posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 08:37 PM
I dunno...
we are pretty much compliant slaves as of right now..
We have few true "freedoms"
We work hard, during hours we dont want to, and only make peanuts...
Most of us barely make enough to cover house payments and food, so you can forget about luxuries...
Only difference is that we are signing up for it out of necessity...
Even slave owners provided food and a place to sleep................
I think they have us where they want us, and racism is a way of keeping us occupied.. Its a good way of getting some of us locked up and jailed, in
that racism is a very deep rooted issue; generations of families are racist mainly on the fact they were brought up that way...Its just easy to get us
to jump on, especially when it is in movies and TV all the time...
After some research i did find out that there are more slaves now than ever but that is because of
A) More people in the world now
B) Debt slaves - Largely in South Asia, When a family member racks up too much debt, his whole family is responsible to pay it back and end up having
to work for whoever the debt was owed to...
C) Human trafficking for the sex trade
TPTB have power but i don't see them turning us into slaves
PS. Im not trying to argue, I am just stating how I see it.. I am more than interested to look at it from your point of view though
edit on 19-9-2010 by squirelnutz because: ps