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Westboro Baptist Church Burns the Koran and american flag (video)

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posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 10:16 PM
Reply to post by Romantic_Rebel

I am curious, can these people still call themselves Baptists? I have personally witnessed Baptists churches get "defrocked" for less than this...or maybe the defrocking is just a southern baptist sort of thing?

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posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 10:16 PM

edit on 9-11-2010 by rogerstigers because: doubilty post

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 10:19 PM
they are so ridiculous I'm wondering if this is some sort of "performance" art.. like an Andy Kauffman sort of thing.

I'm waiting for them to come out and bow...

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 10:20 PM
As I was listening to this man, I almost got the shivers to hear such hatred coming from the mouth of a human being; an american citizen.

But towards the end, when the women were singing, suddenly I started laughing, realizing the absurdity of it all.

Some of the lyrics:

"God hates the world, and all it's people. You, everyone face a fiery day in your city". lol.
"Calling up God's wrath for all eternity". (yeah, well, call away

I mean, really? How can these people go to church? They are the ones filled with hatred, not God. They seem to value the ideas of evil, moreso than good. You never know what leads people to become this way, and somehow they have managed to find one another.

This congregation is filled with some sick little puppies, led by a hate-monster/monger. I wonder why they can't see it. I feel sorry for them in a way. It must be horrible to live in a world of judgment and hatred.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

I happen to be a fundamental christian from a baptist
church! If my pastor was anything like this guy,I would
have walked out of church a long time ago!

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 10:23 PM
Apparently, Fred has proclaimed at 5:20ish that WBC are now prophets...thats good to know.

As a side note, that song they sing at the end is just plain disturbing. I got images of a group of zombified religious zealots on the shoulders of satan laughing as I listened to it...

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 10:25 PM
Somehow I managed to watch most of the video. I had to stop during the burning process because I couldn't stand hearing them sing about how we're all going to hell.

My reaction to the video was initially in the form of anger. I hate hearing anyone, and especially a leader such as that pastor, spewing hatred that way. But then I realized I wasn't mad. Actually I feel pity for that man and his congregation. I feel pity for the amount of ignorance they've chosen to accept, and the manner in which they allow their hatred to manifest itself. I may not a Christian anymore, but I do have to say that if Christ were alive today, he would likely laugh at that pastor and then make like Chuck Norris by roundhouse kicking the guy in the head to knock some sense into him.

Editing to add another thought. I realize that that video is just a fraction of what this Westboro Church does. But as I sat here watching it, I couldn't help feeling like I was seeing the leader of some form of cult. Anyone else sense the same thing?

edit on 11-9-2010 by John_Q_Llama because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-9-2010 by John_Q_Llama because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 10:26 PM
why dont we all write the chruch and tell them how we feel ?, on second thought maybe not it would only fule the fire ,but if somthing does happen to the USA as a result of this ,this would be the only time i would say to go agesnt the constution and dismantal their religion ..... they are on a warpath ,

their shockjock tatics are evil

bah pardom my spelling but i am to pissed to correct my self lol


posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 10:27 PM
reply to post by xEphon

That's a good imagination. Fred Phelps is nothing new in the Christian light. Like all Christians in the past that wanted control over people. They used guilt, sin and fear against people.

Satan is the best friend the Church as ever had. Without him, they would have been out of business a long time ago. Without a devil to point their fingers at, they would have nothing with which to threaten their followers. "Satan leads you to temptation"; Satan is the prince of evil"; Satan is vicious, brutal, cruel," they warn. "If you give into the temptations of the devil, you will surely suffer eternal damnation and roast in Hell".

"sound familiar?"

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 10:34 PM
The sad thing is...

This display of stupidity will in fact bring WBC more members and converts to their misguided cause. He will in fact attract
a fringe of fools looking for scapegoats to blame for their shallow, banal, meaningless lives. A Cause, a point of reference and a leader.

Even on ATS there is a concerted message of Hate toward Muslims in general by the more right wing members.

edit on 11-9-2010 by whaaa because: grammar

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 10:34 PM
I had a conversation with my room mate two nights ago. She told me that the Westboro baptist church had come to a college town a few years ago that she was studying at in order to protest "something". I say "something" because I cannot remember exactly what it was, and honestly it doesn't matter. She spoke with one of the respected voices of the community about the impending protest and what should be done about it. She was told to ignore them completely, don't give them eye contact, try and avoid using the road they are protesting on, and spread the word to others to do the same. She did just that via facebook, texts, and other forms of communication. The day the protesters arrived was the only day they were in the area. They obviously saw that their words were falling on deaf ears, especially because no one was around to hear them. Hence they left. Defeated.

