posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 07:23 AM
reply to post by 5senses
Sometimes when I travel I take my piezoseismic system with me, or part of it, in order to see if there is any danger of a large earthquake getting
ready to strike somewhere within the region that I've traveled to. If there is, then I'm wary of it; if not, business as usual. I do get a kick
out of looking at looking deep into the ground with this system, I realize that others don't know how its done, but I've put quite a few videos on
YouTube about it, and I'll put more videos on YouTube about it soon.
I also like looking at the faults how they run across the country side. There is something special about seeing a fault running across the country
side; when you are inside of a building and there are no windows to look out, or there is a hill or building between you and what you are seeing tens
or hundreds of miles away. These faults under abnormal pressure can be viewed by the vast amounts of radiation given off which flies in all
directions and passes through everything; houses, buildings of all types, hills mountains and oceans. These faults can only be seen when they are
giving off this radiation, and they may exist tens of miles deep within the earth; while nothing can be seen of a fault existing at the surface.
I'll put some more videos on YouTube soon, and I'll shock the world with what I'll state in those videos. The governments won't be ready for what
I'll state in those videos, and they won't be taking those videos lightly; that is for sure.
There are 22 videos on my YouTube Channel, you'll have to go to the right side of the page to (uploads) 22 and then go through them in sequence 1
through 22 in order to understand most of what I state. If you always thought that earthquakes can't be detected or forecast accurately, then you
are misinformed.