomers retirement. As a whole, will they become savers rather than spenders? We don't know. If my parents are any indication, they have saved their whole lives and now that they are retiring, they are spending more than they ever have. They are retired teachers with pensions coming in, their house is paid off with a rental, and they have saved every dime they have ever earned so now they are enjoying retirement.

2) People, Mr. Robbins included, have been blaming banks and credit for the ills we have now. In the end, cheap credit and funny mortgages were only the last phase of the long term problem, a bridge if you will. The real problem comes from long term underemployment and the exploitation of the worker. The United States enjoyed rapid growth from the early 1900s due to industrialization, productivity gains, and an unionized workforce which was well taken care of an therefore could spend money knowing they had it, and also, that their jobs were secure. Over time, and particularly in the Reagan administration where "Union busting" became the new thing (I am a republican and loved Reagan but this was a particularly huge gaffe), Unions were attacked and dissolved and people of Corporate America, lost their pensions, job security, and ultimately, a fair wage. Our economy relies on growth and inflation. Sure it must be measured and controlled, but if profits at companies are to go up, prices must go up and if prices go up, wages must go up as well.It's a cycle.

To illustrate this, I go back to a conversation I had with my friend nearly 10 years ago. I bought my house in 1995 for $226,000. Not 5 years later, the house got appraised for $550,000 while they were actually selling for MORE THAN THAT. I called my friend and asked how it was possible that my house could double in 5 years? I asked him frankly if everyone around me had their salaries double in that time frame...of course knowing full well that few if any people go any raise to speak of between 1995 and 2000. I commented at that time that the rally in home prices was unsustainable and at some point, I didn't know when, the housing market had to stabilize if not falter or downright collapse.

Another cause of this stagnation was the year 2000. What you say? Nothing happened when the clock hit 2000 and the new millennium hit! Correct. However, this was due to massive, massive technology spending in the years 1995 through 2000. I personally was involved in a "year 2000" project whereby entire systems had to be revamped due to the lack of a four digit year. There was massive concern (rightfully so) that ageing programs (among other things) would improperly calculate because "00" and "01" are less than "98" and "99." In fact, entire companies were created to deal with the issue, and companies like cisco, sun microsystems, intel, oracle, etc made billions and billions of dollars and saw a corresponding increase in stock price. That all changed in march of 2000 (I believe), when forecasts for earnings plummeted and Sun Micro and Cisco plummeted from $100 (after a 2 for 1 split at $150) and $80 into the single digits and never really recovered. For the curious, the reason 2 digits were used initially is because when mainframe computers were invented, memory was extremely limited (to the point where anyone born in the 80's can't even imagine what I'm talking about), and as such, the 2 digits for a 4 year date simply could not be spared.

Nobody I have ever heard speak about the "tech crash" brings up the year 2000, and I have never heard ANYONE outside myself even mention it, but in my opinion the massive spending and sudden immediate cutoff of that spending was the direct cause of the tech bubble and subsequent collapse.

Everyone is blaming 9/11 (the greatest American tragedy) for the economic upheaval but as a matter of fact whatever economic impact to the downside was psychological and very limited in duration. Additionally, the long term economic effect of the event, if anything, would be positive as it created many new jobs for construction, united the country (for a while - until everyone basically forgot about it), and eliminated office space and retail space which began to be over abundant. If the hijackers could have warned us to get everyone out to spare the lives they actually would have done us a big favor. I hate to say it because I loved those buildings but that's what I've read and I live here in NYC so I pretty much live it. Obviously there was no need to kill innocent people who have nothing whatsoever to do with American overseas policies but that is a whole different discussion you guys can take up here in the conspiracy forum.

For Tony's part some of the suggestions he made were good but I would like to point out the glaring absence of precious metals, particularly gold and silver but also platinum and palladium. Gold and silver go back as far as 5,000 years, maybe longer, and are mentioned in the bible. Paper money rarely lasts more than a few hundred years at best and ultimately becomes worthless. No other investment has been around as long, and it's one of the few assets that doesn't rely on the promise or action of another. I am not a gold bug and have historically not invested in precious metals due to a lack of a return, but in these times I have no choice. The dollar can and must continue to decline, if nothing else, in a slow and steady rate as it has since the turn of the century.

