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Origins of Atlantis/Lemuria Myths Part-2

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posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 12:17 AM
reply to post by awake1234

Great work Slayer. You are great at PR on topics like these. Your past threads have inspired me to this day.

Did you happen to notice my comment to you about the so called sacred Japanese mirror? It resemblesthe Mayan/Aztec calendar. We know those two cultures inherited that calendar from the Olmecs.

Yata-No-Kagami - The Sacred Mirror

Aztec calendar

Here's a link to a larger image of the Aztec calendar.

Notice there are 8 dials on both objects. The number 8 is a lucky number to Asians. I wonder why that is?

Please see the following thread on where I was going with this.
Ise Grand Shrine of the Sun in Japan

Hey awake1234, I'm beginning to believe the Great Pyramid of Giza is in fact a highly complex Dolmen. The air shafts seem to be similar in nature to the small opening in the dolmens. The dolmens and the GPG are designed to invite UFOs that appear as balls of light.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 12:34 AM
A very interesting post, with great pictures. The first picture of a megalith, under the "Megaliths of Kanayama"; looks familiar. The left hand, smaller stone of the megalith, looks like a pigs head. You can see the snout, and eye. The next small rock above makes the ear. Then you have the pigs body; with his tail in the upper right side of the largest rock! Is this what this megalith is recognized as representing?

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 12:35 AM
reply to post by Harte

Depends on who you believe.

The site at Monte Verde Chile predates Clovis by a thousand years, giving the SA locals over 13,000 years to develop the culture. However, the Monte Verde dates were (last I looked) being called into question once again, after they had finally been accepted.

It's frustrating sometimes. Is it Sam Vanlandingham's dates? Or Dillehay's?

With or without the extra thousand years, we have a period of migration into NA ~13kya and a fairly sophisticated city complex ~7000 years later in S America. Taking into account the generations it would take to reach the area, settle and enjoy population growth to sustain a civilisation, it seems remarkable.

Their contemporaries over in Sumeria, for example, had the advantage of neighbours, trade routes and a long period of agrarian culture to support technology and growth. The guys in Caral wouldn't have those opportunities or advantages. On the other hand, it's easier to be a peaceful people without neighbours...

Fascinating stuff!

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 01:54 AM
reply to post by Harte

As always it's great to have you chime in.

I agree there is no single location known as "Atlantis or MU or even Lemuria." The thrust of these threads is to consider whether or not there were ancient coastal civilizations which may have either perished or driven inland as the sea levels rose. I named them with this title to capture peoples imagination and create interest. I dispelled the whole "Atlantis Lemuria" claim in the first few paragraphs in Part-1.

There are however some who think these threads are out to prove that a single location existed.
If this is true then I have failed in my attempt to bring to the fore a slightly different angle on the accepted norm.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 02:00 AM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

Thanks for the reply as always very interesting.

I have been in search of and so far have failed miserably to find an accurate representation of how the Earth looked at the height of the last Ice age. I'm after one that not only shows the size of the ice cap of the Northern hemisphere but one which also shows the lower sea levels represented as well as how much Snow/Ice accumulated in other parts of the globe such as Antarctica, Africa and South America.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 02:11 AM
Excellent Post!
A long time ago I was doing research on this very subject. I had come across a site which I can no longer find (many reformats and computer upgrades led to lost sources) One explained in detail a location I believe was mentioned here, I believe it is in Chile next to Argentina, the size matched the description, the orichalcum, the mountain of silver as described in ancient stories, was according to the site actually there, but the Spaniards mined it down to nothing. Also from that site I was led to another one that spoke about Fuente Magna, I found the page and here is the link incase anyone is interested.

Also digging and prodding, I came across supposed evidence, but like all the other evidence I would call Main Stream Scholars always brush off as false or hoaxes. The evidence I speak of is of remains found in South America of a human that were far older than the Lucy at the time, by a million years I believe (can't say for sure but that's what I remember and can no longer find the source, my conspiracy sensor goes off when stuff like that happens). I believe a point was being made that perhaps, migration happened the other way around. Or, I like to believe perhaps the whole Nibiru stuff might be on to something, according to Jim Marrs in the book Rule By secrecy, there were 2 bases of civilisation existing simultaneously. I mean I can be pretty skeptic at times, but we all know how sometimes fact turns out to be stranger than fiction.

