posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by Phage
do you remember the NASA teather incident?
there was a miscalculation of how much energy it would induce and this overcharged state
caused a short circut at the base of the teather
now this level of induced voltage was proberly because of a localized electro-magnetic feild
surrounding earth
on a smaller scale when the probes were in orbit around charged planets they gathered a charge themselfs
this charge stabilized with the avaliable amount of energy in the surrounding envionment
as these probes left there slingshot orbits they encountered large amounts of charged particals
because of the stored surface charge they caused an aligning of the charged particals in space they encountered
this provided the probes with a soft of self induced ionic wind that is bearly percepable
as the probe travels and aligns these particals they strip a very small amount of charge from the probes surface charge
over time as the surface charge depleates and the particals the probe encounters become more spaced out the effect of the ionic wind is deminished
this causes the perceptable slow down we are witnessing
this is a theory that should still allow for the slow down without breaking any known laws (i think)
what do you think ?