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The Islamization Of America Is Upon Us

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posted on Sep, 15 2010 @ 03:59 AM
reply to post by Hefficide

But it's not equality when you know the Muslim religion will never be happy until they get there way and sharia law is passed in america.
That is the argument here.

i care not what color they are or where there from.

from peat sakes my wife is black.
my kids are mixed.
My nieces and nephews are half Mexican.
and my father in law is a greek.
I am anything but a bigot.

it's the fact of what the Muslim religion stands for

All Muslims believe Sharia is God's law, but differ as to what exactly it entails

See it's not just radical muslim's that take the laws for truth..ITS ALL MUSLIMS
they think its gods law and will never be happy till they get it passed.

It will happen in our lifetime man watch and see.

Freedom of speech

Sharia does not allow freedom of speech in such matters as criticism of Muhammad. Such criticism is blasphemy and punishable by death. He writes:

i am sorry any religion with law's like this..does not even need to be in existence to me.

posted on Sep, 15 2010 @ 04:09 AM
reply to post by TheAmused

The point that I am seeking to make in these threads is this...

Who are the ones stirring this pot and who benefits from all of this blind mistrust, hatred, and tension?

You do realize that there were Muslims long before September 11, 2001 and we, as a nation, actually supported them politically. We still do. Saudi Arabia, possibly the most militant Islamic nation, is our ally. Think about that for a minute.

We, as a nation, supported the Afghani Mujahideen when we still had our previous boogeyman, Communist Russia, to scare the masses with.

We armed Iraq for their war against Iran.

The concept of "nationality" is even an illusion. Corporations are now multinationals and they run the whole show anyways. The reality of politics is that it is a worldwide and incestuous dance of interchanging finances that hardly anyone really understands.

So, again, I appeal to you to ask yourself why we've suddenly been handed this ultimately evil boogeyman to hate. The answer is really simple to those who take a moment to ask it.

We've been given this fear so that we'll cheer as our freedoms are taken away.

edit on 9/15/10 by Hefficide because: keystroke fumble

posted on Sep, 15 2010 @ 04:15 AM
reply to post by operation mindcrime

From the Qu'ran: Surah 8-60 Against them [nonbelievers] make ready your strength to the
utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror
into (the hearts of) the enemies of Allah and your enemies,
and others besides, whom ye may not know

Throughout the Quran, the teachings are to destroy all others outside of Islam in the name
of Allah.
The Muslims despise Jews.

I stand behind what I posted. Stating facts is not fear-mongering. What
is there about the educative process that you
object to?

Mod Edit: Quote trimmed, Reply To function used. Please see ABOUT ATS: Warnings for excessive quoting, and how to quote. Thank you - Jak

edit on 15/9/10 by JAK because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2010 @ 04:21 AM
reply to post by TheAmused

But it's not equality when you know the Muslim religion will never be happy until they get there way and sharia law is passed in america.
That is the argument here.

Amaizing because we have so many different religions including Muslims in this country. And none of those other religions (besides Christianity) are demanding anything close to this. Christianity on the other hand demands itself in our politics. We worry about our president's faith for Pete's sake.

from peat sakes my wife is black.
my kids are mixed.
My nieces and nephews are half Mexican.
and my father in law is a greek.
I am anything but a bigot.

No, that just means you might not be a Racist, but you can still very well be a Bigot. Click on the links to learn the difference. I am surprised how few people understand the difference between racism and bigotry.

See it's not just radical muslim's that take the laws for truth..ITS ALL MUSLIMS
they think its gods law and will never be happy till they get it passed.

You know, Christians have pretty much the exact same thing, and you don't seem to worry about that, even though we in this country do practice many of those Christian Laws.

i am sorry any religion with law's like this..does not even need to be in existence to me.

And that is a bigoted statement. Sorry, but it is. Perhaps you should learn about tolerance and how tolerance isn't the same as acceptance.

Hopefully you learned something today and can be more tolerant in the future.

posted on Sep, 15 2010 @ 04:24 AM

Originally posted by Freedom of Thought
I stand behind what I posted. Stating facts is not fear-mongering. What is there about the educative process that you object to?

Listen, I respect your opinion and I am even willing to believe that some of the Muslim community members have ideals that will not incorporate with "Western" thinking....

But we are talking about All Muslims here. The only thing All Muslims have in common is their religion, not the way they practice it!!!!!

