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Multiple UFO sightings in the Philadelphia Suburbs in the early morning of Wednesday Sept. 15, 2010

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posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 03:31 AM
The other night a friend and I were driving back to his place at approx. 2:30am.

He points our what he says is a UFO to me and I tell him from my point of view it looks like a plane, with the normal blinking light on the wing.

However, when we pull up to a red light around 30 seconds later the object (which now I will refer to a UFO) was much closer and at a lower altitude than just moments before. Not only that but there were 2 lights blinking now one white and the other red (red light was on the right side, white was on the left).

The UFO was just hovering silently and seemed to be a fairly large size although it was pitch dark and my only perception of it's size determined by the distance of the blinking lights. I was able to make our it was concave on the sides making it a rounded object when the lights would blink, to give an approximate size I'd say maybe 50-75ft across (although as I said it was hard since it was dark). The UFO did not hover the entire time we were at the red light, at one point it darted from left to right quickly then was stationary again - I know there is no 'publicly' known aircraft that can do this so I will remain calling this a UFO until I am told otherwise.

Before anyone even bothers to ask - no I was not drinking or inebriated in anyway, I was completely sober.

That was just the beginning of the night however...

After we got back to his place we were outside having a cigarette when I saw a light through the treeline that was moving. The light was a somewhat dull yellow however it was large in the shape of a rounded rectangle and bright enough you could see it was circular on either side (as in it was definitely 3 dimensional and not a stationary light facing us). This UFO was so low it was literally just above the treeline farther out - unfortunately the treeline by his house is so thick I only got a full view of it for about 30 seconds until it started moving slowly in the northwest direction. I kept seeing the UFO partly as it moved left NW - eventually it disappeared from our view (this happened quickly, not enough time to grab a camera or anything unfortunately although I really wish I had some footage because it was an amazing experience).

This happened in the area outside of Philly, PA in a town called Perkasie (click for google map info). We obviously aren't too far from the Philly airport but not close enough to see anything taking off (probably 30 minutes away from the Philly airport). We do have a small airport in Perkasie but it's not used for commercial flights.

I cannot explain what I saw, all I know is that these unidentified flying objects were nothing of the sorts of aircraft I have ever seen, read about, seen pictures of etc... I admit I am no aviation expert but I do know the differences between aircraft's to an extent and I definitely can tell you there is nothing that moves silently through the night, has the kind of lights I saw, and the ability to hover/move as they did.

Is anyone else out in my area of Pennsylvania that happened to see any UFO's lately? I would love for some corroborating evidence here other than my friends testimony which would mean nothing to any of you.

By the way I have no reason to lie about this, so please don't hassle me about this being some BS - if you don't want to give me an actual response in this thread, then don't bother posting please, thanks.

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 03:44 AM
multiple sightings any no video footage fart

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 03:49 AM
reply to post by Grimnal

Yeah sorry I don't carry a camera around in the car, nor carry one to my friends house and hold it on me while outside in the yard...

Trust me if I was able to grab a camera I would have.

I posted this because I want to see if anyone else saw anything that night, or if anyone else has seen anything in the area lately.

But thanks for the awesome reply

P.S - I would touch up on your writing skills, especially since you posted one sentence and it was hardly put together enough to understand what you were saying... very mature ending as well.

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 03:54 AM
reply to post by highlyoriginal


Thank you for your interesting, well written report.

It's difficult to have too many definitive ideas about this sort of thing.

Regarding your first sighting.....

One thing that springs to mind initially is whether or not you could possibly have been looking at a helicopter, in which the case the spinning blades may have looked disc-like & the sideways motion could be possible.

Could that make any sense?

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 03:57 AM
I saw some pretty strange lights in the sky on this same night, Sept 14, roughly 9-11PM, but I wouldn't call it a UFO - it was too far away for me to tell that much. The lights were blinking, maybe even strobing, and I vaguely remember seeing a red light, but they weren't the normal aviation lights I'm used to seeing. The first thing I thought: this must be a new model or pattern of those lights, or a new model of aircraft. Almost like when you see a new model of car at night, and you can sort of tell by looking at the taillights from a distance. These lights were also incredibly bright, much brighter than I'm used to seeing, and moving a bit faster than the other aircraft that fly above this area. The blinking light pattern just seemed "new" - that's all I can really say - I've never seen anything like them. I'm located about 175 miles North of Philly. This light was moving, coincidentally enough, South, parallel to the Hudson river, more or less in the direction of PA, possibly even directly towards Philly.

edit on 18-9-2010 by xiphias because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 04:21 AM
reply to post by xiphias

I I am on 12 ufo forums and this is the buzz from eye witnesses

1. (Only for me it was right outside Wytheville Virginia. Same low level, enormous, quiet except for that odd hum)

2. guess what driving down the road in Pennsylvania i saw what u guys say is a triangle i swear to god.

3. People pulled off the road as it went overhead. Never expect to see anything like it. And I agree with you. I can still see it, Wildcard

[This is just 3 of the many messages i received]

Over 34 people have written me asking about this, what ever it was on the 15th startled allot of people ,i tell u what my friend ,something was out there traveling along the east coast, i have 13 messages in Virginias alone one in Kentucky 2 deep in Maryland and before u all said something, earlier in south Carolina.

With me actually seeing one for 10 minutes in dc i love to hear the hum word, for me that’s a plus to believe.

