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Are Barack Obama’s “Dreams” Ruining America?

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posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 02:21 AM

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 02:34 AM
Many things have ruined this country over the last 30-40 years, which has been like another Gilded Age in its greed and corruption: just a very ugly time.

We started going downhill with Vietnam, Watergate, the Oil Shocks, and the loss of industry to low-wage countries. Mainly, all the wealth and income are concentrated at the top, and there's not much left to extract from the common people any more.

Obama inherited a country that was already in terminal decline, like the old British Empire, and that's not a lot that can be done about it.

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 02:38 AM
I have no use for either major party in America, since I think they are both controlled by big money and corporate interests, and there is certainly no Republican alternative to the sickness of this society. They will only make it worse. I mean, what have they got to offer? Rush Limbaugh? Newt Gingrich? Sarah Palin?

It's pathetic. I don't even want to think about it. As I said, though, we've been in decline for 30 years or more and nothing is going to stop that.

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 02:41 AM

Originally posted by witness63
Obama inherited a country that was already in terminal decline, like the old British Empire, and that's not a lot that can be done about it.

Sadly people refuse to acknowledge this fact.
I can't tell if it is on purpose or they actually believe he caused this mess.

Either way, it is an error in the thinking process.

- Lee

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 02:51 AM
reply to post by The Sword

God, this whole "blame Obama" angle never ceases.

Blame Obama? For what? Nothing so far in the OP or replies decries junior's attempted perversion of the "American dream" of self-sufficiency into the "Obamas' Dream" of dependency. (No one in their right minds will deny the obvious.)

Rather, this thread is an examination of WHY the man who promised "Hope and Change" and a "transformation" of America would take the path he has thus far chosen.

One observer notes that Obama's ever-more-obvious petulance may be the result of never having been questioned or scrutinized in the past; never having to have accomplished anything before admissions, appointments and elections were handed to him without question.

Obama has experienced a radical drop in approval ratings. His preconceived notions about the world abroad have proven shockingly therapeutic. He must be disappointed that an Ahmadinejad or Putin is not swayed by his charisma and does what he pleases ... . Messianic disappointment with an unappreciative lesser world can explain a lot.
Keynesian economics did not pan out. ... He must be confused why he is both being attacked by friends and yet unable to borrow his way to recovery.
Yet Obama’s petulance, I think, more likely derives from a certain surprise — leading to anger — that originates from novel and sudden demands for accountability. Quite simply, no one has dared question Obama before — much less press him for deeds to match his mellifluous words.
Did he really think he could talk his way through four years of the American presidency?
Apparently, he did, and apparently he was almost right — given that rhetoric and sophistry earned him the presidency in the first place.
The origins of Barack Obama's petulance

Perhaps more scrutiny is what is called for if we are to understand why we, as Americans, are where we are today - politically, economically and, yes, spiritually.

Doing so calls for no criticism of Obama's presidency; just objective analysis. Doing so does not "blame Obama" for anything other than being himself, and for having his principles and priorities examined in the light of his own words, and his own heritage.

As with the formerly-adoring MSM, his liberal sycophants would do well to do a little objective examination of their own instead of whining about his being treated "like a dog."

But enough speculation over motives for the origins of Obama’s strange and growing petulance. All that matters for the country is that the current president of the United States seems surprised that as our chief executive he is earning scrutiny not previously accorded him — and that he finds that demand for accountability both exasperating and abjectly unfair. Thus this week’s latest “like a dog” whine.
For some reason, Obama believed that those who expected after his campaign promises a real upturn in the economy, or fiscal responsibility, or inspired foreign policy would be satisfied, as they had in the past, merely with soaring rhetoric and superficial reassurance. When they were not, and voiced such displeasure, as ingrates they had supposedly reduced Obama to canine-like status.
There is no need to add that abroad an Ahmadinejad, Assad, or Putin does not care a bit for the supposed personal chemistry or ethnic profile of Obama. Whether he was “clean” or not would be an absurdity to them. We sense only that those authoritarian sorts seem so far to like the idea that Obama speaks ambiguously about his country’s past and future, and appears more comfortable in pondering alternatives than making decisions.
Given all that, it is understandable both why America is very worried about what it has wrought — and why Barack Obama is miffed and lashes out.
You would too if both accountability and criticism were novel experiences at 49.

(As you may know, Mohammed and Islam see dogs as unclean and unworthy of a place in the home. Americans, on the other hand, see them as a member of the family, and loved and trusted companions.
Perhaps Obama's upbringing in Indonesia (country with the largest Muslim population) impacted him and betrays that influence. When you’re taught at an early age that dogs are unclean, nasty, you should never own one or pet them, etc, that influences your thinking; especially when you move to a country you’re taught to hate and they treat their dogs as members of the family.)


posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 03:05 AM
reply to post by babybunnies

Now people are getting a taste of what Obama thinks is right for America. He's simply following through on a campaign promise, whether or not people actually like it.