You even agreed that:

your argument is not all Muslim are inherently evil. i agree with you.

Indeed, so stop throwing them on to one big pile when you are trying to make a point!!


posted on Sep, 15 2010 @ 04:50 AM
reply to post by whatukno

Racist: someone who holds blind defiance against another human (race) because of color
would you accept this definition of racist?
Not once have I ever posted an objection to a human being based on the color of their skin.

Bigot: someone who has irrational suspicion or hatred of a particular group, race or religion
-not tolerant of the beliefs or opinions of others.

Considering that a time frame of 32 years have been spent studying world politics, religions,
and the origins of these religions; in addition to personally knowing people of different
races & religions: do not believe the words irrational suspicion or hatred would qualify
me as a bigot.
However, I am slightly intolerant when people use emotional adjectives to bandy around "hot' words
like racist or bigot; when only the facts have been presented.

I find it puzzling that the objectors have denied the majority of the facts presented, while creating a
great ballyhoo over the possibility of one muslim would not be a terrorist.
This is not the issue. The issue is the tenets (statements) of the 'muslim' faith set down in their
OPPOSITION to what their book says.
So, perhaps reverse psychology should come into play here, folks. The labels that you have applied
to the humans trying to present facts should instead be applied to the ones promulgating
destruction of all non-muslims.

Mod Edit: Quote trimmed, Reply To function used. Please see ABOUT ATS: Warnings for excessive quoting, and how to quote. Thank you - Jak

edit on 15/9/10 by JAK because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2010 @ 04:53 AM
Dude, I live in France. Brigitte Bardot is a washed up, sad, raving lunatic, who is notoriously racist, has stated in public to prefer animals to *insert racist term for black people here*, and has open ties with the National Front (i.e. french nationalist political movent = basically nazis). France has not been invaded by the muslims as Glenn Beck and Fox would like to have you believe, it is not a muslim country, muslims are one of France's more significant minorities, and they get to live like the rest of us, with a few muslim owned and muslim orientated shops and fast foods opening here and there. Our muslim community is for the most part extremely moderated, I even know muslims who drink alcohool and eat pork.

You just quoted a complete nutcase, and used the paranoïd delirium of nostalgic french facists to push your own hateful (and misguided+misinformed) agenda. Kudos to you.

posted on Sep, 15 2010 @ 04:57 AM
reply to post by Freedom of Thought

Racist: someone who holds blind defiance against another human (race) because of color
would you accept this definition of racist?
Not once have I ever posted an objection to a human being based on the color of their skin.

Bigot: someone who has irrational suspicion or hatred of a particular group, race or religion
-not tolerant of the beliefs or opinions of others.

There you go, thank you for posting that.

Considering that a time frame of 32 years have been spent studying world politics, religions,
and the origins of these religions; in addition to personally knowing people of different
races & religions: do not believe the words irrational suspicion or hatred would qualify
me as a bigot.

but "not tolerant of the beliefs or opinions of others." might.

However, I am slightly intolerant when people use emotional adjectives to bandy around "hot' words
like racist or bigot; when only the facts have been presented.

You are talking about a belief system, in a belief system there are no facts, just belief. Facts and Religion are completely incompatible with each other, it doesn't matter what the religion is.

I find it puzzling that the objectors have denied the majority of the facts presented, while creating a
great ballyhoo over the possibility of one muslim would not be a terrorist.

Ok, so using your logic then, all Christians are terrorists too because of the acts of people like The Army of God.

This is not the issue. The issue is the tenets (statements) of the 'muslim' faith set down in their
OPPOSITION to what their book says.

So does the bible.

So, perhaps reverse psychology should come into play here, folks. The labels that you have applied
to the humans trying to present facts should instead be applied to the ones promulgating
destruction of all non-muslims.

Or maybe everyone should be completely intolerant and bigoted to all religions till religion is completely obliterated altogether from the human experience. I might actually go for that.

posted on Sep, 15 2010 @ 05:04 AM

No, whatukno, you are incorrect. The Bible of the Christian faith Does Not
advocate individual believers going out and violently
killing all those who do not believe it's words.
The Qu'ran explicity commands all believers to go out and destroy
all those who do not believe the words written within it.

posted on Sep, 15 2010 @ 05:08 AM
reply to post by Freedom of Thought

Really now? You don't your Bible do you?
Go through all the list and you'll be surprised as to what you over read.

edit on 15-9-2010 by Romantic_Rebel because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2010 @ 05:09 AM
reply to post by Freedom of Thought

Exodus 22:18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.

