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Navy to test its ability to vaccinate masses in a pandemic

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posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 05:01 AM
Navy to test its ability to vaccinate masses in a pandemic

Well Alrighty then! Mass Vaccinations have now become a military operation! Couple that with mandatory vaccinations for first responders, and then couple that with the pandemic outbreak legislation passed last year ensuring martial law... you've got a


production line type operation of incarcerate, transport, annihilate and incinerate on a grand scale - admiralty style!

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 05:35 AM
Yeh just take a number and we'll be rite with you... its as simple as that ! The shepeople (Sheep - people) will just go do it as they are told

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 07:50 AM
I mean come on ATS! lol... we all knew that the noose was tightening...

but how many here thought it would evolve itself into a military operation?

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 01:43 AM
Most large Hospitals (Level 1 through 3) actively participate in pandemic drills, in conjunction with SEMA and FEMA. Most of it is designed to find ways to administer medication without people mashing into an ER or acute care. Thought process is the more people are isolated, the less chance of exposure to people who are not sick from whatever.

Other testing is to see how stockpiles of meds can be distributed safely and secured to prevent looting. Most people think of people hording food during major incidents. However, medication, including controlled narcotics in Hospitals will become targets as well. Developing plans for mass innoculations throughout the community is one way to alleviate fear from the population during mass disasters.

Ive participated in a few of these drills, testing different aspects of it to constantly improve.

If the object of the OP was to describe this as a conspiracy by the military I can assure you its not (and no, im not military).

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 02:06 AM
I guess I can see the importance in the need for a disciplined structure involving a real life pandemic. Scenes from the movie however stalk my nightmares... and it just strikes me as odd in ways I cannot explain. Just my own thoughts on this.

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