let me put this into the simplist terms i can think of.
there is a cell. a single one cell micro-organism. it is the only one. just one little cell.
alone sucks. can we exert enough empathy to agree on this?
one cell, first mitosis, first division. what happened?
go stand in front of someone, face to face.
each of you raise your right hands.
notice they are on opposite sides.
go stand in front of a mirror.
raise your right hand.
notice that both right hands are on the same side.
now back to the first single cell organism, that split itself in two.
how did those two cells, being identical and the same copies of eachother, know which way the message was being recieved and which way the message was
being sent?
how much experience at communication did the first cell have with others outside of itself?
two cells, that are identical and the same, clones of eachother.
there was no prior need, nor necessity, nor experience talking with another, whatsoever.
does the single cell organisms read the message from left to right, or from right to left?
was the message sent with the intentions of being read left to right, or from right to left?
was the message sent from left to right or from right to left?
was the cell recieving the message reading it from left to right, or from right to left?
fast forward through millions if not billions of years of evolution into the macro-organisms we are today. when was that paradox in intracellular and
interpersonal communications fixed?
Questions and Answers:
Q: What were the name of the pyramids when the ancient egyptians built them? What are the original names for the oldest standing structures on the
face of the planet?
Q: What are the first three symbols that we have placed closest to the brightest object in our skies?
Q: What is the king of the beasts, king of the jungle, and what does it say?
Q: What does the oldest standing structures on the face of the planet, the first three symbols next to the brightest thing in the skies, and the king
of the jungle have in common?
Q: What is the type of sleep we have when we are dreaming, where do we go when we dream?
So, explain THIS, biblical scholars (prove to me, it's not all hogwash)
how many bible scholars are posting on this thread?
how many members are 100% convinced that literacy is only from left to right?
i'm no bible scholar, but i think i know a few things, and i choose to share them. how many generations need to hear from these holy books before
they become engrained upon our very dna?
one of you did elohim (elohim as in a verb)
one you did elohim
one = l
you = u
did = did
elohim = elohim
l u did eloh im [mirror] mi hole bib u l
mi hole bib u l
mi hole bibul
my holy bibul
my holy bible
these are just some observations, maybe related,
edit on 15-9-2010 by Esoteric Teacher because:
..... of course, i could be wrong.
, but none of you are going to convince me i am
wrong by yourselves