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911, 9/11/2001, September 11 Truth Proves U.S. Government Totally Corrupt

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posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 09:14 AM
911, 9/11/2001, September 11 Truth proves U.S. Government Totally Corrupt

Now that I have uncovered the truth about the events of September 11th, 2001, I simply can not watch the news reporters and talk show hosts on Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, or NBC. Why? Because not only do I know they are all telling lies but it also reminds me that I am living in the most corrupt and destructive terrorist nation in human history.

When I use the word corrupt, I am using it in its ugliest and most destructive form. The majority of Americans would agree that there has always been corruption in the U.S. Government. However, what really disturbs me is the fact that the majority of Americans have no idea as to the actual degree and severity of the corruption their government is both allowing and managing.

The degree and severity of the U.S. Government’s corruption is far larger and more disgusting than most people are psychologically programmed to accept. The depressing truth is that since 1946, with the establishment of the Rockefeller funded Tavistock Institute; Americans have been subjected to a sophisticated and all pervasive form of mind control or brainwashing which prevents them from accepting many truths like various facts proving government involvement in 9/11,the Kennedy assassination, etc.

We have literally become a nation of Stepford people, behaving like little robots doing exactly what we have been programmed to do, and believing exactly what our programmers want us to believe. Our programmers from Tavistock, MK Ultra, and other branches of their programming network are some of the brightest and most educated people on the planet. Tavistock’s first mass consciousness programming expert was Dr. Sigmund Freud.

Our programmers own and totally control Hollywood and the movie making business. They also own and totally control the mainstream media. The way they have used Disney to program children for the past 55 years is alarming. They have managed to gain control over high school and college curriculums, the leadership of every form of organized religion, and of course all politicians. The only news most people ever read, see, or hear is presented to us by our programmers.

The internet and word of mouth have become the only two sources of information in which we might find the real truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Of course, while our programmers have managed to gain an enormous amount of control over the content found on the internet, they haven’t figured out how to prevent all of the ugly truth from surfacing.

Our programmers have even resorted to using their minions, like Senator Joe Lieberman, to shut the internet down completely, or at least give the U.S. Government total control over the internet’s content. Our scum-bag politicians are being used to make it legal for our Government to totally censor the internet. They want to suppress the real truth in the worst way. Why?

The real truth would reveal that the people our programmers, politicians, and government officials actually work for, like the Rockefellers, the House of Rothschild, and Adolfo Nicolas are responsible for virtually every major crime over the past 200 years. The major crimes committed by this institutionalized ruling elite class have intentionally caused the deaths of millions of innocent men, women, and children over the past two centuries

Major crimes include everything from presidential assassinations, wars based on lies and deception, banking and investment schemes intentionally causing depressions, suppressing medical cures like the cure for cancer, totally controlling the illegal drug industry, totally controlling the pornography industry, kidnapping, sex slavery, prostitution, pedophilia, and biological genocide.

The size and scope of the corruption dominating every area of our lives is so massive and destructive, everyone in a position of power and influence is obviously guilty of both war crimes and high treason. Of course, it is very interesting to learn about the various methods our controllers use to force the influential people to conform to their agenda.

Voluntarily and willingly, preferably zealously making yourself blackmailable is the most effective way to rise up the power ladder within this global criminal syndicate.
For example, successful politicians like George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barak Obama all pretend to be spiritual people who love God, the Baby Jesus, Moses, Buddha, or Mohammed, yet, privately, allow the controllers to video tape or photograph them having sex with a 10 year old or at least a member of the same sex.

Those who refuse to become blackmailable simply do not get the big jobs. Once one does get the big job they had better perform as promised or they will end up like Abe Lincoln, JFK, or even a Tim Russert of NBC. Sometimes merely the threat of having a child or grandchild murdered is enough. Greed and the love of money have always worked well too.

For the past several years our controllers have been planning to use both Israel and the United States to stage a false flag operation, like the one they managed on 9/11/2001, blame this next false flag operation on Iran of course, then declare war against Iran. Once the bombing begins, both Russia and China are scheduled to join in the war to help Iran. This will be WWIII, exactly what they have been planning for many years.

Sources that also describe how the U.S. Government is totally corrupt: Eustace Mullins, The Money Masters, The Empire of the City, Alex Jones, Jeff Rense, Eric Jon Phelps, Gordon Duff, Dr. Michel Chossudovsky, Freeman Fly, Daryl Bradford Smith, Dr. Morgan Reynolds, Dr. David Ray Griffin, Richard Gage, Dr. William Deagle. Simply looking into the research of any of these sources will reveal the names of hundreds of other sources.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 09:21 AM
I think that you will find that you are preaching to the choir here.
All the examples you have listed have been covered here on ATS at one time or another, and while I agree with you that everything you say has some serious weight behind it; I can't say I'm entirely sure what your point is.