I particularly applaud Tony for saying something which I have said to my "gloom and doom" friend in Georgia every time he brings up this subject which is "don't predict something like a crash, the end of the world, a slowdown in the economy, the end of the dollar etc...something which will ultimately occur, and we can do nothing about. Give me a time frame in which you will be correct and tell me what plan YOU have for profiting from it." For instance, many of the doomsayers during the crash predicted the demise of the dollar, rocketing inflation etc in the "next 6 to 18 months" when in that time, we had deflation, and the dollar rallied because everyone sold their stocks and other assets and flocked to cash, and in addition, banks were not lending money, they were holding it, hording it, and due to supply and demand forces the dollar rallied. I stressed to my friend and I continue to hold to it....we can't have inflation until we have some mode of recovery, because you cannot raise prices if no one is buying, and the dollar has only recently begun its decline (maybe 6 months or so), as the economy has begun to unfreeze somewhat and as dollars begin to be released and the government continues printing, supply and demand again will take hold and the dollar must decline.

If you want a strategy for what tony was talking about with playing the decline safely, you can trade ETFs (he mentions them) such as DOG (that's the symbol) which increases at a rate inversely to the DOW's decline. I used this strategy, alternatively buying DOG and DIA (which bets on the down UP) during the period of high volatility following the credit meltdown and subsequent crash. If you are married to your portfolio you can buy put options which will protect you from any crash by either increasing in value as your stock declines (offsetting the losses) or allowing you to sell the stock at a given contract price. For instance, if you hold IBM at $100 and you hold a $90 put, and the stock collapses to $25, you have the right (but not the obligation) to sell the stock at $90, or you can keep your stock and sell the option which is now worth $90-$25 or $65 x 100 or $6,500 in intrinsic value alone (options also have a time premium and a volatility premium).

All in all Anthony Robbins gave a well thought out presentation, and it would pay to take heed and at least evaluate your positions. His take on housing is rather conservative, as I don't see a recovery for many years (more than a decade), as the reset has taken place, reality has set in, and everyone knows they cannot do it on credit any longer. All home building should cease NOW but it won' if you were planning to sell your house to fund your retirement, you need to make alternate arrangements.

Good luck everyone.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by mnemeth1

I would have to strongly disagree with your post. Investment and spending in large part come from earnings, not from savings. If you think about the average person, 100% of everything bought comes from either earnings or borrowings. Given the fact that the majority of America would be bankrupt after 30 days without their paychecks.

Additionally, it is a given fact that virtually everyone accepts...American is a consumer driven economy. Tony Robbins says 75% of the economy is driven by spending. Really? If that's true please tell me what the other 25% consists of.

The Federal Reserve, the Banking system etc etc etc are all scapegoats which mask the real problem which is the exploitation and unemployment or underemployment of Corporate America which results directly from Corporate greed. The problems caused by the banking system and funny mortgages and the Federal Reserve actions are merely the end of over 40 years (or longer) of a slow and steady erosion of wages, benefits, pensions, and job security. It's coming home to roost now but no body wants to look at the causes, and put the blame where it belongs. The Fed and the Banks are merely the dogs that are now being kicked.

No the banks aren't innocent. Clearly they've abused the system too as well as their customers. But the mammoth problem is employment and fair wages. Either wages and job security must go up....or everything else must come down. Hence your "implosion."

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 05:52 PM
Thanks for sharing this.Its great info

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 06:44 PM
Tony Robbins is a student of Richard Bandler. Robbins is not just"damn good" at public speaking he is a NLP trainer. He has analyzed body and verbal language to the point of maximum usage. I would not call him a con artist and just like any person use your mind and see/listen/feel what they are trying to get across to you. t/hen decide if you believe it.

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