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New IRA to target Banks and Bankers on mainland UK

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posted on Sep, 15 2010 @ 11:51 AM
I haven't read through every response to this thread but here's a little question... Since when have the real IRA sat down for an interview????
Do you think it was fair for the UK taxpayers to bail out the banks minus a referendum?
If this happens, who do you think will be paying for the supposed 'terrorist attack'?

Do you know what financial oppression is?

If you believe that 9/11 was done by terrorists then there's no hope for you with this but trust me, in our delightful false flag society we're best not to trust what the fat cat controlled media slaps on our plates.

The Real IRA have never given interviews prior to attacks and from what I know no other terrorist organisation has, so why all of a sudden this?
who was the spokesman/woman?

Why target the buildings and not out rightly assassinate the big bonarsed fraudulent spin doctors?
Could it be they who are planning this? Think about it, its all a reason to stretch the class divide.

PS the UK is a registered corporation now, which was SOLD to the EU.


posted on Sep, 15 2010 @ 12:00 PM
Any reason why the BBC News haven't picked this up yet?

posted on Sep, 15 2010 @ 12:18 PM
My dear friends,

Im calling hoax!

Who has been the main spokes person/s for the IRA over the years? Gerry Adams and Martin Mc Guiness. Have they come forward to annouce this? It doesn't appear so!

On the other hand,

NEW IRA? What?

Sorry, I dont buy it for a minute.

1] Now, what "IF" this is true, who's to say they are planning to blow up banks with people in them?
2] Who's to say they will target your local high street bank?
3] What's to say they may very well target the BIG boys only, such as the Rothschild's?

Having said that, if they are preparing to attack " Line 3 " , then I'm all for it.

BUT, Meh!!


Be safe be well


edit on 15-9-2010 by Spiro because: so it is

posted on Sep, 15 2010 @ 12:18 PM
who regulates the media??? The government. This is all published just not where the general public can see. Try john harris' it's an illusion 2 is very good at highlighting the corporation we are now enslaved by. x

posted on Sep, 15 2010 @ 01:19 PM
It's Continuity I.R.A. who are allegedly a few disaffected dissidents who have broken away from P.I.R.A. and wish to renew the armed struggle.
This has nothing to do with McGuiness and Adams who, for all their past sins, have been working hard to maintain the peace and help Ireland move forward.

C.I.R.A. are very mistaken if they think they will gain public support by any such attack, quite the contrary, will they never learn?
And I must add that judging by the attacks they have previously carried out I seriously doubt they have the ability and wherewithal to carry out such an operation.

P.I.R.A. were never any good at using the media, maybe they have learnt a lesson and this is just intended to 'big them up'.

This is not a false flag exercise.

I hope I'm right and I haven't tempted fate!

posted on Sep, 15 2010 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by Spiro

...What are you talking about? The organisations currently calling themselves "IRA" exist because they opposed the peace process and the view of the majority who realised that their armed campaign was futile. Those with any savvy cut their ties with paramilitary groups and the noisy Rambo wannabes who remained eventually coagulated into the groups we have today.

posted on Sep, 15 2010 @ 01:51 PM
Well finally some Republicans with brain matter -

Ours would form human shields for the bankers

posted on Sep, 15 2010 @ 02:08 PM
The strange thing is, I havent heared this on any news channel today.

BBC have ignored it, SKY havent said anything, neither has anybody else.

Imagine if the boogeyman Bin Laden had said this.

We be in code RED by midnight, and sending the warships in the morning.

This could be a load of crap in honesty, just the RIRA puffing their chest out

posted on Sep, 15 2010 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by john124

OK, all of you who advocates the car bombing of banks and killing anyone innocent who happens to be in the vicinity including bank customer.....,

wowowow, nobody did that.

That doesn't change the fact that if bombings take place innocents die. People have long been divided and stuff like the 'economic' crisis fuel desperate people. As stated, point to bully etc.

Simple as that, everywhere.

posted on Sep, 15 2010 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by multichild
reply to post by 23432

In that it diverts attention you mean?

No , not really .

I mean perhaps the blessings were given to some in the RIRA for such an outrages statement .

