posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 07:50 PM
There is a far simpler explanation.
The primary user of 2.4Ghz band is radiolocation.
2.4ghz is what is also called a ISM “industrial scientific and medical” band. Devices that use RF power to heat, and process stuff will use that
2.4ghz wifi is a secondary user of the band. That means that it can not cause interference to the primary user of the band, and it must accept all
interference from anyone without any authority over anyone.
Microwave ovens also use that band.
The amateur radio service also uses that band, all be it at a much higher power limit. A max of 1.2KW. The amateur service is also a secondary
It is common for “leaky” microwave ovens to wipe out wifi coverage when ever they run. If the other person is a ham operator, and running a high
wattage spread spectrum signal, that could be doing it. If there is a factory close by with an RF heating devices, that could be causing it. If there
is a primary user of the band close by (radiolocation), then they could be wiping it out.