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Rally To Restore SANITY

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posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 10:52 PM

"I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!"

Who among us has not wanted to open their window and shout that at the top of their lungs?

Seriously, who?

Because we're looking for those people. We're looking for the people who think shouting is annoying, counterproductive, and terrible for your throat; who feel that the loudest voices shouldn't be the only ones that get heard; and who believe that the only time it's appropriate to draw a Hitler mustache on someone is when that person is actually Hitler. Or Charlie Chaplin in certain roles.

Are you one of those people? Excellent. Then we'd like you to join us in Washington, DC on October 30 -- a date of no significance whatsoever -- at the Daily Show's "Rally to Restore Sanity." Ours is a rally for the people who've been too busy to go to rallies, who actually have lives and families and jobs (or are looking for jobs) -- not so much the Silent Majority as the Busy Majority. If we had to sum up the political view of our participants in a single sentence... we couldn't. That's sort of the point.


This sounds DELIGHTFUL. It's a great response to the disgraceful "Rally to restore honor" held by that baffoon Glen Beck.

edit on 17/9/2010 by Mirthful Me because: EX Tags.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 11:56 PM
Yea, we wouldn't have the March for Fear if Colbert wone that Emmy. Thank you Hollywood.
Anyway, I really hope that this is well over 100,000 people because Glenn needs to drink Coffee. He don't drink coffee because he's Mormon. Then maybe he would still be sane when I started listening to him back in 2000. I MISS THE ORIGINAL MORON tRIVIA.

posted on Sep, 17 2010 @ 06:47 AM
Here's a great video of Jon Stewart talking about it. Yes, it sounds like fun!

posted on Sep, 17 2010 @ 06:54 AM
i seriously might be going. i'm thinking about it.

posted on Sep, 17 2010 @ 07:23 AM
reply to post by Esoteric Teacher

It would be a great video to share here! I hope you go.

Of course, I have enormous doubts that sanity can be restored in this country, but it's a nice thing to daydream about as the walls fall.

posted on Sep, 17 2010 @ 08:08 AM

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
i seriously might be going. i'm thinking about it.

I think any logical person should attend it honestly.

I can't fn wait.

posted on Sep, 17 2010 @ 08:34 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
reply to post by Esoteric Teacher

It would be a great video to share here! I hope you go.

i'm enrolled in the debate tournament, other than that, i am considering it.

Of course, I have enormous doubts that sanity can be restored in this country, but it's a nice thing to daydream about as the walls fall.

i think your doubts are justified. sanity is where conformity to all mandatory expectations of society is. how many laws and expectations does the american society have? i dunno.

posted on Sep, 17 2010 @ 10:38 PM
Well one things certain, i will be attending this event. And so to D.C.

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 03:04 PM
i suspect this could backfire for 'the left' if turnout is low.

Beck will spin it to support his 'silent majority' nonsense.

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 03:18 PM
Anybody else noticing how the liberals keep playing off the conservatives' actions? We have a liberal coffee party after the conservative Tea Party, now we are having a liberal rally for 'sanity' sponsored by a comedy show after many conservative rallies to reform the federal oligarchy currently in place destroying America.


posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 03:43 PM
Why would they hold that rally? I mean he has every right to do so, but why would they?

I see it as just mocking Glenn Beck and his "Rally to Restore Honor". Is that how low our politics have sunk that we are now left with just mocking each other?

How about holding an Accountability rally? Where they call out all crooks and liars ranging from Civil Servants to bankers, CEO's and Media Moguls who's only goal is to lie to the public. That would be a bipartisan grassroots rally that we can all agree with.

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by Ferris.Bueller.II
Anybody else noticing how the liberals keep playing off the conservatives' actions? We have a liberal coffee party after the conservative Tea Party, now we are having a liberal rally for 'sanity' sponsored by a comedy show after many conservative rallies to reform the federal oligarchy currently in place destroying America.


Because we are enjoying showing the conservatives how completely insane they are.

It's entertaining.

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 07:41 PM
reply to post by Misoir

Maybe I'm giving Stewart too much credit, but I think the rally really is an effort to bring some sanity to our political discourse.

I like his picket sign that says "I don't agree with you but I'm pretty sure you're not Hitler." How many times can you call each other fascists?

Rational debate would be much saner way to go.

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 09:10 PM

Originally posted by Ferris.Bueller.II
Anybody else noticing how the liberals keep playing off the conservatives' actions? We have a liberal coffee party after the conservative Tea Party, now we are having a liberal rally for 'sanity' sponsored by a comedy show after many conservative rallies to reform the federal oligarchy currently in place destroying America.


Wait, did you just say the Tea Party is 'conservative'?

Just checking. I thought one of the talking points was to deny the TEA Party was conservative or liberal.

