posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 10:04 PM
Both political parties have been exposed to be total frauds and they don't really represent anything that we all thought they were. Democrats have
not seemed to back down on their big-government views even when it comes to cases like National Security. When it comes to the National Security state
the Democrats have flip-flopped and have taken the same views as Republicans when it comes to wiretapping, covert operations, assassination programs,
and using bomb threats. Democrats have also flip-flopped on their views in corporations.
While many Democrats have poised themselves to be anti-corporations it is clear that from the legislation that they've passed that they've only
wanted reform, but only reform for the corporations so they'll have more stuff, while passing a phony consumer protection bill that is more of a
power-grab for the federal government. There was a time when they were their anti-corporate self, when the Supreme Court made that ruling regarding
corporations, but now things are back to normal.
We can't really trust most libertarians either. Libertarians have made an alliance with the Republican party and they still seem to think that the
Tea-Party stands for limited government. There are those that know the truth and speak it freely, but those are the more radical ones. And as we know
the Republican party is still the same as ever, with Jim Boehner being the corporate-politician and not hiding it. What has happened to our country
when a politician is in bed with lobbyists? People elect him to be the house speaker of course.
There hasn't been a real investigation about the causes of 9-11 yet and how it happened. I am not a 9-11 truther but I believe there was more to it
than just Al-Qaeda. 15 of the 19 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia. Maybe it even had Saudi financing? Our government refuses to acknowledge this
possibility because we're in bed with Saudi Arabia and both parties seem intent on kissing up to their king and not getting us off on oil. Presidents
will talk but they don't encourage private investors enough.
Is anarchism the way forward? I'm starting to really get tired of this false-dichotomy, and false two-party system without real representation. We
have a voice, and we can vote people in office, but once they're elected they forget the voice of the people that elected them. And the government
doesn't ever seem to get smaller no matter even if "limited-government Republicans" get elected.
Is anarchism the solution? I'd say it might be a solution, or at least a temporary solution in order for society to get itself back on its feet and
kick out the elites that have been lying to them and have been treating them like dogs. I say we should try anarchism for a while and then remake our
system, or until as long as it takes to really just restore the balance back to the people. We can set up organizations for various government
agencies like the military and make them private corporations at the mean time and make them accountable to individuals. They can still do things in
an anarchical society but until we bring back saneness into our society, we need them to be de-legitimized from their authority position at least in
the meantime.
And no, I'm not saying that we should be a society of complete disorder. The various government forces would still be there, and the police would
still be there. They just wouldn't have their authority as the head of the state like they've had before and they would have to compete with other
people to regain their legitimacy.
I'm all for temporary anarchism. I believe that the state in modern societies has been more or less a parasite on its people. It claims to represent
the will of the people while it ignores it and supports the plutocratic elite. It may at times support the people, but they've been proving to us
more and more that the people that they care about are the ones that are in business. They want these corrupt corporations to keep going and for only
4% of people to not be their slaves. It's time to end this facade. We can still have companies and corporations and stuff... but we just need to
really reform their legal rights and powers through the legal systems.
What are your thoughts? I don't consider myself an anarchist, but I am contemplating that temporary anarchism might be a good thing, if it was done