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Illegal Alien Child Molester Awarded $4.5 Million in California!

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posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 10:04 AM

Originally posted by Raist
People get by everyday and live normal lives without any of what you talk about that have been through what this girl did and worse. You do not know the mental faculties of this young girl. She might be a very strong type of person that can easily overcome anything from her past. The event will never leave her and she will never fully get over it, but she could very well be able to function quite easily.

Is this what life has become my friend, merely functioning? To function easily is the ultimate goal we all seek to achieve?

I am sorry but I failed to convey my point. Perhaps it is a point unable to be expressed in words. Language is limited in its ability to convey exact thoughts you know.

There is still hope.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 10:11 AM
reply to post by Raist

Exactly !!!!!!! poetic justice now is the right of the family to get this piece of human trash for every penny that tax payer dollars were wasted on his "ordeal".

The more news I see like this the more convince I am that America is due to a big down fall because our nation of laws is becoming a joke.

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 10:27 AM
When Jesus said "love thy neighbor", he even meant child molesters.

Sorry, but it's the truth. I hate what they do intensely!!! But the truth is, we still have to treat them as human beings. Or else we cannot call ourselves civilized.

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by 19872012
When Jesus said "love thy neighbor", he even meant child molesters.

Sorry, but it's the truth. I hate what they do intensely!!! But the truth is, we still have to treat them as human beings. Or else we cannot call ourselves civilized.

Was John The Baptist civilized? He was a Barbarian. We must all find our own way, but those who refuse too play by the rules, we are to point them the way... We have to love them, but we don't have to hold their hand and baby them... as of right now, this guy is complete trash, hopefully someday he well clean up his act, but as of right now, this guy should be castrated.

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by Target Earth
Was John The Baptist civilized? He was a Barbarian. We must all find our own way, but those who refuse too play by the rules, we are to point them the way... We have to love them, but we don't have to hold their hand and baby them... as of right now, this guy is complete trash, hopefully someday he well clean up his act, but as of right now, this guy should be castrated.

You think yourself more civilised when all you can think to reform a Man is cutting his balls off? You are as barbaric as the criminal in question. With such thoughts, perhaps it best that you suffer the same punishment.

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by IAMIAM

Child Molesters can not be rehabilitated... They have bad wiring that can not be fixed... What So let them keep molesting kids, How many lives can one Child Molester ruin? is it not worth being a little Barbaric, to save Children? What do you support N.A.M.B.L.A, because they have the right to love, who they love?... and It would be racist to oppress their Love interest... I'm not sure why so many people wanna baby this guy?... wait yes I do.
because we have to be P.C.

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by Target Earth
Child Molesters can not be rehabilitated... They have bad wiring that can not be fixed... What So let them keep molesting kids, How many lives can one Child Molester ruin? is it not worth being a little Barbaric, to save Children? What do you support N.A.M.B.L.A, because they have the right to love, who they love?... and It would be racist to oppress their Love interest... I'm not sure why so many people wanna baby this guy?... wait yes I do.
because we have to be P.C.

My friend, they may not be able to be rehabilitated, then again, we do not know because we have never made a sincere heart felt attempt at doing so. Even if they cannot be rehabilitated, there are more humane ways of dealing with the issue.

No it is not worth being barbaric to prevent barbarism. Do you not see how ridiculous this sounds?

Is a child's life worth more than another's? NO. They are all equal. We must stop torturing each other and always look for the humane way of bringing all back into the fold. I am not advocating letting him run wild on every child. I am advocating humane rehabilitation for all who seek to impose their will on another.

Lets murder the murders.
Lets rape the rapists.
Lets mutilate the mutilators.

Can you not see you cannot cure an evil with evil?

What is wrong with people. Are you all so blind?

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by IAMIAM

but would castration be a more merciful fate, then a life of prison? Being a Eunuch would offer a chance for a somewhat real life, while being in prison offers nothing. Not that you can't have a meaningful life inside, If you use what you have learned from the mistakes you have made, for good. If I was a Child Molester, I would jump at the chance to be fixed, rather then Jail.