As for your talk about the 'federal oligrachy currently in place'. well, i think that's where Stewart and Colbert's comedy comes in. You see, NONE of you were concerned with any of this prior to a Democrat being elected. If you were, then WHERE was the 'tea party' during the massive anti-war protests of the bush years? WHERE was the Tea Party when the anti-globalization movement was being called 'anti-American'?

I really dont believe you are as naive as you pretend.

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 03:12 AM
Yeah, I used to kind of like Beck and I never really liked stewart but I can honestly say that I really don't like stewart and I'm disliking Beck more and more. Just like the poster above said, it seems like the people like stewart are just mocking Beck and in turn making themselves look like idiots. I like the idea to restore sanity, but when did sanity have anything to do with mocking someone you really hate? I thought that was just called childish?

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posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by philosearcher
Yeah, I used to kind of like Beck and I never really liked stewart but I can honestly say that I really don't like stewart and I'm disliking Beck more and more. Just like the poster above said, it seems like the people like stewart are just mocking Beck and in turn making themselves look like idiots. I like the idea to restore sanity, but when did sanity have anything to do with mocking someone you really hate? I thought that was just called childish?

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

Clearly you miss the point. It isn't merely mocking. It is satire. When an idiot is yelling (Beck, Palin, FOX), you dont refute his 'talking points' (they are bogus), you make a SATIRE out of his entire approach. This has a RICH history going back thousands of years. Study it some time before you go insulting political satire.

That said, if all the left can do is mock the Right, then you are correct that it is pointless. But i dont think Stewart or Colbert have any desire to be political figures. They are COMEDIANS and have been for decades. They arent trying to manipulate a political movement liek FOX is, they are trying to point out how ABSURD FOX is . That's what they do, as COMEDIANS, not politicians or peopel pretending to be PUNDITS like BECK< PLAIN< ET AL.

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

I enjoyed the video and it does look like a lot of fun.

However, I got BLANK to do that day.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 12:00 AM

Originally posted by justadood
They are COMEDIANS and have been for decades. They arent trying to manipulate a political movement liek FOX is, they are trying to point out how ABSURD FOX is . That's what they do, as COMEDIANS, not politicians or peopel pretending to be PUNDITS like BECK< PLAIN< ET AL.

Thanks for clearing that up. Seriously, I forgot. Also with the whole satire thing, I wasn't even thinking about that. You were right I was totally wrong. Forgive me!
However, I still don't like Stewart much. I think it's because my sister and her husband are so gung ho about them. I guess it's alright, but they make me sick when they bow down and praise the guy. Then again, a lot of people do that to Beck. Ugh...I hate politics. I will try and make sure I stay away from these sorts of topics. Thanks though, dood, you made me look at it in a different light.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by Ferris.Bueller.II

I believe this is happening because despite the excellent job that the establishment does of lumping people into packs and sicking them on each other, the basic stresses that our outraging people in this country know no politics.

Everybody gets scared when they and everyone around them are in danger of losing their livelihoods, and fear generates anger.

Everybody hates the human and financial cost of a long war. You can be mad because you want peace or you can be mad because you want to know that the most powerful army on earth can handle its business and come back home to enjoy the freedoms they have defended- but I still have not gotten a single positive response to the idea of Afghanistan replacing Vietnam as our longest war, which is inevitable now.

Nobody likes to saturated with bad news and new rules constantly.

It was inevitable that these issues and several others would arise in this election, but what has made things turn really smash-mouth on us here is the first plausible attempt at a viral revolution. Because the platform and the actual campaign are now in the hands of everyone with the tech savvy and the interest to participate, you get software issues like version conflicts and piracy with your political platform.

So instead of having two major camps having at each other through very tightly controlled media with only a few wildcards- many of them secretly sponsored proxies- we now have two main camps at the hub that aren't moving nearly as fast as the many different and unbalanced spokes revolving around them.

It remains to be seen if this is ultimately a good or a bad thing. It could stalemate the process and the 2012 election might end up being won without a popular or even electoral majority, or it could break the backs of these parties and usher in an experiment with direct democracy.

The Rally to Restore Sanity, although I believe it is basically a gag that has no idea just how well it is mirroring reality, could bring some very important things to light.

First and foremost, I expect the rally to be seen as a fizzle. It's a three hour comedy gig for people who are sick of politics because of its volume, its scale, and its ineffectiveness (much like some Tea Party supporters) who for whatever reason are not as angry or energetic, or even all that likely to take action- perhaps not even the action of showing up- Bill O'Reilly could have been dead right about that last night.

But what happens then? Will this be the sign that the status quo can weather the storm? Will it be the final evidence to young people that peace never solved anything- the moment where the kids who elected Obama divide up into jaded non-voters and wounded revolutionaries?

I don't know how i will get there yet, but I will be there, and I'm hoping the news will be good.

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