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So another Alien wannabe I hear some say.

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posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 08:33 AM

Originally posted by Death_Kron
reply to post by artistpoet

You don't need to resort to insults...

I'm honestly not sure what "higher or finer" thoughts you think people like Saddam Hussein, Ian Brady or Timothy McVeigh have to be honest with you.

Just wanted to add a futher point to this question. The people you mention have probably never used thier higher finer thoughts and are not aware they even exist

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 08:40 AM

Originally posted by artistpoet

Originally posted by Death_Kron
reply to post by artistpoet

You don't need to resort to insults...

I'm honestly not sure what "higher or finer" thoughts you think people like Saddam Hussein, Ian Brady or Timothy McVeigh have to be honest with you.

Just wanted to add a futher point to this question. The people you mention have probably never used thier higher finer thoughts and are not aware they even exist

I would disagree, those people don't have any "finer" thoughts.

Saddam Hussein was born evil.

Ian Brady was born evil.

Timothy McVeigh, well I wouldn't say he was born evil but he committed an evil act for reasons, in which his own mind, were justified.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 08:45 AM
reply to post by artistpoet

Excuse me, alien, but how can I reach my higher, finer thoughts? Any tips/tricks? I want to consider it before I decide to go rob a bank and kill a man.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by Death_Kron

Hi Death Kron - Re: The people you mention as being born evil. In a way i agree you with you. We all accumulate Karma lessons to be understood) and these are carried forward from one incarnation to the next. I am saying that there exists the potential to use a finer thought track. Hope this helps

edit on 16-9-2010 by artistpoet because: typo

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by Death_Kron

I'm sorry but I won't agree with anyone proclaiming to be an alien, especially on an internet forum...

Okay, I have to ask this ... Why?

What makes such a statement disagreeable? Why "especially on an internet forum"? There doesn't seem to be much logic to this, and perhaps even less real thought.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by artistpoet
reply to post by Death_Kron

Hi Death Kron - Re: The people you mention as being born evil. In a way i agree you with you. We all accumulate Karma lessons to be understood) and these are carried forward from one incarnation to the next. I am saying that there exists the potential to use a finer thought track. Hope this helps

edit on 16-9-2010 by artistpoet because: typo

I'd agree that there is a potential, but only in the sense that there was a potential that I could be born female.

It's my opinion that there Nature Vs Nuture doe's exist but in the same breath I'd also argue that some people are genuinely born evil.

Timothy McVeigh wasn't necessarily born evil, reading his wiki profile it states that he was a talented computer programmer and even hacked into goverment systems using a Commodore 64.

Why he committed the acts he did is anyones guess but I'd suggest he was somewhat shaped by life and that created the personality he was later to become.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda

Originally posted by Death_Kron

I'm sorry but I won't agree with anyone proclaiming to be an alien, especially on an internet forum...

Okay, I have to ask this ... Why?

What makes such a statement disagreeable? Why "especially on an internet forum"? There doesn't seem to be much logic to this, and perhaps even less real thought.


Just because someone believes they are an alien doesn't make them one, as I've already mentioned in previous posts, go to a hospital and get checked out; you'll be told that your one hundred percent human.

As such that means you believing your an alien is simply that; a belief.

I could believe I was superman but I'm pretty dam sure that I'd die if I attempted to jump off the Empire State building...

I've made peace with the OP in that respect so I don't wish to derail the thread but I'll happily continue the discussion if you want to start a thread about it or via U2U.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 09:41 AM
If you prescribe to the notion that we all have an eternal soul and that each of us has the light of divinity, then in essence we are all alien to this world. We all have one foot in the "spiritual" realm and one foot in the physical realm.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 09:49 AM

Originally posted by MeSoCorny
reply to post by artistpoet

Excuse me, alien, but how can I reach my higher, finer thoughts? Any tips/tricks? I want to consider it before I decide to go rob a bank and kill a man.

Hi again MeSoCorny
Funnily enough I have just come back from the bank though I would say they robbed me rather than I them.
You do not require any gimmicks so to speak - No need to light incense sticks or focus on a point of light etc
All you need is to be quiet and prepare to receive - No need to strive or whirl about in circles - Or attempt to blank your mind whislt sat in a lotus position - Your higher self is always conversing with you but since birth we are all distracted by one means or another. However here is a simple little trick you can try out if you so wish.

Look in a mirror and ask the one you see in the mirror a question pertinant to you. Now answer the one in the mirror as if you were Higher self who knows you completely, and understands, never judges you and in fact loves you as only one who knew you inside out warts and all could - An unconditional Love you feel for this is your your true soul companion. Who would never desert you no matter what life might throw at it as a challenge to be overcome - learn to trust your higher self for in reality it is you - Try it but only if you care to do so.
Do not accept any information from others without first checking out what your higher self feels - In time you will become your higher self and who you truly are - We are all of us on a journey sometimes our paths intersect - All is One all the Universe is in this together we are all of the One.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by Blarneystoner
If you prescribe to the notion that we all have an eternal soul and that each of us has the light of divinity, then in essence we are all alien to this world. We all have one foot in the "spiritual" realm and one foot in the physical realm.

Wow thank you for that it is most insightful and well worded

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by Death_Kron

Yes I agree people are shaped in their character traits from birth.
We are taught to think from a base emotional level - and the systems of mind control that run the society which we are born into - rules, laws models of behavour -
Genocide of a people can be justified and are in the name of a god or idea or what someone read in a book. We are taught to react to anything that is different or challenges our perceptions. If a small group of truly evil control freaks can murder millions and justify it to themselves and others then one mans evil but lesser death run is a microcosm of that.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 11:34 AM

Originally posted by artistpoet
I feel I have important information to impart but know not where to begin

I know I have had several past lifes on Earth which I can trace through dream and a "Knowing"
I know I do not originate from Earth. I have known this for 30 years. I have been taught by the best.
I do not claim to know everything - how could I or any.