All in all, this has re-awoken my interest in the subject. Again Excellent post!

p.s. if anyone can help me search for some of the stuff I mentioned about Atlantis in the CHilean region and all I would greatly appreciate it and thanx in advance!

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 03:36 AM
Excellent thread Slayer and one that will have to go on my list of favourites.That said I have just spent the last god knows how long reading every aspect of your thread and I am hooked, I have always been hooked on ancient cultures and archaeology mind you. What I find most interesting out of the whole thread is this particular photo, do you have any more information on it?

Originally posted by SLAYER69

I am intrigued because ancient archaelogy always draws a link between different cultures around the world of snakes and knowledge now I cannot say for certain that this photo shows this, but what it does show is indeed quite odd. We have a snake overlooking a possible human being, who seems to be carrying something possibly a torch? whilst in a possible sitting position, its dwelling most possibly in a cave or dolmen building.

I personally feel that the dolmens were built to house some form of internal energy, possibly they were used to sit under and meet our gods by way of harnessing the energy and transferring it through meditation like practice. There is alot more research being carried out now than there was 10-20 years ago and every few months we are learning of more and more possibilities. I for one am on the edge of my seat to find out the latest theories.

One thing that is on my mind though, once we know for sure about our past theres no turning back and I keep on asking the same question would it benefit or destroy humanity as we know it

In regards to your quote

Most if not all the major Olmec stone carvings that survive to this day show massive amounts of damage in some form. It has been speculated that the damage was caused by rivals or later cultures defacing their work.

I theorize the reason why these stone carvings were heavily damaged and strewn throughout the jungle is possibly due to some form a titanic destructive force leaving only these few sculptures. Maybe a huge Volcanic eruption followed by a huge tsunami could have ripped apart ancient temples and flung them all over the surrounding area.

Could it be that these stone carvings were not damaged by natural forces but by our very own hands? I believe its called disinformation

There is a growing amount of support around the world from various researchers that ancient archaelogical finds have been and are continuing to be damaged,manipulated and indeed defaced in order to fulfil an agenda by people who know much more about our past than any of us and are indeed covering their tracks as best they can?

edit on 16-9-2010 by franspeakfree because: peace

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 04:15 AM
Slayer, You are a Good Researcher, much of what you have learned in your studies will allow yourself to more fully abosorb what I am about to share with you. I hope at one point in your research of the Two Lost Continents Of Lumeria & Atlantis that you came across the exact report of how they came to be. The 1.3 million year old history of mankind on Earth. The 8 Million Years Prior Coming to Earth and How All The Races Arrived Here on Earth. It is a report given in The Thiaoouba Prophecy by Michel Desmaqruet.

"As I already explained during our journey to Thiaoouba, the Bakaratinians arrived on Earth 1,350,000 years ago. Thirty thousand years later came the terrible cataclysm that gouged out seas and caused the emergence of islands and even continents. I made mention also, of an enormous continent which arose in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

This continent was called Lamar but is better known to you as the continent of Mu. It emerged virtually in one piece, to be shattered 2000 years later, by seismic shock, into three principal continents.

With the passing of years, vegetation established on these continents, large areas of which were located in equatorial regions. Grass grew, forests established and, gradually, animals migrated across the very narrow isthmus that bound Mu to North America.

The yellow race who had better managed to come to terms with the disastrous consequences of the cataclysm, were first to construct ships and explore the seas. About 300,000 Earth years ago, they landed on the northwest coast of Mu, where they eventually founded a small colony.

This colony barely grew over the course of centuries as there were difficulties in expatriating, which would take too long to explain and which does not concern us now.

About 250 000 Earth years ago, the inhabitants of planet Aremo X3, embarked on an interplanetary voyage of exploration penetrating your solar system. After having skirted Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and Mercury, they landed on the planet Earth in China, where their spacecraft caused considerable panic among the populace. Their legends refer to fire dragons descending from the sky.

The fear and mistrust of the Chinese, led them eventually, to attack the aliens, who were forced to use violence in order to defend themselves. This they hated, for they were not only technologically advanced but also highly spiritual people who abhorred killing.

