posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 10:01 AM
Shameful as this is, its not suprising or indeed shocking anymore. Im sure most of us have seen the video leaked by wikileaks of the chopper assault
on men who were carrying photographic equipment. That attack was horrific overkill , they even chased down a kid who had been injured and put in a van
for saftey and obliterated him by swiss cheesing the vehicle.
How can we continue to pretend to be shocked after all that has happened? We cannot. Some of us do, but those amongst us who continue to be suprised
at the barbarism of war are either willfuly ignorant, or just plain incapable of understanding reality for what it is. This particular reality , is
that lots of people die , and THIER names dont end up on a fancy bit of marble. THIER families dont get to have a ceremony, because either they all
die together, or theres nothing to bury. Im not talking about combatants, or armed civilians . Im talking about those who were just in the wrong
spot, on the wrong day , doing NOTHING wrong, representing no threat . These voiceless tens of thousands of people who have died in the war on
terror,dont have the luxury of discussing wether thier deaths are called war crimes, or just unfortunate realities about which one can do nothing...
The whole situation makes me sick. I would rather be killed by sociopathic fundamentalists, than have these things done in my name, to people too
weak , poor, and uncared for, to defend themselves against such outrage.
As for CNN , can you imagine greater and better proof of them being a media catspaw than that? I cannot.