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by Target Earth
but would castration be a more merciful fate, then a life of prison? Being a Eunuch would offer a chance for a somewhat real life, while being in prison offers nothing. Not that you can't have a meaningful life inside, If you use what you have learned from the mistakes you have made, for good. If I was a Child Molester, I would jump at the chance to be fixed, rather then Jail.

But how does castration solve the problem my friend? All we have done is mutilated a person who will still go out and molest a child, only this time he may kill the child in hopes of not being caught. The testicles is not where the desire and behavior comes from. The desire comes from wanting to show affection. It is because that is how they were taught to show affection from their own traumas. In the mind of the molester, they did no wrong. Re-education is the humane solution, and maybe the cure. It remains not an option because we lack the desire to do it and because it is more profitable to leave him in his condition. Keeping him a molester keeps everyone else dependant on the system of law and order to protect them.

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by IAMIAM

Originally posted by Target Earth
but would castration be a more merciful fate, then a life of prison? Being a Eunuch would offer a chance for a somewhat real life, while being in prison offers nothing. Not that you can't have a meaningful life inside, If you use what you have learned from the mistakes you have made, for good. If I was a Child Molester, I would jump at the chance to be fixed, rather then Jail.

But how does castration solve the problem my friend? All we have done is mutilated a person who will still go out and molest a child, only this time he may kill the child in hopes of not being caught. The testicles is not where the desire and behavior comes from. The desire comes from wanting to show affection. It is because that is how they were taught to show affection from their own traumas. In the mind of the molester, they did no wrong. Re-education is the humane solution, and maybe the cure. It remains not an option because we lack the desire to do it and because it is more profitable to leave him in his condition. Keeping him a molester keeps everyone else dependant on the system of law and order to protect them.

I see your point, on the aspect that castration is no guarantee, and for the most part it is not sexual, but a display of power. and some times I wonder If their is something more to these people, then just being sick in the head.
maybe even a high factor of Demonic Influence... It's hard for me to buy, that people think having sex with young Children is a good idea.. unless they are being directed to by powers beyond their control...

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by Target Earth
I see your point, on the aspect that castration is no guarantee, and for the most part it is not sexual, but a display of power. and some times I wonder If their is something more to these people, then just being sick in the head.
maybe even a high factor of Demonic Influence... It's hard for me to buy, that people think having sex with young Children is a good idea.. unless they are being directed to by powers beyond their control...

Demonic influence? I'd say so as far as I understand demonic influence.

The problem with issuing brutal punishments is that none of us are in any position to judge. None of us have lead this man's life. We do not know what kind of brutality he endured to bring him to this point. We do not know how many times he was able to fight the temptation, nor do we know how hard he fought the temptation before succumbing to it. What's worse is that we do not know how long we would have fought the temptation if we had lived his life from birth and endured the exact same life with the exact same faculties. How many children would we have harmed? To what level would we have taken our own depravity? We simply do not know.

Therefore, the humane thing is to get to the root of why he does what he does and attempt to correct it. It takes love and understanding to do this. It takes compassion. However, he diverts our attention from our own flaws. He makes us feel better about our own weaknesses. We think, "Gee, at least I am not as messed up as this person!", and cast him out like trash. Oh how good it makes us feel to not be as loathsome.

We all deserve forgiveness. The more depraved, the more in need of understanding by the rest. The more love is needed. The more compassion is needed. Something has made them very weak. To fix it we must come to understand what it is.

The child in the story is in need of all this as well. Her innocence was taken, and she can't begin to understand why. Love is needed for all in this story.

with love,

Your Brother

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by Target Earth

I agree with you as a mother I have not problem doing the castrating myself to any son of dirt that molest any of my children, I saiy hang them and hang them high, they have not room in our society.

edit on 18-9-2010 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by IAMIAM

I might have used the word functioning in a less than expressive manner, my fault sorry.