They moved on, continuing their exploration of the planet. It turned out, that the continent of Mu had most appeal for them for two main reasons. First, the continent appeared to be virtually uninhabited and second, by virtue of its latitude, it was a veritable paradise.

They had become particularly cautious since their confrontation with the Chinese and felt it would be wise to establish a base to which they could retreat, should they encounter further hostilities of a serious nature from Earth people. I have not yet explained that their reason for exploring Earth was their intention of resettling several million people from Aremo X3 - a planet that was becoming uncomfortably overpopulated. This operation was much too serious to take risks of any kind. Thus, it was decided that their base of retreat would be set up, not on Earth, but on the moon, which was quite close and considered very safe.

Fifty years were spent establishing the lunar bases and it wasnt until they were ready that emigration to Mu began. All went well. The small Chinese colony that had existed in the north-west of Mu had been totally destroyed some decades after their first visit, so in effect, they had the entire continent to themselves.

Work began immediately on the construction of towns, canals and roads, which they paved with immense flagstones. Their usual means of transport was a flying chariot, not unlike our Lativoks.

From their planet, they imported animals such as the dog and the armadillo - which they were very partial to on Aremo X3, and also the pig.

In height, these people averaged 180 centimetres for the males, and 160 centimetres for the females. Their hair was dark, their eyes of a beautiful black and their skin lightly bronzed. You saw some of their kind when we stopped at Aremo X3 and I believe you have already guessed them to be the ancestors of the Polynesians.

So they established settlements throughout the length and breadth of the continent, including 19 large cities, seven of which were sacred. Small villages were also numerous, for these people were highly skilled farmers and graziers. Their political system was modelled on that of Aremo X3. They had long ago discovered that the only way to govern a country properly was to place at the head of government, seven men of integrity, representing no political party, but sincerely committed to doing what they could for their nation.

The seventh among them was the Supreme Judge whose vote on council was worth two. If four were against him and two with him on a particular issue, they were at deadlock, and hours or days of debate would ensue, until at least one of the seven was persuaded to change his vote. This debate was conducted within a context of intelligence, love and concern for the people." The Thiaoouba Prophecy by Michel Desmarquet a Cliff Note Version was Created on my page

edit on 16-9-2010 by Thiaoouba Prophecy because: Spelling

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 04:21 AM
reply to post by awake1234

Your Anastasia and America's Se car ja we au appear to have some things in common though did not share the same fate. No one shares the 'same' fate. They were beloved by those who were touched by their presence and deeds unto 'their' neighbors. Fine women InDeed as to purpose.

It's one of my wife's nicknames, among many.....
.....thought I'd share.
"Sacajawea wIth child".


My middle name is Lewis.

edit on 16-9-2010 by Perseus Apex because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 05:25 AM
These Annunaki carvings were compared with Olmec ones many times before but here you go just for fun.


As I recall Skyfloating was the leading "Annunaki bag" researcher on ATS but I could be wrong... there is a thread about it somewhere in this mess of a interwebs.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 05:50 AM
reply to post by SassyCat

Great Find
.. i remember the picture but not the bag
making the obvious ...obvious
sometime i need that ahaha

what could possibly be in the bag ... tea herbs ??
that bag seem very important to them .. why
i dont think its something advanced technology speaking
or something they didnt want to show to humans
thats why its in a bag...
but why in a bag again... its pointing that something was harvest on earth .. like tea herbs !!
could be also gold ?.. but in a small bag like that ??? ... it can also be a favorite fruit
that they carry everywhere

if we can find what was on that bag .. im sure i can domesticate one annunaki with it

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 06:07 AM
reply to post by SassyCat

SassyCat, you never cease to amaze me recently, where is this thread located? this is the first I have heard of annunaki bags. Whilst my whole opinon on the Terra Papers have changed of late I am trying to find out more about the annunaki and past history, any links you can provide me with that may cover some of this ground would be greatly received. I wonder what was in those bags?

Looking at the photos, could, whatever is in the bag, relate to something to bring them back from wherever they went in their trance like meditations? like a lifeline to earth for example.

Found out some more incredible information, I don't know how I missed this thread 241 flags a complete masterpiece on the annunaki bags and ancient history

edit on 16-9-2010 by franspeakfree because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 07:30 AM

Originally posted by Kandinsky
reply to post by Harte

Depends on who you believe.