Most people just plugged their own subjective definition of what "Hope and Change" or "transformation" really meant, instead of actually trying to learn something.

As far back as the 2004 election, I was telling people that the perfect Democrat ticket in 2008 would be Hillary and Obama. Then, I started reading Obama's books and examining his politics. And I started telling people that Obama was going to destroy the free markets and impose government control over energy, health, manufacturing and education.

It was all there for anyone curious enough to look. I wish more people had considered what he was promising, compared to what they thought they were hearing.

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 03:19 AM
reply to post by witness63

Obama inherited a country that was already in terminal decline, like the old British Empire, and th[ere]'s not a lot that can be done about it.

What? Are you conceding defeat or just thinking up an excuse for a failed agenda?

I was no fan of Bush's doubling the size of government, haste into war, and waste of time moralizing on social issues that had nothing to do with putting this country on the right track.

Likewise, I am no fan of Obama's profligacy, overreaching, pandering to and bribery of an entrenched constituency, and redistributive agenda.

But to presume "terminal decline" and a lack of alternatives betrays a lack of interest in improvement, much less survival.

There are very good ideas "out there" and programs that empower people over government and business.
They are working right now and can be adapted to a nation-wide scale.

As with Obama's true intentions, you have to look and think to find them.

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 03:31 AM
reply to post by lee anoma

I can't tell if it is on purpose or they actually believe he caused this mess.

Face it; "this mess" is largely Obama's creation.

Everything people criticize the Bush administration for -- 2 wars, bank bailouts, government expansion and intrusion upon people's lives -- Obama has magnified in spades.

Even Bush's scheduled Iraq withdrawal has been botched; we still have troops dying in combat while Obama claims credit for "ending the war."

He can't even do THAT right, because it's not part of his greater agenda.

So many of Obama's supporters are quick to rally to his side, but have no more clue what it is he is going to do to "fix this mess" than HE does. The truth is, he doesn't want to fix the mess - it fits in his plans!

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 03:46 AM
well I can say that the whisper campaign about Obama's origin, religion and the like has had a negative effect
on some people I know, the opposite effect many have hoped for. At some point it become ridiculous and it
starts turning people off to the idea of hating Obama as it appears contrived and extremely dramatized.
This muddies the legitimate things which could help garner opposition from more folks...

To me a great part of this Obama dialogue lacks the introduction, because I am not steeped in the conservative echo chamber, I can't help but recall 2008 the year. Now 2010 seems better, not great but better, it appears that conservatives bemoan the fact that Obama has not kept his promises more than liberals which is truly a strange thing to observe. I don't think he has be radical at all, he "stimulated" the economy like Kenyes prescribed (not advocating it), pass a watered down HCR that was hardly socialist or Marxist and he is pursuing the stupid wars. I honestly believe if Obama was a Bush and did not have a negative campaign fueled against him, the "conservative" America that loved Bush would like him too... Same crap, yet this base stirring melodrama may back fire as it did in the last election.

On a side note what will be interesting is the 2012 elections, VERY interesting - Conservatives don't have a REAL CONSERVATIVE beside maybe Bar or Paul - By stirring up this "TRUE" CONSERVATIVE frenzy
the candidate will HAVE TO GO WAY RIGHT, Obama will stay in the middle and if a SOVIET FLAG IS NOT FLYING IN WASHINGTON the GOP will be screwed. I believe this time around liberals will play GOP style
and either force the candidate to be very extreme/ or expose the likely person as a neocon, a liberal like Bush is
called here so often.

You know what, I would actually like to see the rich stop getting richer by exponents and watch the middle class thrive for once. This is what is also wrong with the GOP strategy because I suspect many conservatives secretly wish for the same results, the GOP is positioning themselves in way where they will have to pose
as the alternative message. 2004 and four will tell you anger does not win elections, so if the communist of doom fear factor is not sold completely optimism may very well win out. GOP's only hope is to win subpoena power and launch investigation after investigation, death by a million cuts could work, but the savior is consistently underestimated. All he has to do is make sure he does not launch another war, tank the economy,
or attack civil liberties because some conservatives might like him (:

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 04:13 AM

Originally posted by jdub297
reply to post by lee anoma

I can't tell if it is on purpose or they actually believe he caused this mess.

Face it; "this mess" is largely Obama's creation.

Everything people criticize the Bush administration for -- 2 wars, bank bailouts, government expansion and intrusion upon people's lives -- Obama has magnified in spades.

Even Bush's scheduled Iraq withdrawal has been botched; we still have troops dying in combat while Obama claims credit for "ending the war."