Exodus 22:19 Whosoever lieth with a beast shall surely be put to death.

Exodus 22:20 He that sacrificeth unto any god, save unto the LORD only, he shall be utterly destroyed.

Exodus 22:24 And my wrath shall wax hot, and I will kill you with the sword; and your wives shall be widows, and your children fatherless.


I really could go on, but I don't want to bash the religion, just your misconceptions of it.

posted on Sep, 15 2010 @ 05:11 AM
I think you need to read the bible again.
Particularily the books of Judges and Leviticus.
Have fun with all the calls to genocide you'll find there.

posted on Sep, 15 2010 @ 05:16 AM
reply to post by Freedom of Thought

No, whatukno, you are incorrect. The Bible of the Christian faith Does Not
advocate individual believers going out and violently
killing all those who do not believe it's words.
The Qu'ran explicity commands all believers to go out and destroy
all those who do not believe the words written within it.

No it really really does.

"When the Lord your God brings you into the land you are entering to possess and drives out before you may nations...then you must destroy them totally. Make no treaty with them and show them no mercy." Deuteronomy 7:1-2 not leave alive anything that breaths. Completely destroy the Lord your God has commanded you..." Deuteronomy 20:16

I can list many many others. Really, the Christian bible explicitly demands that it's followers go out and destroy all those who do not believe in Jesus.

"But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me." Luke 19:27

edit on 9/15/2010 by whatukno because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2010 @ 05:18 AM
reply to post by Freedom of Thought

Obviously you have given yourself the freedom to think. Just like the Christians that killed HUNDREDS of millions of South Americans in the name of your bible.

How about the crusades? Where it was honorable to join and kill the heathens and muslims?

How about burning witches?


You see, you can now claim those wrongdoings were the church or corrupt people, not your faith. Quid pro quo. YET, I feel it is something you cannot comprehend. Give yourself the freedom to think the Christian faith is amazing and peaceloving. You're dead wrong. Christ was peaceloving and forgiving, your christian faith is genocidal as HISTORY has proven.


posted on Sep, 15 2010 @ 05:36 AM

Originally posted by Alxandro
reply to post by Hefficide

The pic in my sig is a line from a display at the Jewish Holocaust Museum in Boston.

I understand your point but you are missing mine.

"They" could be referring to the NWO but the fact that Muslims appear to be taking over, "THEY" could also be referring to the radical Muslims coming to take us all away, one by one, incrementally, giving us the option to convert or die.

All I'm saying is don't let your guard down.

"They" could be referring to the NWO but the fact that Muslims appear to be taking over, "THEY" could also be referring to the radical Muslims coming to take us all away, one by one, incrementally, giving us the option to convert or die.

Who is trying to take over is radical and insecure pseudo Christian elements for the sake of their own political power and prestige and their own warped views of religion and appeasing a God they put forward in a distorted way as they utterly and purposefully fail at everyone of his major commandments and gospels.

Give me 48 hours with anyone, Muslim, Christian, Jew, Atheist, Agnostic and I will have them smoking, drinking, listening to loud rock and roll, and discussing the finer points of kinky sex!

Because you can in fact kill a lot more flies with Honey than Vinegar.

Some of you people make me ashamed to say I am from the same planet. No wonder there are so many people running around the Gray Area claiming to be extra terrestrials.

Lighten up and stop letting the sound of your own fears drive you crazy.

What your Original Piece consists of, is a French ‘artist’ and ‘snob’ lamenting that the trend isn’t towards her own decadent lifestyle.

What you fail to realize to have a decadent lifestyle of any kind you must have MONEY and a ROBUST ECONOMY so people can purchase the things that lead to a decadent lifestyle.

So when MONEY gets short for any one, or any group, like it does in our PISS POOR ECONOMY it leads to people having to lead a VERY DULL basic life, DEVOID of any real fun, that CAUSES them to embrace RUDIMENTARY AND FUNDAMENTAL aspects of their PROGRAMMED existence, and then to FEAR that someone will TAKE THOSE THINGS AWAY too.

Which if the religious xenophobes who claim all this nonsense actually had FAITH in their OWN scriptures they would TRUST IN GOD to see that never happens.