Couple that with the ' third world Heathrow ' comments and it looks like a hostile corporate takeover initiation .

posted on Sep, 15 2010 @ 02:35 PM
Continuity.IRA and (Real )IRA are two completly different orginisations. both are splinter groups that defected from the Provisional IRA.

both of these groups can barely pull off operations in n.ireland nevermind blowing up banks in england, and im pretty sure if they had the capability to bomb england they'd be bombing military targets first.

having grown up in n.ireland and been directly affected by the conflict i hope it is just BS. no one need go through all that again it didnt slove anything first time round and it wont this time. but what is funny the US and BRITISH ARMY invade two different countries at the same time and are still there now, kill countless people and destroy towns and cities, but when a bunch of maybe 100 semi trained real ira guy's supposedly claim there gonna attack england people get there panties in a twist.

posted on Sep, 15 2010 @ 02:42 PM
All these anti-terror laws they have in place will be enforced a lot more if the IRA do actually do anything. I wouldnt be surprised if something happens in October when all those strikes are planned. I hope I am wrong.

posted on Sep, 15 2010 @ 02:53 PM
It was the very bombing of the financial centres in London that brought about the Good Friday Agreement in the first place. Up until then the British Governement was unwilling to talk peace or make any deals with the IRA, after all they were only bombing military barrracks, shopping centres, car bombings etc but when they hit the City of London they were forced to make the move as too many big Banks/Corporations were ready to move outside the UK.

posted on Sep, 15 2010 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by Chuffer

So that's the third reason given in this thread alone for the Good Friday Agreement!

Maybe it was a due to all of them and more....and maybe people were just sick of the killing and just wanted to get on and live their lives.

And if what you say is true, the important thing is that they have moved on, great advances have been made; what purpose would a bombing campaign by C.I.R.A. against UK banking institutions serve?

posted on Sep, 15 2010 @ 03:06 PM
Originally posted by noonebutme

So you're saying that bankers are responsible for all the violent atrocities being committed by people around the world? You're saying that the chap working behind the counter at Lloyd's who has helped me deposit money into my savings is in some way, contributing to innocent people being bombed?

Actually, in a small part... he is, the bank teller may not be the one high up issuing orders, but Generals still need soldiers do they not?

You're assuming that EVERY banker is corrupt and a thief. Personally I think you're horribly misguided or mislead. Not every one of them is evil or corrupt. I know a few (as I work in London) and sure, they are some who are very driven by money and reward, but NONE that I know have any desire to do harm or cause a person to go bankrupt.

This is actually a great point, I worked at a bank to help pay for school when I was younger, my mom just recently quit her job at the bank (oddly enough citing pretty much the same reasons mentioned in this thread) and neither her nor I is corrupt nor a thief. The ones that are corrupt and thieves, those are the ones running the show, not the smiling faces you see at your community bank. But like my point above... Guilty by association comes to mind, in battle its not the Generals and Commanders losing lives, its their underlings, their soldiers, the grunts, the guys who go in and get the job done.

If your neighborhood bank teller didn't sign up to be on the front line (who did?) they should probably consider quitting their job, maybe then they will see just like the rest of us that the pretty picture being painted by government/banking interests is non existent.

Bank Tellers = Soldiers
CEO/CFO/COO = Generals

And so what happens when these moronic IRA soldiers start bombing UK banks and bankers? I'll tell you. The UK up's its military presence in Northern Ireland. More and more focus is placed there, tensions rise, tempers ignite and people start fighting each other and bring up old arguements as justifications for renewed violence.

Then the whole show is going to start, if this is what it takes to show the sick, twisted relationship between governments and bankers... So be it. One thing is pretty much a sure thing at this point tho, there are enough people out there that are finally taking a stand for themselves that this 'powder keg' ALL of us are living right now is getting packed pretty full. At that point it only takes a spark, the only question is. Is the IRA able to produce that first spark?

God I hope so.

As an aside I just have an open ended question for anyone that wants to answer it...

How exactly would you like oppressed people fight back against their government? Is there a limit on how much tyranny is allowed before the people are expected to stand up and actually physically fight for their lives? What is that limit?


edit on 15-9-2010 by Lightrule because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2010 @ 03:59 PM
As a fairly new ATS member I am appalled at what I have read on this post! Zamini advocating terrorism? WTF? How many of you on here who say that the IRA is right to bomb banks (for that is what they will do - its what they know) have EVER been on the receiving end of a terrorist attack? I honestly can't believe what I have read and you people should be ashamed of yourselves.

Do you think that by bombing banks the world will suddenly be alright? Since when did terrorism ever solve anything? What do you think will happen if the IRA does carry out it's threat? Let me tell you - innocent people will die (bank customers - we all need bank accounts, people passing by in the street, the bank tellers who need to work to pay their bill etc), bank fees will increase and bank security will go through the roof. Will the banks themselves suffer? No, we the people will suffer.

