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Pictures Prove Mini Nukes Caused 9-11 Devastation

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posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 12:32 AM
1) According the Russian-American symposium article on low yield page 158-159, "a low yield nuke of .02 would have a high temp kill zone of a 100 meters or less, 330 feet or less." []

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 01:43 AM
reply to post by thedman

Originally posted by thedman
reply to post by JohnJasper

Came in message to Emergency Film Group which produces training videos with emphasis on Haz Mat
operations - described operations of 2 special units of FDNY, Squad 288 & Haz Mat 1. Both of which suffered
heavy casualties on 9/11


See if do research rather than parroting nonsense from idiots can learn all sort of things.....

Hi thedman,

See what can happen if you follow the basics and provide sources instead of just quoting out of thin air? I do get the impression that thinking doesn't come natural to you but you're not completely incapable in that department. Good on you!

According to your source:
We began searching just as Tower #1 started to come down. We ran for cover in one of the buildings directly across the street at the World Financial Center, diving through a window and hiding behind one of the columns in the building. I could feel the pressure and the debris rushing past me as I hugged the column. Momentarily it because difficult to breathe, I started to put my facepiece on. The heat was pretty intense. I stayed near the column until most of the noise stopped; everything went black. After a few minutes we crawled out of the back of the building to safety.

Yep! More evidence for the pyroclastic flow as opposed to just a dust cloud.

However, the lack of radiation immediately after the blast points strongly in favour of the deeper underground blast although it could be that HazMat 1 could not get close enough to the actual GZ to get the reading or indeed the geiger counter used was not capable of detecting the alpha particles. I'm no expert and am forced to parrot the knowledge of those in the know.

Maybe if I study real hard, I too will lose the ability to recognise the important contributions of others and will become an arrogant, waste of space!

edit on 23-9-2010 by JohnJasper because: added missing "in" after "incapable"

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 02:15 AM
reply to post by JohnJasper

Ok, let me rephrase my original statement - "There was no significant damage to the bathtub on 9/11".

Indeed, much of the lower basement levels as you can see from the pictures were also left intact.

edit on 23-9-2010 by Nonchalant because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 04:32 AM
reply to post by Nonchalant

Originally posted by Nonchalant
reply to post by JohnJasper

Ok, let me rephrase my original statement - "There was no significant damage to the bathtub on 9/11".

Indeed, much of the lower basement levels as you can see from the pictures were also left intact.

Nonchalant, feel free to rephrase the statement as much as you wish. This statement is only ever used in support of the DEW theory and is often repeated (or "parroted" as some would have it
) as absolute fact. Yet there is evidence that significant damage was done to the bathtub.

You've no doubt seen pictures of the bathtub and should be able to imagine the force required to move a wall of it 10 inches.

Dr Woods also makes a big point of how intact the basement levels were but according to this excerpt, only certain parts of the basement levels were in good shape. now rubble!!!

Visual surveys indicate roughly 50% of the seven-level basement structure of the
World Trade Center is now rubble as a result of the impact of the collapse of the twin
110-story towers. Outside the tower footprints, the section of greatest concern within
the so-called 1,000 x 500-ft bathtub is along its south side. There, a 200 x 30-ft hole
from 40 to 70 ft deep sits between the tub's perimeter slurry wall and the remains of
Two WTC.


edit on 23-9-2010 by JohnJasper because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 05:41 AM
reply to post by slugger9787

Actual radius is 138 meters for 3rd degree, 145 for second

So why are you are posting article about bombing in Bali nightclub?

Many of the burn injuries came about when the clubs thatch roof caught fire and collapsed on the people below

It was the secondary fire whoch caused many of the burns....

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 05:53 AM
reply to post by JohnJasper

However, the lack of radiation immediately after the blast points strongly in favour of the deeper underground blast although it could be that HazMat 1 could not get close enough to the actual GZ to get the reading or indeed the geiger counter used was not capable of detecting the alpha particles. I'm no expert and am forced to parrot the knowledge of those in the know.

So explain how you go about drilling deep underground in Manhattan?

Another thing - why if the weapon is buried deep underground does the collapse begin at the impact points
some 80-90 floors above the street. Explain that if buried deep the collapse starts here......

