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Proof of The Prophet Muhammad in the Bible

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posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by FamiliarBoyOfGoodFortune
reply to post by Xcathdra

I wonder when you talk to God, does He reply to you?

In his own way Yes, he talks to me. Every day life is full of quirks, intresting moments, things that make you think and wonder. Happiness, Sadness, Laughter, its all there. The journey each of us is on is just that, our own. People can be part of the same church, yet have completely different experiences, which I like to think is God working his wonders in his own ways.

You may feel different about this, and thats fine. I am not saying God appears for a sitdown and a 30 minute point-counter point. This falls back to Faith - belief in things unseen.

Originally posted by FamiliarBoyOfGoodFortune
As I said there is no compulsion in religion, it is only a warning, you may reject it.

If there is no compulsion in religion, then can you explain your warning to me?

Originally posted by FamiliarBoyOfGoodFortune
Time and time again, people who think they have all the answers don't. Because they do not take into account the bigger picture and only factor in themselves and their beliefs.

I dont, nor have I ever, claimed to have all of the answers. My beliefs, as I have stated in the above posts, is that God created us all, allowing individuality, free will, and the ability to do good. Its man that has decided to sit in judgment over each other in terms of religion and who goes where when we die. Its man who decided its a noble cause to kill someone of a differing faith. Its man who decided that people must belong to one group to be in favor with God, while at the same time running other organizations into the ground because they have a different road map, ignoring the fact that the road maps are the same.

Can you explain to me how the Islamic Faith takes into account other Faiths, and how Islam factors that in to their long range plans and goals? Its a 2 way street, and from everything I have seen is Islam thinks it is the religion, and everyone else either needs to convert, or be relegated to some second class status.

Could I be wrong about this view? Absolutely, just as people in the Middle East can be wrong about the intentions of the United States Government that you acuse of killing indiscriminately.

My answer to that is Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone.

Peace to thy neighbor, helping them in need, celebrating with them in happiness, consoling them in times of sadness, and being there for them when they need it. Being there to just listen when they need someone to talk to but not talk back to.

Man has taken up a cause against each other in an attempt to one up each other. As I described before, its like religions are the spolied children, constantly fighting with each other for dads love and attention. We are so busy vieing for that status, that we fail to see that we are part of the same family.

Originally posted by FamiliarBoyOfGoodFortune
That man made government of yours that you pay your tax to, that have murdered countless people on your behalf, for you to even bring up Iraq as some sort of point shows how indifferent you are to the suffering of others.

As far as the comment about my man made Government, all I can say is be careful throwing stones when you live in a glass house. The faith that we are talking about can be accused of the exact same thing. My Government, which is made up of people, is not perfect, and neither is any other Government, or Religion for that matter.

If you feel differently about that I have no issues meeting with you, filling up the pool, and allowing you to walk across it to prove your point.

I do find it intresting how quickly muslims demonize the United States, stating we ignore their plight, when we sent troops into the Bosnian conflict. Why did we do this? To stop the ethnic cleansing of... wait for it... Muslims. At times people in the Middle East seem to have the memory of a Gypsy Moth.

The discourse the Middle East has with our Government is many. From US troops being stationed in the middle east, albeit at the request of the host countries, to policies our country has towards dcertain groups. What I find hypocritical is how we get condemned for those policies, while at the same time other Middle East countries form their own policies that run contrary to ours. When this is brought up, we are told to but out.

People accusing the Government of the US of not listening or not taking an intrest in the plight of certain people is hypocritical. Even more so when the governments of the Middle East do the exact same thing.

I used Iraq as an example extension to your own example, which I noticed you were fine with until I extended the example into the realm of what you described as either joining, or being killed. Im sorry if you think that religion is justified in killing people for being of a different faith. I am sorry if my argument goes against the concept that Islam is the one true religion and all others are tolerated until they recruit, at which point they become some evil entity that must be stopped.

Islam, Chritianity, Judaism - Contray to what there members want to belive, they are not peacful religions. At one time or another, they have used barbaric tactics in order to advance their religion. They have consistently preached peace, only to ignore it when it suits their goals.

Originally posted by FamiliarBoyOfGoodFortune
How apt it is that you have a picture of a sheep next to your name. There are many like you. It is as the Quran says:

Certainly! Allâh will admit those who believe and do righteous good deeds, to Gardens under which rivers flow (Paradise), while those who disbelieve enjoy themselves and eat as cattle eat, and the Fire will be their abode.
Quran 47:12

You have ended your post by showing me a line from the Quran that banishes me for not being a true beliver of Islam - How hypocritical, especially when it goes against the posts and argument you made about how religion is not compulsary, and how Allah doesnt want people to be forced into worshipping him. You have shown in this comment, that Islam and your explanation of it is hypocritical. After all you stated, in the end, if people dont worship Allah, they burn in hell.

