posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by aqlpskwo
that's a great question perhaps even overlooked by many...
what is 'true' happiness as compared to happiness based on our material gains and physical sense encounters...
I recently heard of a saying which I believed to be beautifully summarized.
"Happy is a state of feeling from our physical sensory"
(We are happy when we purchase something we desire, eat something we crave, smell something beautiful, engage in a conversation with our
friends/families/pets and loved ones, even down to physical & sensual indulgence. We are happy based only on our 5 senses, touch/smell/sound/sight and
taste; anything under these circumstances can be considered a state of happiness. Everyone has their own needs/wants/desires of obtaining happiness
although nothing in this state of happiness can ever be "PERMANENT".
"Joy is a state of feeling from within"
Joy is something we feel (not physically) but rather inwardly, intuitively and from our hearts. A state of well being and genuine kind of joy, an
uplifting rise of energy. A good deed perhaps, a simple glimpse of life.. The beauty of everyday, the heart felt thank-you received when helping out a
random stranger. A smile from one human being to another.
In totality, I think everyone desires to be 'happy' and no one really knows the meaning of 'joy' we try to obtain happiness through purchasing and
consuming, eating, drinking, giving into our addictions of whatever it may be.. (it is not permanent and can be somewhat trivial in the long run *this
would depend greatly on one's mindset/perspective). Happiness should always be a prerequisite (w/o the means of having to do/buy/say/smell/touch/hear
e.t.c. but rather a state of being) Joy is what I personally continue to work towards.
in no way do i imply these thoughts/words on anyone else nor do I wish to change your beliefs as to what happiness may mean to you 'personally'
just putting in my two sense