Close enough to Ground Zero? The FDNY men were climbing over the debris pile for months

As for geiger counters - most detect high energy beta/gamma radiation which is produced by radioisotopes

Things like strontium 90, cesium 137 are strong beta/ gamma emmiters

.Isotopes of special importance include iodine-131, strontium-90 and 89, and cesium-137. This is due to both their relative abundance in fallout, and to their special biological affinity. Isotopes that are readily absorbed by the body, and concentrated and stored in particular tissues can cause harm out of proportion to their abundance.

Iodine-131 is a beta and gamma emitter with a half-life of 8.07 days (specific activity 124,000 curies/g) Its decay energy is 970 KeV; usually divided between 606 KeV beta, 364 KeV gamma. Due to its short half-life it is most dangerous in the weeks immediately after the explosion, but hazardous amounts can persist for a few months. It constitutes some 2% of fission-produced isotopes - 1.6x10^5 curies/kt. Iodine is readily absorbed by the body and concentrated in one small gland, the thyroid.

Strontium-90 is a beta emitter (546 KeV, no gammas) with a half-life of 28.1 years (specific activity 141 curies/g), Sr-89 is a beta emitter (1.463 MeV, gammas very rarely) with a half-life of 52 days (specific activity 28,200 Ci/g). Each of these isotopes constitutes about 3% of total fission isotopes: 190 curies of Sr-90 and 3.8x10^4 curies of Sr-89 per kiloton. Due to their chemical resemblance to calcium these isotopes are absorbed fairly well, and stored in bones. Sr-89 is an important hazard for a year or two after an explosion, but Sr-90 remains a hazard for centuries. Actually most of the injury from Sr-90 is due to its daughter isotope yttrium-90. Y-90 has a half-life of only 64.2 hours, so it decays as fast as it is formed, and emits 2.27 MeV beta particles.

Cesium-137 is a beta and gamma emitter with a half-life of 30.0 years (specific activity 87 Ci/g). Its decay energy is 1.176 MeV; usually divided by 514 KeV beta, 662 KeV gamma. It comprises some 3-3.5% of total fission products - 200 curies/kt. It is the primary long-term gamma emitter hazard from fallout, and remains a hazard for centuries.


posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 06:32 AM
reply to post by thedman

Originally posted by thedman
reply to post by JohnJasper

So explain how you go about drilling deep underground in Manhattan?

Another thing - why if the weapon is buried deep underground does the collapse begin at the impact points
some 80-90 floors above the street. Explain that if buried deep the collapse starts here......

I'm willing to speculate on the how and even the why of these matters but cannot profess to having either the technical knowledge nor the expertise in any such matter. I'm more interested in getting answers from people who are experts and have some interest in discovering the truth about 9/11. That way I can "parrot" that information on to other people who have expressed an interest in discovering the truth complete with the sources because the more people who know and understand how this attack was or might have been done, the more heat we can put on the government to fess up.

If you've read/watched any of the sources that I provided earlier, you'll know that Dimitri K thinks the nuclear demolition was built into the buildings and only needed priming and setting off. Another theory holds that clandestine nuclear reactors were built under the towers and were set off via the China Syndrome. Ed Ward's theory holds that the devices were not buried per se and several were used within each building.

There were obviously other bombs in various buildings according to numerous eye-witness statements and repeated in most good 911 videos. The one or many that initiated each collapse at the 1 & 2 tower fire levels had sufficient energy to expel steel assemblies weighing tons over 400 ft across the street with the force to wedge into neighboring buildings. I'm suspecting that last feat was not accomplished by det-lead, c4, nano-thermite, ray beams, or boxes full tnt.

The rest of your reply I've already provided options for so won't repeat it here as you probably won't read it this time either.

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by JohnJasper

I still would expect a nuclear device to have caused more damage.

Also, a nuke doesnt explain toasted & flipped cars some as far as 7 blocks away from the WTC and why were many of them noticeably missing their doorhandles??

edit on 25-9-2010 by Nonchalant because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 06:40 PM
Just my little bit of input may have already been cover Im little late to the show.

Has any one considered why there were no engine blocks (may have?)
Aluminum has a lower melt point (@1220f) than steal(@2500°F). A lot of engine blocks are made from aluminum due to light weight and easier manufacturing processes.
If it was a good old cast iron block it and the frame running dear and all would be toast.
As for the door handles aluminum or the crappy made plastic they use a lot on cars.

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 06:53 PM
Is no one else experiencing suspicion of DEW (directed energy weapons)?

