reply to post by The Protector
Your first paragraph seems pretty spot on,
unfortunately I do not know if this is applicable to case one and two
as mentioned before. Maybe case one, but case two seems to be
a genuine mental disorder of sorts, where the subject identifies
EVERYONE as an enemy, how he comes to that conclusion evades me.
Over developed predatory instincts?
Your second paragraph seems to be explained by the first,
I guess the main idea here is that the perpetrators feel threatened
and believe that they're not going down without a fight.
The theory in my opinion only applies to people with a logical mind,
I believe that some perpetrators are unable to think logically
and make connections that simply don't exist. This is dangerous as we can clearly see.
A predictable killer is easily neutralized, I presume we all come from the same
mindset that if a specialist attempted at presenting a rational and logical solution to
the inner problems of perpetrators, their deep rooted personal issues could be resolved
with extreme ease, it would take time of course, but there is a glimmer of hope that
the subject can be pacified without the use of mind altering medication and/or forceful confinement.
When it comes to an illogical mind, no amount of rationalization will help,
these subjects are as dangerous as they come simply because of their unpredictability
and lack of will to find a solution, they would most probably believe that the individual
who is trying to help them is also an enemy that must be vanquished for whatever rubbish reason.
The only humane thing to do at this point is to lock them up before they are able to hurt anyone.
Would you agree with my assumptions?