He can't even do THAT right, because it's not part of his greater agenda.

So many of Obama's supporters are quick to rally to his side, but have no more clue what it is he is going to do to "fix this mess" than HE does. The truth is, he doesn't want to fix the mess - it fits in his plans!

B.S - you clearly did not judge Bush as you do Obama - We are no longer in a crisis sire my locale is getting more busy, Obama could
fall in a volcano and do a better job than Bush, For one Obama has not created a war and let his families cronies suck off your tax dollars because he could, Obama has not sat around while his cabinet members and family friends get rich off $5.50 gasoline and various contracts,,, you could have tuned in, but this stuff did not bother you then did it?

Obama's agenda is to look good, he is a proud man and not in a good way, if you think he wants to turn America into pure #@!# you obviously do not understand the basic's of the man. His ambition is HIMSELF,
the Presidency exemplifies this ambition, the last thing a person with such a complex wants to do is fail
publicly. Have you not watched him??? He lives for praise - Bush lived for power and the desire to assert himself, his whole presidency was THE COMMANDER AND CHIEF bit, Obama's is try to please everyone,
step back and you will see the truth is not so complex.

edit on 12-9-2010 by Janky Red because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 07:06 AM
When are we going to realize, the president is not in charge, he is just the person we put our hatred in, the people in charge are the banks, secret gov with their numbers in the millions with top security clearance. They are who run America, the president is just our mascot. . .

They come to the president and tell him, look man we need to do this this and this, you're going to tell them this this and this, which will lead to this and we get more money,period.

When was the last president in office that you actually liked? along time ago wasn't it? I think we better start putting our hated towards the people that make us hate the president.

Now I am no politician, but even I know the president isn't in charge, cmon now.

edit on 12-9-2010 by Quasar_La-Zar because: Added 3rd paragraph

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 07:42 AM
The problem with all these opinion pieces by 'conservative scholars' is that while they try to raise the boogeyman, they completely ignore the reality.

The senior Obama proposed that the state confiscate private land and raise taxes with no upper limit. In fact, he insisted that "theoretically there is nothing that can stop the government from taxing 100% of income so long as the people get benefits from the government commensurate with their income which is taxed."
Remarkably, President Obama, who knows his father's history very well, has never mentioned his father's article. Even more remarkably, there has been virtually no reporting on a document that seems directly relevant to what the junior Obama is doing in the White House.

Who is supposed to believe Obama wants to tax at 100% when the tax rates are currently lower than at any time in the last 50 years? The first thing he did in office was CUT tax rates and conservatives not only never acknowledged it, they never stopped whining and carping about his tax INCREASES. It seems to me like none of the 'conservative' arguments are based in reality, they're just a lot of innuendo designed to create fear in their followers. Scary that his father thought high taxes were good, scary that Obama's father was a muslim, scary that his mother was an atheist, scary that he's trying to destroy the country, etc, etc.

I think the voters in 2008 saw the reality of the situation the country was in and they can see the reality now. 60% plus market rebound, record corporate profits, record low taxes, steady drop in new unemployment, steady increase in manufacturing, retail sales, home sales, auto sales, etc. The economy's not 'fixed' by a long shot, but things have been improving steadily since early 2009 and all the conservatives have to go on is the scary stuff.

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 08:27 AM


posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 08:43 AM
It is obvious that unless this country wants to continue to get this type of amateur anti American garbage in all branches of gov't, we the people had best use available and easy resources to research the candidate. No organization is in charge of making sure candidates are good, qualified, or legal to hold the position they are running for. The press used to be the closest thing we had to do this but as proven with Obama, if it's their guy they will cover up and or not investigate the candidate. They are corrupt and corruption begets corruption.
The American people have become lazy and want someone else to do the hard or boring work of researching so they just listen to the used car and snake oil salesmen who sell their bad candidate to enough people get get their lunatic in the position to further weaken this once great nation. I pray that a lesson has been learned with the Obamas, Schwarzeneggers, Barney Franks, etc in this country. Maybe if we can get some leaders instead of destroyers in the near future we can turn the tide, and undo some of the problems unforeseen by the founders. They viewed (and rightfully so) the Constitution as an inspired set of rules to run a nation but who would have thought there would be a majority who do not refer to, nor adhere to the document and then get away with it with the courts blessing.
The time has come, RESEARCH anyone who wants a lifetime of easy street and ivory tower living and try to send the best and brightest citizen servants to office.