The girl might end up screwed for life as you detailed her life out, she may function and get by without any real form of happiness, or she may function in the manner I was thinking and live a happy life after all. You would be surprised what people can go through and still live happy lives. In today’s society we are more than happy all too often to cast people away and drug them up because something bad happened. At the same time, we have conditioned many in the populace that this is the sort of life they have to live. I believe that most people can work through any problem that comes their way; any hard times in life can be overcome with love. Again, they might not get over it but they can more than easily live a happy productive life.

I have had many instances in my life that I could have just given up on and fell into the role society wants for me. I chose to be different and accept the love that I found. I do not need society choosing the life I will live. I believe this girl has a very good chance to end up “normal” whatever that is in today’s terms.


posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 02:37 PM
Sadly, In the US, it is the opinion of many that anyone who commits a crime and gets sent to jail deserves a little anal rape, that its good for em, and a welcome deterrent to crime. Sadly, most americans are as uneducated in psychology and trauma as they are in history, humanity, or spirituality. Comes, I imagine, from way to much egocentrism and consumerist materialism. Apparently they also put a dollar amount on the value of rapes and beatings. Just like everything else. Brutalizing people solves nothing, and only worsens situations, as we see here, it went from bad enough, to worse. If they truly are unrehabilitatable (which modern psyche says), then forcibly remove them from society, whether its death, or an isolated island somewhere, but dont tell them you have to live them in your building, by your rules, and offer them no physical safety. Thats ridiculous.

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by Raist
or she may function in the manner I was thinking and live a happy life after all. You would be surprised what people can go through and still live happy lives. In today’s society we are more than happy all too often to cast people away and drug them up because something bad happened. At the same time, we have conditioned many in the populace that this is the sort of life they have to live. I believe that most people can work through any problem that comes their way; any hard times in life can be overcome with love. Again, they might not get over it but they can more than easily live a happy productive life.

Indeed she might my friend. It is a roll of the dice in our current society. I painted a bleak picture of what happens to most, not all. We can certainly do better as a society to ensure she lives a happy life. That was the point I was trying to make.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 03:01 PM

It's hard to believe this could even happen... It's like we live in Bizzaro World most of the time... It seems that nothing really shocks me anymore, citizens are treated as a treat and as criminals, while somebody such as this can rape Children, then get to live his life as a king. This story just sickens me, to no end
reply to post by Target Earth

No sorry, You're wrong about that OP. In America today this isn't hard to believe at all. In fact this is just about the norm. I would've expected this much. It's Bizzaro to the max. Do any of these supers, judges , lawyers stop to consider that? No.
What does that tell you? 20 years ago, if someone were to ask me, how many Catholic priests do I think might
be child molesters? Out of however many there are? I would have most likely said maybe 20 through out the world.
For good reason that small number, has increased to terms of a percentage now. I would say now to be 60%
of them conservatively. Now stencil that scenario over every other occupation in the world. You see
where this leads ?

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 03:13 PM
randy, if you truly think that 60% of catholic priests are child molesters, then you are the victim of extreme propaganda and news glorification. I enjoy hating on the catholics as much as anyone, but statistically the percentage of catholic priests who are predatory are similar to normal societal statistics. Not that this excuses it, in my mind a priest molesting a child is about as horrible as a child psychologist molesting a child, but lets not get silly with the hyperbole. More than 1 out of every 2? Really? Absurd.

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 03:41 PM
Sounds straight from Trance Formation of America

Wow that link showed up first.
The illuminati net troopers better fix that next time.

recovered survivor of the Central Intelligence Agency's MK-Ultra Project Monarch operation. Tracing her path from child pornography and recruitment into the program to serving as a top-level intelligence agent and White House sex slave, TRANCE Formation of America is a definitive eye-witness account


Now lawyers and criminals and justice system are helping molesters into
getting a payday.

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by randyvs

dude, 60% of priest are not sexual predators... I don't know where you got that number but like 95 to 99% of all molestation cases are a family member. or close family friend.. Priest are factored in with the 1% stranger category.

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 03:51 PM
Instead of beating him to within an inch of his life,they should have ended it! I'm not a violent person, but I can't tolerate child molesters. Death should be mandatory for them.I know some of you probaly think they're sick and need help. Sorry thats bulls--t,a bullet thru the head is all they need.

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