As many of us know, the US casualties in the War on Terror have long been inaccurate, due to the fact that whoever counts the dead US servicemen
working in Iraq and Afghanistan only count US soldiers, and not other participants in the war - for example, private security contractors, or members
of Private Military Companies - sometimes accurately or inaccurately referred to as "mercenaries". I don't have the numbers at hand right now, but
from what I've heard, the death toll among private security contractors in Iraq has been very high. And, again, nobody so far have kept records of
those killed.
Well, now, there
is someone out there who is planning to do just that, namely James G., the founder of
Death Valley Magazine, a net-based magazine written by private security contractors, firearms
instructors, and other security professionals.
Death Valley Magazine is written by a diverse group of Professional Adventurers, Wilderness & Urban Survivalists, U.S. Contractors, Former and Active
Military, Intelligence Professionals, Tactical Training Practitioners, IT Engineers, Tactical Gear and Knife Enthusiasts and Interesting People
(well… Interesting to us). Death Valley Magazine brings you politically free and quick to read news, commentaries and reviews. We don’t care if
you watch FOX or CNN, we only care about bringing you informative and entertaining articles.
James G. is now the leading force behind the creation of the Civilian Contractor Casualty Accountability Project, or
the CCCA-Project, which intends to
begin collecting records of dead, MIA, and kidnaped civilian contractors - not just private security contractors, mind you, and not just Americans,
but many foreigners as well - in the War on Terror.
The CCCA-Project Website
This means, finally, we might get some more accurate numbers on the true death tolls of the War on Terror. One of the great "benefits" of using
private security contractors in Iraq was, for the Bush Administration, that they were
not counted when it came to reporting the death toll of
the war, which made the numbers look much less grim than they actually were. And they were bad enough in their own right, of course.
Either way, this is definitely a step in the right direction, in my opinion.
It is, however, a shame that the US government didn't do this themselves.
edit on 15-9-2010 by David_Reale because: (no reason given)