In my episode i was lucky enough to see it over a football field, in length it was over and a little under a football field and a half, say 110 to maybe a 150 yards in lenght,which averages to 460 to 510 feet in length, if there’s a plane that big well, then im wrong, it was a plane.

edit on 18-9-2010 by Immortalgemini527 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 04:29 AM

Originally posted by Immortalgemini527
reply to post by xiphias

I I am on 12 ufo forums and this is the buzz from eye witnesses

1. (Only for me it was right outside Wytheville Virginia. Same low level, enormous, quiet except for that odd hum)

2. guess what driving down the road in Pennsylvania i saw what u guys say is a triangle i swear to god.

3. People pulled off the road as it went overhead. Never expect to see anything like it. And I agree with you. I can still see it, Wildcard

[This is just 3 of the many messages i received]

Over 34 people have written me asking about this, what ever it was on the 15th startled allot of people ,i tell u what my friend ,something was out there traveling along the east coast, i have 13 messages in Virginias alone one in Kentucky 2 deep in Maryland and before u all said something, earlier in south Carolina.

With me actually seeing one for 10 minutes in dc i love to hear the hum word, for me that’s a plus to believe.

In my episode i was lucky enough to see it over a football field, in length it was over and a little under a football field and a half, say 110 to maybe a 150 yards in lenght,which averages to 460 to 510 feet in length, if there’s a plane that big well, then im wrong, it was a plane.

edit on 18-9-2010 by Immortalgemini527 because: (no reason given)

i just looked up the biggest airplane in the world which is Airbus A380 and is 239.5 feet

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 09:04 AM

Originally posted by Maybe...maybe not
Regarding your first sighting.....

One thing that springs to mind initially is whether or not you could possibly have been looking at a helicopter, in which the case the spinning blades may have looked disc-like & the sideways motion could be possible.

Could that make any sense?

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

The speed in which it 'darted' back and forth (from west to east) was very quick, and then it hovered once again. There are always helicopters around this area, for obvious reasons (near the city more air traffic). However, this was no helicopter or airplane that I know of, nor do I know of any that are able to go sideways. When it darted it stayed in the same position meaning it wasn't turning it's "wings" (using an example of a plane) or anything to change positions, it literally looked like it jumped or teleported.

I've spent many nights staring at the sky and I've seen many things but this night topped it all - to be honest this was the first time I've ever seen anything I could truly call a UFO and to see 2 of them in one night, so close and low to the ground, was just amazing.

Even if you want to say the first one was a helicopter, the second one I saw was in the tree line and I know the area well - there is no possible way a helicopter, nor plane, could fly that low safely nor at the speed in which it was moving and stay in the air. It moved the way you'd expect a UFO to move, perfectly straight without making a mistake etc...

reply to post by Immortalgemini527

Thank you for sharing that information, it definitely adds to everything when you hear that others have seen something as well - especially on the same night, that's some decent validation for me. I just wish I had evidence to present but I was unable to acquire any unfortunately. All I had was my phone and a cell picture at that far away would have shown nothing, I've tried before, not to mention in the dark they are impossible to take a picture you can see unless it's less than 1ft away or so.

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 10:07 AM
I just checked out MUFON and came across this...

The UFO Traffic Report for September 15, 2010, includes selected cases from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

You can read more details about other recently reported cases at the UFO Examiner home page. Please subscribe so that you are informed as stories are published.

Please report UFOs at

The following are the unedited and as yet uninvestigated reports filed with MUFON. All information is taken from the public portion of the MUFON witness reporting database, so city names are often not mentioned for privacy purposes. Please keep in mind that most UFO reports can be explained as something natural or man made. If MUFON investigates and reports back on any of these cases, I will release an update.

A Glendale, Oregon, witness described a black, triangle-shaped object with sharp corners at 7:50 p.m. PST on September 14, 2010, in MUFON Case # 25434. The object was silent with no contrail and appeared to be gliding. Neighbors also watched the object.


I know my friend and I were not the only ones to witness UFO's on the 15th...

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 06:31 PM
You saw a UFO in the Perk? That's pretty cool!!!!!

I've been outside at night with the nice weather and some good skyviewing. Jupiter is huge right now. There's a lot up in the air this time of year. Last time I was out I counted a half dozen different airplanes in the sky at the same time.

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 10:19 PM

Originally posted by UFO Partisan
You saw a UFO in the Perk? That's pretty cool!!!!!

I've been outside at night with the nice weather and some good skyviewing. Jupiter is huge right now. There's a lot up in the air this time of year. Last time I was out I counted a half dozen different airplanes in the sky at the same time.

You know where I'm talking about? Because there is a bar called the "Perk" right where this happened.

That would be very coincidental if you live by here or did before.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by highlyoriginal

Many years ago I dated a girl who lived near the glider airport. It's been a long while since I've been up that way. I live in the lower end, close to NE Philly. I've seen a mention or two about UFOs in the Courier over the years but I wouldn't say our area is a UFO hotbed.

Now my old man had some family that lived right in the middle of the Hudson Valley flap. If I had been at their place the night the UFO hovered over the nuke plant, I could have seen it, but I lost touch with them before that incident. So I'm very interested but never have been in the right place at the right time.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 12:59 PM
didnt anybody have a camera phone?


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