How is that not forced or compuslary?

You have chosen to ignore many of my questions about Islam, passing up multiple opprotunites to educate people about Islam, to portray it in a different view.

You have chosen to participate in a debate with me about Islam and its views. You have chosen to ignore several pertianat questions about how Islam treats others outside of the Faith. You have chosen words carefully that have double meanings in an attempt to mislead the others reading these exchanges.

You have shown the Intolerance of Islam as you understand and explain it.

Above all, when it was apparent I was not going to stop asking questions to better understand, and to have you clarify points of Islam, you chose to end your post by telling me that under Islam, I will be going to hell because of my views. For what its worth, Thank you for at least answering some of the questions I posed.

I for one look forward to the day when the US moves to a different energy source. A day we can remove our troops from the Middle East over the objections of the Governments their who wanted us there, and they can go back to killing each other in the name of religion.

When that time comes, I wonder who Extremist Islam will blame then to justify their actions.

edit on 30-9-2010 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 01:59 AM
reply to post by Xcathdra

Going off on this kind of tangent gets more and more tedious the longer it gets.

The original post contained a Rabbi reciting The Songs of Solomon in Hebrew. At 2:30 verse 16 is what sounds like the name of the Prophet Muhammad. I ask you (as many cannot hear it or should I say cannot bring themselves to admit to hearing it) what do you hear?

Simple question time: Do you or do you not hear the name Muhammad-im? (The 'im' denoting the plural for respect).

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 02:11 AM
reply to post by FamiliarBoyOfGoodFortune

Just because a word sounds similar to another doesn't make that word the same. Solomon never mentioned Muhammad. Why didn't he go in greater detail in describing if he did mention Muhammad? Muhammad is supposed to be one of the greatest prophets compared to Moses. So it would make sense for Muhammad to be named correctly. Is Mohammed Mentioned in Song of Songs?

One who asserts that Mohammed is mentioned in the Song of Songs ignores the most simple reading of the text and has probably never even looked at the Hebrew of the text.

On another note if you're a person who believes the Bible is corrupted but use it verses to state claim isn't that hypocrisy?

Deuteronomy 18
Deuteronomy and Muhammed?

Many Muslims will claim that the Torah itself (apparently the "uncorrupted" part) predicts the coming of their so-called prophet some time after the giving of the Torah. All Bible translations are directly from the Hebrew, all of them literal.

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 02:25 AM

Originally posted by Romantic_Rebel
reply to post by FamiliarBoyOfGoodFortune

Just because a word sounds similar to another doesn't make that word the same. Solomon never mentioned Muhammad. Why didn't he go in greater detail in describing if he did mention Muhammad? Muhammad is supposed to be one of the greatest prophets compared to Moses. So it would make sense for Muhammad to be named correctly. Is Mohammed Mentioned in Song of Songs?

One who asserts that Mohammed is mentioned in the Song of Songs ignores the most simple reading of the text and has probably never even looked at the Hebrew of the text.

On another note if you're a person who believes the Bible is corrupted but use it verses to state claim isn't that hypocrisy?

Deuteronomy 18
Deuteronomy and Muhammed?

Many Muslims will claim that the Torah itself (apparently the "uncorrupted" part) predicts the coming of their so-called prophet some time after the giving of the Torah. All Bible translations are directly from the Hebrew, all of them literal.

On the contrary, this is nothing more than a simple test. If people said:

Well what do you know, it does sound like Muhammad, but I don't think it's talking about him though.

Well, that'd be fine, but the response is more like:

Oh no, no, no, it doesn't say it, or sound like it, Muhammad is definitely not in the bible.

Which, Is irrational to say the least.

And just because something is corrupt, it doesn't mean it's all bad - right?

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 02:29 AM
reply to post by FamiliarBoyOfGoodFortune

If the book is offering you the meaning of life, answers to everything else and what not. But it's corrupted; then why use it in life? There's a huge chance that's it nothing more then a scam. Think about it!

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 02:39 AM
reply to post by Romantic_Rebel

Scam you say. That's a little harsh. After all we are talking about the betterment of mankind are we not.

Huh, reverse, reverse, I'd quite forgotten, did you answer the simple question?

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 02:43 AM
reply to post by FamiliarBoyOfGoodFortune

What simple question were you asking? I didn't see one. Mankind in my view should work together and prosper. I know you're a religious person. But I don't believe the image of God should be used all the time on people.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by Romantic_Rebel
reply to post by Thepreye

Eh? Christians trying to promote their dominance over innocent people.

HAAHAHA lol.....

Changing the letters doesn't change the reasoning.... so laughable....


posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by Masterjaden

Are you referring to me or someone else?

