posted on Sep, 15 2010 @ 01:07 PM
As a former Police Officer, from the late 80's to mid 90's, I have witnessed much corruption myself. In fact, I would venture to guesstimate that,
the Officers I knew, half were corrupt and none were trustworthy, especially with my life. Ultimately, this corruption is what led me to stop any and
all activities as a Police Officer. I have witnessed numerous "severe" infractions (use your imagination) and many, many suspension worthy
infractions. I also was "ordered" to lie on a police report once. This alone was extremely upsetting to me. But what was I to do, disobey my
superior and wait out my inevitable termination? To make matters worse, I didn't even need to lie, it was an open and shut case, however, my
superior didn't see it that way. He wanted there to be zero room for questioning (as a result of a search and seizure).
Officers sitting in a bar, on duty, in uniform, weapon in holster, drinking beer (good ole' boy network going on in this little town). In my seven
or eight years of law enforcement, I was with four different departments, not happy with either one. I was tired of looking for that "One" good
department, and I gave up my search. All I wanted to do was "serve and protect", but that is not what most have in mind. It is strictly and purely
about "how much power can I acquire"? It is about, "I have a gun and you don't", "I can do what ever the hell I want, just try to stop me".
To this day, years later, I have not met but two Police Officers that I know and trust, with my life. Sad and unfortunate! The ones we depend on to
keep our families safe, or at least catch the bad guys after they violate us, are in it for themselves, nothing more, nothing less... Not all, but
MOST! So, not having heard the entire story from this Officer with the NYPD, and going off what I know about this case, I feel for the guy. He has
a steep uphill battle. Good luck Dude!
I should mention, the public doesn't help much either. We are always trying to catch a crooked cop. Some of this animosity the Officers have is a
direct result of having a "thankless" job and the notion that nobody cares about Police Officers and ALL Firefighters are heroes. I remember a time
right after the Rodney King incident and subsequent riots (excuse to loot), when everybody, everywhere was on their porch with a video camera, just
hoping and praying for that money shot of me screwing up royally. It's funny, I say this on the cusp of the Dallas PD preparing community leaders
for the public release of a video of what seems to be Police Officers beating another criminal, and even being heard on tape, "Planning" their
Perhaps, if we cut the cops a break now and again and show a bit more appreciation towards what they do, things might, MIGHT, ease up a little..
Nobody ever asks a Police Officer sincerely, "how are you doing"? We see them and wonder, man, is he going to pull me over? Cops are never heroes
for doing their jobs, but Fireman are! why? Forgive me, I'm just playing the devils advocate here.