1. So another Alien wannabe I hear some say.
2. Another unprovable story I hear cynics say.
3. I will suspend my disbelief I hear some say. I am sceptical but will listen with a truly open mind that puts aside all that I thought I knew and the indoctrinations PUT UPON me from birth by Religion. Government. and so called experts etc.

I am not sure where to start and what I should say but I do invite questions and a certain amount of debate.

1a. Being Alien is truly no big deal and not as many think it to be - this world is full of Charlatans.
A Charlatans parade of vanity, on the threshold of insanity, with a head in the sand mentality- to use my own verse.
2a. The only proof one truly has is that which one has earned - Proof is a personal knowing and with it comes a feeling of beautIful liberation. Knowledge is useless and only of value when truly understood as part of a whole or bigger picture from that stems wisdom
3a. This is the way to go

This thread is not about debating Aliens though it could be.
This thread is not about me but could be
This thread is an attempt to prompt question answer and some debate

So you came over the Rio Grande in the dark of night? Just kidding, trying to introduce some levity before getting to the real questions?

So you "know" because of dreams? How do you "know" it wasn't just a dream? You say you can't know everything but how can you know anything through a dream? You know you didn't originate on earth? How? Other than dreams. Because a dream can't let you "know" anything.

Now you said: The only proof one truly has is that which one has earned - Proof is a personal knowing and with it comes a feeling of beautIful liberation. Knowledge is useless and only of value when truly understood as part of a whole or bigger picture from that stems wisdom.

How have you earned any proof through a dream? If you recieved it from a dream then how can you have proof or any level of personal knowing if it only comes from a dream. It seems like your knowledge is compartmentalized and missing the broader scope of wisdom.

Have you considered mental illness? Have you ever been diagnosed with Schizotypal personality disorder? It may be worth a look.

What is the purpose of your thread? Hey world, I'm an alien, look at me!!!! Or is it about the personal liberation you feel after having a dream and deciding your not of earthly origin?

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by artistpoet

I've been following this thread with interest and so far all you offer in the way of 'enlightenment' is common sense.
It doesn't take alien intelligence to understand that human's relentless hunger for fossil fuels and wood, added with the masses of pollution produced, will lead to the destruction of this planet.
Nor is it anything but common decency to respect other life forms. As for self awareness and insight, those are sadly rare qualities in most people, but certainly not extraterrestrial.
I find your pious, self satisfied posturing all too human.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 12:22 PM
If you really are an alien, I would say it's a good thing your case is less than convincing. Otherwise, it would be naive to think that you could go around advertising it on a site like this and not expect a visit from MIBs (or INS at the very least).

I'll humor you, though. Maybe you are testing the waters for disclosure and want to see how a community of truth-seekers will react to being handed an alien on a silver platter. Maybe you are doing a study on grammar, spelling, and logical structure and their relationship to perceived credibility...

I just don't get it, man. Nothing has been said here that hasn't been said before by people claiming to be human. Give us something new or give it up, please.

Sorry for the rudeness, but this thread is (as someone earlier put it) like a train wreck. I can't stop looking...

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by artistpoet

Nobody is born evil.
Is a baby evil?

However, some people are born without the ability to experience emotion and empathy and go on to do very evil things. I wouldn't however say anybody is actually born evil or good for that matter. They are a blank slate.

Are these words of wisdom coming from your alien past, or simply this current life? Does your alien race seriously believe everything you are telling us?

edit on 16-9-2010 by Thibotham because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by Thibotham

Psychopathic Personality Disorder, Antisocial Personality Disorder and all the other Personality Disorders are caused by abuse or neglect suffered by a child, who then develops a personality that is disordered as a a result.
Human behaviour experiments have shown that we are capable of anything given the right circumstances and influences.

One of the most well known behaviour experiments was the 'Little Albert Experiment' that demonstrated how a child could be conditioned to fear a fluffy rat.

'Little Albert Experiment' on Wikipedia

edit on 16-9-2010 by subby because: typo

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 02:48 PM
Honestly I don't think enlightenment is possible because humans sin and kill and destroy by nature. You said something like aliens are themselves by nature. I think nature is an interesting item. I just have to ask. While that is bad, is it necessarily not good? Cannot the act of rejecting things in front of so much evidence be good sometimes? After all, it's so obvious that the sun revolves around the Earth from our perspective. is it true? no.

One has to ask. The very act of assuming aliens exist enters into subjective realms. So many here are locked in the humanoid aliens fallacy when it is so very unlikely. Just look at Earth. Only 2 living species are upright. Penguins and Humans. Out of the hundreds of millions of species. just 2. And only one is intelligent.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by Gorman91
Only 2 living species are upright. Penguins and Humans. Out of the hundreds of millions of species. just 2. And only one is intelligent.


posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 03:01 PM
This thread is not about the egotistical and delusional fantasies of an internet loner, but it could be!

oh and subby, lets add the large list of primates that utilize bipedalism. There's about 30.

edit on 16-9-2010 by Shark VA84 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by Shark VA84

This thread isn't about bipedalism but it could be.

I considered primates but they seem to use their arms rather a lot. Penguin, human and kangaroo appear to be the only ones that use bipedalism exclusively.

edit on 16-9-2010 by subby because: added reply

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