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 08:49 AM
reply to post by mythatsabigprobe

I am not sure where your idea of decrease in unemployment is? I know I am not alone in this line of thought, all I see is unemployment going up where I live. Perhaps you are one of the lucky ones to have not lost a job recently? And yes I believe those numbers are fudged, again just my personal belief. And I am far from rich and I have not seen any decrease in my taxes taken out of my wages? Not sure what tax decreases your referring to? I know as usual my property taxes and school taxes keep going up so it must not be that that decreased, unless the decreases only effect the wealthier of our society? Good points op I think you hit the nail on the head with this thread. I think some people are so wrapped up in the image of the man to realize what he is really doing. Which is exactly what he said he was going to do. Perhaps you are wrong though, maybe these people think just like him and want the fundamental transformation of America as he does? For me personally I'd prefer to think they are just being stubborn and proud not wanting to admit being duped, or played vs wanting to change this country into something the majority doesn't believe in.

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 09:14 AM
Are his dreams ruining our country? They already have IMO! I do have to credit Obama for keeping to what he said he would do. He stated he would fundamentally change our country, he is an has.

He is posturing the USA as a weak, kow-towing, please don't offend anyone, country.

He has created more racial tension, not the counter.

He makes it obvious that it is not in his interest to listen to the will of the people. His way or the highway.

He has spent more money than every other administration COMBINED. (Up to Reagan, correct me if I am wrong?)

He is not done spending our way into oblivion! That my friend is the scary part!

His arrogance is astounding. He is not willing to listen to anyone from the other side of the house.

There are far, far, more important things that he has done and is about to do that are bad for our country. He has two more years. This scares the crap out of me!

I know November is supposed to even things out a little and slow down the train that is rolling through Washington D.C. I will only believe it when I see it. I have lost almost all faith in the party I most often vote for, Republican. This site and my own research has basically shown me it is the same face on both sides of the coin and we are mere peons in their eyes.

God help us all and let's hope that our Great Nation survives this blatant and damning attack. Don't you dare tell me I am over reacting and have nothing to worry about... Oh and another thing...


posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 09:26 AM
reply to post by jdub297

Barack Obama's dreams are not ruining America. George Bush's "dreams" (war, oil, religion and corporate power, etc) and those who followed him and practice divisiveness, fear, hatred and nationalism - RUINED America and Obama's trying to bring it back.

Originally posted by babybunnies
When Obama was running for President, if anyone actually listened to a campaign speech instead of just blindly voting him in, they would have actually heard him say, many times, that "I'm going to do what I think is right for America, not what is necessarily popular". He wasn't shy about saying this several times a day in campaign speeches.

Now people are getting a taste of what Obama thinks is right for America. He's simply following through on a campaign promise, whether or not people actually like it.

Exactly true! And I was listening! I didn't get caught up in the frenzy of "change and hope" as many did. I listened to his pragmatic approach and knew that it wasn't going to be all fixed in 2 years. And I knew a lot of people would be disappointed because they heard what they wanted to hear during his campaign instead of what Obama actually said. That's no one's fault but theirs.

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 09:46 AM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

How long are you Liberals going to blame Bush? Man. I sure wish I could blame my father for all of my short comings!

Great. So it was Bush's fault. Blame laid. We know. Get over it and fix it instead of just pointing fingers. I think the poll numbers speak volumes that the **SNIP** is a dying breed. Open your eyes.

Bush was wrong, A LOT, but guess what? Bush is NOT in the White House anymore. Obama and his goons are acting like children instead of being like grown ups and fixing the issues at hand.

edit on Sun Sep 12 2010 by DontTreadOnMe because: MOD EDIT: Reaffirming Our Desire For Productive Political Debate (REVISED)

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 09:50 AM

Originally posted by jaynkeel
reply to post by mythatsabigprobe

I am not sure where your idea of decrease in unemployment is?

New unemployment (which is what I mentioned in my post) has dropped from 750k per month in Jan 2009 to around 450k per month. That's almost a 50% drop.

And I am far from rich and I have not seen any decrease in my taxes taken out of my wages? Not sure what tax decreases your referring to?

If you earn less than $100K you got a tax cut of around $13 per week in 2009. You also got a $400 tax credit in June 2009, expanded child tax credits if you have children, plus around 30 million families didn't have to pay the alternative minimum tax.

I know as usual my property taxes and school taxes keep going up so it must not be that that decreased, unless the decreases only effect the wealthier of our society?

I think (hope) you know that's your local county and not under control of the Federal government.

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 09:58 AM
reply to post by NeverApologize

You summed it up in one statement: "He makes it obvious that it is not in his interest to listen to the will of the people. His way or the highway."
Why people still don't see this is frightening. Obama is truly that arrogant. He believes he has all of the answers, all of the time, for all situations. He's the chosen one. I think he gazed at his reflection in the white house fountain recently, and fell even more deeply in love with himself.
To quote Narcissus: "Damn, that Obama's conceited!"

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