I suggest we all do the same. There are a billion and 1 things more important in my life worth paying attention to. Like corn chips. I love me some corn chips. Don't you?

Sorry op, I can't flag your thread because it brings the vid more attention. But thanks for posting it!

edit on 11-9-2010 by danj3ris because: Changed the word "post" to "thread" in the last sentence.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 10:36 PM

That's a good imagination. Fred Phelps is nothing new in the Christian light. Like all Christians in the past that wanted control over people. They used guilt, sin and fear against people.

RR, You can absolutely believe this if you so choose. If it somehow validates what you choose to believe about Christianity, then help yourself. But you are dead wrong. This cannot be an ordained chuch. It is too cultish, and filled with hatred. Whether you like it or not, or choose to believe it or not is up to you.

If you believe this garbage is what true Christianity is about, or even remotely represents it, then you are every bit as misguided as the people in this video.

edit on 9/11/2010 by ladyinwaiting because: to edit

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 10:37 PM

Originally posted by mamabeth
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

I happen to be a fundamental christian from a baptist
church! If my pastor was anything like this guy,I would
have walked out of church a long time ago!

I recognise that Phelps and the WBC are an aberration, and must be a huge source of embarrassment to folks such as yourself. To me, he is nothing more than evidence of Freedom of Speech...and that ultimately speaks well of your country,

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by ladyinwaiting

Whatever floats your boat. From what I read and seen in my past. Christianity has a lot bad apples and a lot of good apples. Sometimes that bad ones show their face more often then the good ones. But you can't say oh this person is not a Christian because they are a Christian. Where are all the people defending Atheism and other religious beliefs on times when their religion is threatened?

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 10:43 PM
*puts forth his best baptist minister speech*
And though I hate the words that are spit from your putrid lips. These words that burn their vile way through my ears and into the very heart of my brain, I will forgive you for your hatred. For you have the blessed power to speak your mind in this land without fear of reprisal and reprimand. So go forth you haters of the world and speak your vile poison in rememberance of the ones who have already given so much to ensure you that privelidge.
*end corny baptist minister tone*

For the record, I stopped the video when they were singing "God hates the world" in the chorus... I think I threw up in my mouth a bit there...

edit on 9-11-2010 by rogerstigers because: typo

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 10:44 PM
here is two more burning Einsteins in the Nashville area

2 Local Men Burn Quran Despite Protest
Local Religious Leaders Follow Through With Plans

The preachers have the Constitutional right to burn
I have the Constitutional right to think they are stupid.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 10:49 PM
My friends,

It seems to me that this is a guy that needs to have us all support him and protect him right now.

Hear me out before you get your stones to throw at me.

He has just thrown the biggest challenge to our constitution square in our face. He has challenged the two most cherished rights in our Constitution, the freedom of religion, and the freedom of speech.

If we allow for one second, our Government or anyone else for that matter to do anything to stop him, the door is wide open for the Government to take even more, and they always do.

If you asked me, and I know you didn't, but this seems most like a government conspiracy than anyone I have heard so far.

Lets see, how much did the government get involved with the first Pastor to get him to stop? They practically begged him, and he yielded. But this guy, they never even asked. Why? Because they already know the public HATES him. You all won't care if they strip our constitution to shreds just to stop this devil.

So now all we need is a false flag terrorist retaliation attack to make us sufficiently pissed at this guy and the deal is sealed.

Check Mate.

With Love,

Your Brother

edit on 11-9-2010 by IAMIAM because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 10:53 PM

Originally posted by IAMIAM
Lets see, how much did the government get involved with the first Pastor to get him to stop? They practically begged him, and he yielded. But this guy, they never even asked. Why? Because they already know the public HATES him. You all won't care if they strip our constitution to shreds just to stop this devil.

Actually, I would be very and vocally irate if this guy was forced to be quite in any way shape or form... as I stated in my previous post on this thread.. I hate to my very core what this man and his group stand for, but I believe in that same core that they should not be silenced to appease the whims of anyone. Our freedom to speak our minds must always be protected.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 10:59 PM
reply to post by IAMIAM

agreee. We can bash these jokers all we want, but if the government silences them, then we must support the Constitution and support them; Even though what these preachers did absolutely sucks. If the government takes your neighbor for no Constitutional reason, and you do nothing, expect the same support when the government comes for you.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 10:59 PM
reply to post by rogerstigers

I caught that my friend, and good on you. Tough times lie ahead, for what remaining liberty we have, will be tested like never before.

I am glad to have you and other like minded folks watching.

Your Brother

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