posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 08:53 PM
Now now,
imagine if another country were to take your precious england and her queen by force and colonise them and to hell with the inhabitants. If some
people in your country decided to stand their ground, although heavily outnumbered and end up at a stalemate regarding a piece of land, would you call
your fellow countrymen cowards?
I would classify cowards as bullys who intimidate prople by force when in higher numbers than the people being picked on. If the country being picked
on retaliates it is only natural. If they stand their ground and overcome the intimidators it can only be expected that the intimidators will be
With regard to the "troubles", the british were very much involved in keeping it going and treated it as a military exercise if you did your research,
also research collusion.
This story is old news and the queen fearing british will always try to save face regarding how they were pathetic during the so-called troubles. Did
they come to the aid of their so called loyalists if such a big and proficient army as they proved in the middle east so many times?? did they do it
all on their own over there too??
The British Army did not come in force to NI because the majority of the people there would see why the republicans did as they did and they would
lose face.
Nobody likes a bully not even your own.
True, there is no call for such behaviour at the moment, I agree.
To end the rant, would Ireland or glorious and valiant england decide once and for all to declare it neutral? Or to be honest, if "great" britain
joined the euro there would be no Ireland and england, only Europe.
edit on 20-9-2010 by wes_dublin because: (no reason given)