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 06:57 PM

Originally posted by hillbilly4rent
As for the door handles aluminum or the crappy made plastic they use a lot on cars.

And so if it was heat from the WTC's that melted the doorhandles of cars that far away, wouldnt people between the towers and the cars have caught fire or melted too? And why were some of the cars flipped upside down but not others?

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 08:15 PM
reply to post by Nonchalant

collateral damage, cars burned, is evidence of extrene energies.

to you atomic debunkers, thedman, pterdine, and some of the others, what is your vested interest in defending the OS.

Those who are still on a conspiracy website arguing against any deviations from the OS have to have a vested interest in supporting the OCS.

It has been nine years and i am no more satisfied in the OCS than i was with the waren report.

The erosion of the OCS is because many persons do not believe in exjibit CE399.

This will be opened for investigation one day.

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 08:30 PM

Originally posted by Nonchalant

And so if it was heat from the WTC's that melted the doorhandles of cars that far away, wouldnt people between the towers and the cars have caught fire or melted too? And why were some of the cars flipped upside down but not others?

The cars were moved there during the cleaning up process, you can see the drag marks on the ground!

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 08:42 PM
Interesting, I must say I am intrigued. However, if it was a mini-nuke, would we have seen the building collapse at all, or would it have been pulverized (even more so than we already saw) in mid-air. I suppose since it did get pulverized in mid air, whatever force that caused it would have to have been very big. Either way, just one more bullet hole in the official story. P.S. I think the dust remnants are the most intriguing since it really does look like the aftermath of a nuclear attack.

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by dereks

No, there are many photos of these cars with NO drag marks. There were also certainly NO drag marks beside the cars already parked in the parking lots many blocks away.

There are also many many other cars on the link that I provided that showed cars on fire that were parked in the street. Some were, some werent? Weird. Its as though they spontaneously combusted??

edit on 25-9-2010 by Nonchalant because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by Nonchalant
There were also certainly NO drag marks beside the cars already parked in the parking lots many blocks away.

Care to show us these cars blocks away in a parking lot?

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 09:03 PM
Op Im trying to connect the dots but I keep falling short.

The two pics of the explosions have no comparison to one another one under ground and one from above.
The physics of the explosions would be totally different. Pressure vs mash and expansion rate are the three keys of the pics.
The pyroclastic flow that is observed is just an outflow of wind from so much falling debris. A lief falling from a tree can produce and outflow of wind when it hits the ground.
As for the cars a lot of vehicles were moved to make way for EMS vehicles that were not damaged and recovery equipment.
As for the large plum of smoke if my memory serves me right their were large plums before the first tower fell.

edit on 25-9-2010 by hillbilly4rent because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 10:49 PM
reply to post by dereks

You will notice many of the roofs of cars in this lot have rusted already:

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by Nonchalant

they did spontaneously
combust. here is testimony

Cars Blowing Up

KT: What did you do when the South Tower started coming down?

PO: I didn't know what was happening, but there was a loud "roar" -- lots of crashing sounds. I was attempting to put my stretcher back into the vehicle. The ground was shaking and I saw a sea of people, mostly the various agencies on scene, Fire, Police, EMS, all running towards me. I had no idea what they were running from, but I decided I'd be ahead of them and just started running west towards the river. As I was running, parked cars were blowing up and some were on fire, the street was cracking a bit as well. Very shortly after I started running, everything became one big black cloud. I was near the West Side Highway and I couldn't see around me anymore.

KT: Before you heard the loud rumbling which was the South Tower coming down, do you remember hearing any strange noises like gunfire or crackling sounds?

PO: No.

KT: You talked about the cars blowing up in your WTC Task Force interview, correct?

PO: Yes.

KT: Can you estimate how many vehicles blew up around you?

PO: At least three and some were on fire as I was running by. I was still on the south side of Vesey running west. The burning cars were between my ambulance and about the middle of the 6 World Trade where the lobby doors were at.

KT: Where you running on the street, or up the sidewalk?

PO: Up the sidewalk.

KT: When these vehicles blew up, was it kind of like what you would see in the movies where the vehicle pops up in the air when it explodes with a fireball coming out?

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 12:10 AM
reply to post by slugger9787

they did spontaneously

Here in video can see burning vehicles long before collapse of the towers

Check out 1 minute into

This is 15 minutes before South Tower collapse - burning vehicles alrewady apparent

Many vehicles were ignited by burning debris or jet fuel falling from towers

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