Most if not all of this will go away when people stop ABDICATING their own INHERENT RESPONSIBILITY in destroying the economy by WILLINGLY PURCHASING the foreign made goods that DROVE THEIR JOBS AND ECONOMIC VITALITY AWAY.

Long and short of it is RELIGION IS THE OPIUM OF THE MASSES the masses that have NO MONEY FOR REAL OPIUM.

Fix the economy and everything else fixes itself.

The enemy is not Islam or even Christian Fundamentals, or the ‘Evil Chews’ it’s lazy people who want politicians to use common sense for them, when they can’t even use it themselves for them selves.

You idiots are going to persist in making everyone feel insecure through all this nonsense until you do all take to killing one another in the streets, if you don’t all relax and take a chill pill.

Then in the end everyone looses and the Powers that Be will laugh their way to the bank selling every side the weapons that they need to do it, so they can fuel their own Decadent Lifestyle.

People really need to wake up.

edit on 15/9/10 by ProtoplasmicTraveler because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2010 @ 05:49 AM
Ah... Proto.
He's not my buddy for nothing...
Star, as usual.
On a side note... so thats why I keep getting these urges to post an "I'm an alien ask me questions about me" thread when I read Ops like these. Thanks for opening my eyes. ^^

By the way. Labelling Brigitte Bardot "an artist" is something of an overstatement. She had a nice rear end on her. Forty years ago. Um... That's it really.

edit on 15-9-2010 by Ismail because: My reasons are not you're concern. These are not the droids you're looking for.

posted on Sep, 15 2010 @ 05:57 AM
Religious fanaticism doesn't peacefully co-exist with others. They just don't. Fundamentalist _______ (insert religion of choice here) won't play well with others. Islam has a long history of not integrating and not getting along with those who don't believe like them. It is WISE to keep an eye on this and keep it tampered down. By tampered down, I mean like we do with all other religions in this country. Freedom to worship like you want .. but don't bring it into the gov't. (at least we try to keep it out of gov't).

It's wise to keep watch with this ... considering history and all.

Remember Christianity of a thousand years ago? Remember the Salem witch trials? Remember all that Islam did to spread and the destruction and death left in it's path? etc etc Definately keep watch ...

posted on Sep, 15 2010 @ 06:13 AM

Originally posted by Ismail
Ah... Proto.
He's not my buddy for nothing...
Star, as usual.
On a side note... so thats why I keep getting these urges to post an "I'm an alien ask me questions about me" thread when I read Ops like these. Thanks for opening my eyes. ^^

By the way. Labelling Brigitte Bardot "an artist" is something of an overstatement. She had a nice rear end on her. Forty years ago. Um... That's it really.

edit on 15-9-2010 by Ismail because: My reasons are not you're concern. These are not the droids you're looking for.

I used to get such a kick out of the 19 year old son of a friend who played guitar in the same band with me.

He would give his son great fatherly advice, wise and sage musings, he son would promptly reject, because it was his Dad espousing them.

They kid would then come over to my house to drink and smoke and tell me about the same problem, that he had already confided in his Dad, where invariably I would end up giving him the same advice, which he would then turn around and say “That’s brilliant, I should try that”! then in after thought would say “You know my Dad said something similar!”

Some people just won’t take good advice from some people because of a familiarity with them that causes ego or pecking order to get in the way.

So yeah I do think it’s a very similar thing where some people who really are ashamed of some of the seemlier aspects of our human existence knowing that no one is going to listen to their typically good advise, of love one another, don’t kill one another, don’t pollute, share and be charitable with one another, that typically gets rejected by so many ‘pragmatic’ and ‘reasonable’ people as being undoable.

So I do think they imagine that like my friend’s son, who won’t listen to the same thing from his Dad but will listen to the same thing from someone who isn’t his Dad, that some of these ATS Gray Area Aliens are hoping if you won’t listen to good advise from a human, you will listen to it from an Alien.

Life it’s stranger than fiction my friend.

posted on Sep, 15 2010 @ 06:17 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

And I'd know. I'm from Sirius.

posted on Sep, 15 2010 @ 06:19 AM
reply to post by Romantic_Rebel
I am well aware of what the Bible contains. My statement was
in reference to all New Testament books, dealing with the
birth of Jesus Christ and His teachings.

A new covenant was enacted upon His arrival into this world.

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