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NBC's Exclusive interview with Ahmadinejad in Tehran, IRAN. Zionist conspiracy in America

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posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 12:58 PM

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 01:16 PM
It seems like the men that we demonize the most, are the same men who are trying to tell us something we should all know. In fact, this is probably the reason that they are demonized in the first place.


posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 01:18 PM
I imagine Ahmadinejad is a member of ATS!

I think he has a point. But it's because of the word "Zionist" that people get all upset.

If he'd said "shadowy figures" or "cabal" then many people on this site would be inclined to agree with him.

It's just we're led to believe he is "evil" by our governments and the media.

Oh and please nobody mention the "wipe them off the map" quote. That comes up in EVERY thread about Ahmadinejad and it's been debunked.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 01:24 PM
Zionist conspiracy eh?
Coming from a guy that likes Hitler, that wants Israel wiped off the face of the planet, and who entertains Chavez with giant anti-America speeches and crowds. Yep .. I'm sure going to believe what he says.

Trouble is ... conspiracies could be true but the messengers that come out with this stuff are complete whacks and so lots of times a conspiracy is never gotten to the bottom of.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

You didn't read my post....

He likes Hitler? When did he say that?

So being anti-American is somehow not allowed?

edit on 16/9/10 by Kram09 because: (no reason given)

"Wiped off the Map" - The rumour of the century

edit on 16/9/10 by Kram09 because: Adding another comment and link

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 01:29 PM
"Some powerful interests who had been dominating the agenda in Washington for a very long time and they're not always happy with me. They talk about me like a dog. That's not in my prepared remarks, but it's true."
- Barack Obama

Either he is also lying, or Ahmadinejad is right. Make up your mind.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by Kram09
reply to post by FlyersFan

You didn't read my post....

He likes Hitler? When did he say that?

So being anti-American is somehow not allowed?

edit on 16/9/10 by Kram09 because: (no reason given)

I was waiting for you to reply on that one...We are just a bunch of jew hating nazi's...haha...I hate when ppl say stuff like that right away...Ahmadinejad may be a little crazy, but he does speak the truth more than tptb would like you to think...

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Right about now you sound more whack than Ahmadinejad..

Tell me something, which part of his comment do you think is whack? Or do you just judge people based on what you hear on TV? Or maybe based on how they look, or maybe based on what their names are? Right about now I haven't seen you explain how Ahmadinejad is whack, which makes us assume that you are a hater, and a bigot, who just been watching too much FOX news.

The above being said, I agree completely with Ahmadinejad, although I don't think Obama came with the intention of change, rather he came with an illusion of change, just to trick the American people once more.. Or maybe Ahmadinejad is in a position to know more than me..

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 02:13 PM
thanks for the interveiw buddy,the man has a point!

Im not an alien, Im not a government agent, I am not a politician, I am not a trans gender shape shifting reptilian who runs child molestation rings through the Vatican while hanging out with Elvis on board a UFO waiting to pick up the Heavens Gate cult members who were on the grassy knole waiving at JFK after they shot MLK leaving all evidence behind only to later hijack airplanes and crash them into the WTC's with no help from the Mossad and CIA
star,were from the same race

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by johnny c

yes sir, yes problem man..and what a wonderful race it is..haha

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 03:28 PM
Andrea Mitchell did a very good job in displaying contempt and disrespect toward Ahmadinejad, she seemed to exude a quiet yet fierce hate toward this man, she came across as defensive and ready for a fight, I am sure her handlers are quite proud of Andrea the talking head. Yes Andrea Mitchell knows where her bread is buttered.

What could have been a great piece of current and relative journalism, with the possibility of leading to a better understanding of Iran, was instead turned into biased crap journalism designed to sway public opinion.

This is without question the worse interview with a world leader I have seen.

Andrea Mitchell unbiased journalist = FAIL

Andrea Mitchell towing the party line = SUCCESS

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 06:57 PM
Wonder what his theory is on 911.
These guys are riding on the coat tails on the Illuminati.
They let 911 happen shelling out millions to have the entire
WTC rebuilt so they can have a nearby Mosque.
Oil is still where the money is and in its sway so goes the

posted on Sep, 17 2010 @ 04:16 AM
He is right about the Zionism control in the white house. Most of the Jews that work with congress and such have dual citizenships. Strange they are allowed to have them if they work for the USA.

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