The site at Monte Verde Chile predates Clovis by a thousand years, giving the SA locals over 13,000 years to develop the culture. However, the Monte Verde dates were (last I looked) being called into question once again, after they had finally been accepted.

It's frustrating sometimes. Is it Sam Vanlandingham's dates? Or Dillehay's?

With or without the extra thousand years, we have a period of migration into NA ~13kya and a fairly sophisticated city complex ~7000 years later in S America. Taking into account the generations it would take to reach the area, settle and enjoy population growth to sustain a civilisation, it seems remarkable.

Their contemporaries over in Sumeria, for example, had the advantage of neighbours, trade routes and a long period of agrarian culture to support technology and growth. The guys in Caral wouldn't have those opportunities or advantages. On the other hand, it's easier to be a peaceful people without neighbours...

Fascinating stuff!

To me, even more strange, is that a peaceful people would find any meaningful technological acheivement. War brings out the best in human innovation. When it comes to inspiring creativity, the only thing that is more inpsiring that war is sex (all new technology is utilized for porn before anything else it seems).

How did the Carals manage to achieve on par with the Sumerians without an anathema set as juxtaposition?

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 07:37 AM
Most of what I have found on Caral is pretty much the same as what was in the video. After visiting a website and reading information contained there in, I have an idea of why there isn’t much more information, it appears that the archeologists are having disputes over plagiarism of work done on the site which is overshadowing any progress being done at the site. There are teams that are refusing to share their data with each other and such. So I am not sure how much more I will be able to find, but I will keep digging.

The site I found this information at is below, there are some great photos there and the information I was talking about is towards the middle of the page.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 09:18 AM
wow..just wow...

what an awesome thread, i have not read all of it yet but so far so good..

keep up the great work Slayer69..this is a great thread with wonderful detail and pictures..and links!

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 09:24 AM

Originally posted by franspeakfree
Found out some more incredible information, I don't know how I missed this thread 241 flags a complete masterpiece on the annunaki bags and ancient history

That's the one!
Alien-gods and Atlantean warriors in Meso-American civilizations
How could I have forgotten... ucalien is indeed the bag expert
. Giant Olmec statues with bag-like things in their hands are also very interesting...

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 10:45 AM
reply to post by SassyCat

The bag!

I knew the minute I decided to use that image that the "Bag" would be brought up.
I've seen the Sumerian connection theory before. It is rather interesting. I do have a slightly different spin on it and the meaning of the Olmec carvings but you'll just have to wait for Part-3.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by Majestic Lumen

Interesting read.

I haven't hit on the following yet but there may be some circumstantial evidence of two or more "out of Africa" migrations of modern man separated by something like 30 to 40 thousand years or more that seem to predate the accepted time line.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 12:03 PM
Freeborn Brought the following to my attention. Thank you.

I've seen this map before. Notice how South America, Africa and Antarctica show little or no sign of increases in snow coverage During the "Ice Age" compared to present day? I'm not suggesting that they should be covered in snow and ice but SA and Africa do have snow caped mountains and they should have been represented with the proper increases of coverage at their respective higher elevations as we see in the Northern hemisphere. which is always depicted as having massive ice sheets. Seems odd that they are not.


posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 12:13 PM
Didn't have time to go through the thread, but I am surprised you didn't mention Tiwanaku, which I find to be the most interesting, and puzzling ancient site. Clearly it was never under water, but I think the stone carvings and the way they fit together make thi the most advanced structure of the ancient world. I don't have much time to elaborate, but the site is incredible.

The ruins of Tiahuanuco have been regarded by all students of American antiquities as in many respects the most interesting and important, and at the same time most enigmatical, of any on the continent. They have excited the admiration and wonder alike of the earliest and latest travelers, most of whom, vanquished in their attempts to penetrate the mystery of their origin, have been content to assign them an antiquity beyond that of the other monuments of America, and to regard them as the solitary remains of a civilization that disappeared before that of the Incas began, and contemporaneous with that of Egypt and the East. Unique, yet perfect in type and harmonious in style, they appear to be the work of a people who were thorough masters of an architecture which had no infancy, passed through no period of growth, and of which we find no other examples.

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