Shame on you people who think the IRA attacking banks and bankers is a good idea.

posted on Sep, 15 2010 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by Chuffer
It was the very bombing of the financial centres in London that brought about the Good Friday Agreement in the first place. Up until then the British Governement was unwilling to talk peace or make any deals with the IRA, after all they were only bombing military barrracks, shopping centres, car bombings etc but when they hit the City of London they were forced to make the move as too many big Banks/Corporations were ready to move outside the UK.

The British Government weren't unwilling, some unionists were, but the option of peace talks was always there and it was conditional as you would expect. The IRA had to scrap their armed campaign and decommission their weapons and it was them who were unwilling to do this. The IRA called several ceasefires in response to offers of peace talks and they would then get impatient and set off a few more bombs.

The bombing at Canary Wharf is actually a good example, as it was planned and ready to be executed while the ceasefire was still in place and it occurred on the same day that Sinn Féin were meant to travel to Downing Street to negotiate peace.

What you’re suggesting is ridiculous. No bombing whether in London or elsewhere changed the conditions for peace talks, as that is responding to a terrorist incident in the way that a terrorist group would want, thereby encouraging terrorism. The idea is that they get nothing good whatsoever from their attacks and members of the IRA would tell you how undesirable our response was.

Maybe it was a due to all of them and more....and maybe people were just sick of the killing and just wanted to get on and live their lives.


posted on Sep, 15 2010 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by 3finjo

I'm under a terrorist attack every time a government agent with a gun gets in my face. The cop that pulls me over on the highway for driving 120 in a 110 zone has no business to stop me, he has 1 job and 1 job only, to uphold the law. Speeding is not a breech of the peace, nor is it a criminal act so that cop should shut up, learn his place, move along and leave me the hell alone. The terror comes from the cops outwardly war like appearance, have you seen how fully armed these people are? Of course I am TERRIFIED when a man with, a gun (with 3-4 extra clips of ammo), a tazer, 2 pairs of hand cuffs, pepper spray, baton, and hand to hand combat training comes up to my window and starts making unreasonable demands. He doesn't actually have to utter the words "License registration and proof of insurance... or else." Because we have already been trained by shows like C.O.P.S. to know that threat of "or else" is already implied.

Banks fund the government, actually forget that. Banks own the government, they have for a great many years. Anyone who cannot see this by this point in human history is either trying very hard not to, or they have some sort of Stockholm Syndrome.

For real changes to be had hands are going to need to get messy, lives will have to be lost. I have said this before and will probably end up saying it again, but battle lines are going to be drawn soon and the day is going to come when you have no choice but to pick a side, when that day comes I would rather be on the side of my fellow beaten down and oppressed brothers and sisters than on the side of the few wealthy elite who believe themselves the rulers of this rock.

Why do so many people have such a big problem with others standing up to the government/banking interests and holding them not only accountable for their actions but demanding justice as well?

The people that come into a thread like this and whine about how appalling it is to see people "talk like terrorists" makes me sick, especially when I see some that have (in past posts) absolutely loved the idea the US is over in the middle east "extracting justice" and "securing freedom". Hypocrites.


posted on Sep, 15 2010 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by Freeborn
This has nothing to do with McGuiness and Adams who, for all their past sins, have been working hard to maintain the peace and help Ireland move forward.

C.I.R.A. are very mistaken if they think they will gain public support by any such attack, quite the contrary, will they never learn?

Unless they have learned from history and think that by continuing the 'armed struggle', they can one day land one of those cushty fat salary and expense account government jobs like McGuiness and Adams did.

How today's 'freedom fighters' can become tomorrow's peace brokers once they have grown up!

posted on Sep, 15 2010 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by 3finjo
As a fairly new ATS member I am appalled at what I have read on this post! Zamini advocating terrorism? WTF? How many of you on here who say that the IRA is right to bomb banks (for that is what they will do - its what they know) have EVER been on the receiving end of a terrorist attack? I honestly can't believe what I have read and you people should be ashamed of yourselves.

Do you think that by bombing banks the world will suddenly be alright? Since when did terrorism ever solve anything? What do you think will happen if the IRA does carry out it's threat? Let me tell you - innocent people will die (bank customers - we all need bank accounts, people passing by in the street, the bank tellers who need to work to pay their bill etc), bank fees will increase and bank security will go through the roof. Will the banks themselves suffer? No, we the people will suffer.

Shame on you people who think the IRA attacking banks and bankers is a good idea.

My thoughts exactly,

Further to the point of guilty by association, who here uses a bank? Huh huh? There wouldnt be banks if we didnt use them.... please think about what you say, a little thought, and then facts, it really helps in not making yourselves look like donkeys.


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