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by Romantic_Rebel
reply to post by pepsi78

Who is the Creator then? Tell me who is he or she?
There are numerous of Gods and Goddess that are worshiped daily by people.

The better question would be WHAT is He/She.... and why was He worshipped and what was He worshipped as.

The answer is a lot more complicated than I'm about to make it, but the simple answer is that God is totality, ALL that IS. The conglomerate consciousness. The rest of the short answer to your question, (the long answer would take volumes), is that God was worshipped as such BECAUSE other gods and godesses that represented only small aspects of God were worshipped. That's where the saying the one true God comes from, with a capital G.

It's not to say that the other gods and godesses, didn't or don't exist, but rather that they represented an infinitesimally smaller component of God and weren't worth the individual worship.

Most religions are based on a kernel of truth where the founder and or "prophets" if you will had a connection with God or an aspect of God and illustrated it in the best way they could.


posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 12:28 AM

Originally posted by FamiliarBoyOfGoodFortune
reply to post by Xcathdra

Going off on this kind of tangent gets more and more tedious the longer it gets.

The original post contained a Rabbi reciting The Songs of Solomon in Hebrew. At 2:30 verse 16 is what sounds like the name of the Prophet Muhammad. I ask you (as many cannot hear it or should I say cannot bring themselves to admit to hearing it) what do you hear?

Simple question time: Do you or do you not hear the name Muhammad-im? (The 'im' denoting the plural for respect).

Solomon wrote that a loooooooong time before Muhammad walked the Earth.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 01:32 AM

Originally posted by Alxandro

Originally posted by JonInMichigan

I guess I don't understand. Isn't it well accepted that Moohamed was born in the year 570 AD?

Isn't it interesting how the birthyear of the said "prophet" has been recorded and documented using a unit of measure of a certain "savior's" birthyear?

Only in the "Western civilizations" -- because the date the Muslims use wouldn't make sense to an American/Brit/etc. To the Muslims, the year is 1431. To the Jews, the year is 5770. It's 5111 in one of the Hindu calendars... and so on and so forth.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 01:42 AM

Originally posted by FamiliarBoyOfGoodFortune
reply to post by Xcathdra

The original post contained a Rabbi reciting The Songs of Solomon in Hebrew. At 2:30 verse 16 is what sounds like the name of the Prophet Muhammad. I ask you (as many cannot hear it or should I say cannot bring themselves to admit to hearing it) what do you hear?

They probably do NOT hear a name "Muhammad." People hear language differently depending on what their native tongue is. There's a short (8 page) paper, very readable -- Franz Boas "On Alternating Sounds" where this was noted and discussed as one of the main problems in recording languages back in the 1880's.

It's a good paper. I hope you'll look at it. This is the reason that only some people hear "muhammad" and others hear other words.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by Byrd

The Jews started 5771 last month.


posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 08:46 AM
reply to post by Miraj

They can change the letters to whatever they want, but we all know the entire dating system is based around the life and death of Jesus.

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 08:48 AM
reply to post by prophecy4

So Jesus is dead! I thought you Christians and Muslims believed he was in Heaven.
Kind of disappointing! Jesus was a great hippie.

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 04:02 PM
1 thing we can all agree on is muhammad is a peodophile , that all i need to know about this deathcult


posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 12:17 AM
Jeeez .. talking religion is like taking a dip in a bathtub full of scorpions with no way to get out of the tub.. everyone will complain, scream, and eventually kill each other in the process of trying to climb on each other to avoid the "sting"..

I honestly do not care about Muhammad, I was not raised around him, I was not "instructed" to even consider him of importance growing up, and as far as Jesus? .. I'll keep that "close to my vest" the way it should be..

As to the name Muhammad being in the bible? .. never looked for it, then again, with as many versions of the bible out there for one to view, it's not uncommon to see "inclusions & exclusions" the norm as a pandering tool of the masses belief system it is to reflect when read by that sect..

Enough from me on this subject matter..

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 02:52 AM
reply to post by NOTurTypical

Originally posted by NOTurTypical
Solomon wrote that a loooooooong time before Muhammad walked the Earth.

And David and Moses and Abraham were around before Jesus. They still prophesied him

reply to post by KDM_Souljah

Originally posted by KDM_Souljah
1 thing we can all agree on is muhammad is a peodophile , that all i need to know about this deathcult


We can all agree? Sorry, no. If all you know about the "deathcult" is a lie, it speaks to your ignorance on the subject.
edit on 13-10-2010 by babloyi because: Formatting

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 04:25 AM
reply to post by Romantic_Rebel

Yes,Jesus/Yeshua died,was buried and rose
from the tomb.He is now sitting at the right
hand of God.
You are wrong,but you are soooo cute at it!

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