911 in and of itself proves nothing but rather lends a hand to the destructive qualities of an already corrupt system.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by bwinwright

Thank you for being so sensitive to U.S. citizens who lost loved ones on this tragic day! Your level of empathy is staggering!

With that being said you are entitled to having your opinion and you have relative free speech.

We were attacked. Whether it be by our own Government, which you believe, or we were attacked by terrorists. Either way, people lost their lives. Please think about this before you come charging in on a very sensitive day in the MAJORITY of Americans hearts.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 09:31 AM
reply to post by NeverApologize

Wow so 911 is now just like someones birthday. All year long people can talk trash about it but NOT on 911 ohh no that's off limits.

I'm sorry that was the lamest load of steaming BS I have seen in a single post in a while. News flash...911, 77, or any other day the situations the same and the same questions can and will be acknowledged.

Don't come storming in to flame someone because they expressed the same old tired views as always just on a certain day that grinds your little gears for gods sake.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 09:31 AM
reply to post by bwinwright

I really don't think the MSM is lying to us because that would at least be explainable. I truly believe they believe what they're saying.
Now what's scarier....someone who KNOWS he's lying or someone who BELIEVES in the lies?

What I've found interesting are the news-anchors are almost robotic-like. Almost emotionless. Close to apathetic.

I was brought up in the late 60's and 70's. News was more care-free. Not rehearsed. Authentic laughter from the anchors once in a while. Personal commentaries too.

I know this thread isn't about MSM so much as it is 9-11 and the lies which ensued but...............I am very afraid of my fellow man these days. Most are a bunch of hypnotized, fast food eating, flu-shot taking, dumb-downed, compliant and complacent drones.

I honestly felt safer thinking 19 Arabs were the enemy that day! And now....the truth (and the conditioning) is even more frightening.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 09:36 AM
I fully agree with every single word NeverApologize posted. I'll just leave what I left somewhere else here too.

Conspiracies, blame and debates should be put to rest for today. Today is a day to commemorate the 2,996 lives lost 9 years ago and the lives lost at war because of it. We Will Never Forget.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 09:37 AM
reply to post by Human_Alien

I'll agree that the news as turned to 10 pounds Dog crap in a 5 pound bag.
I cant stand the news because they act mentally slow most of the time. Ever forced yourself to try Fox and Friends for a few minutes? LOL yeah its hard but the scars you come away with are worth the knowledge you receive.

On another note, I'm not sure this thread is really about 911 as much as it is about corruption in general and how we are effected by it.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 09:38 AM
To NeverApologize saw that you are new on your thread introducing yourself.

The poster above has a right to their opinions. Their words show they do care actually and that is about the truths. Today is a difficult day for everyone and they have as many rights to post as you do so let them be.

Many familys involved in 911 are still seeking the truths and have started new tv commercials for that purpose. We support them in that and the others that simply want and deserve the truths no matter what information comes out.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by Three_moons

"We will never forget"
September the 11th day of every year but the other 364 days we will remember nothing and commemorate nothing. If you are only sensitive to it one day a year WTF?

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by NeverApologize
reply to post by bwinwright

We were attacked. Whether it be by our own Government, which you believe, or we were attacked by terrorists. Either way, people lost their lives. Please think about this before you come charging in on a very sensitive day in the MAJORITY of Americans hearts.

First, I just read your introduction and I didn't think you and I will get along and now...I know we won't.

What do you mean??? Whether terrorist or our government?
Are you kidding me? Do I truly live among people like you?

You don't think if your wife was purposefully murdered by your own brother (who you trusted)...opposed to a stranger, you wouldn't feel differently???? They're both tragic scenarios but anger plays a BIG part in this because your trust was in vein and in retrospect, you feel foolish to have been so gullible and trusting.

Listen, you're 27 and according to you, you're a dis informant so not even sure why I'm bothering.....................

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by NeverApologize

You are but a Fool living in a Fools Paradise,,, Wake up its far more serious than you might think! the OP says it all an I commend Him for it an so should every Man Woman an Child on this Planet! because not only Americans were Killed on that terible Day but many from across the World...

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by bwinwright
911, 9/11/2001, September 11 Truth proves U.S. Government Totally Corrupt

Voluntarily and willingly, preferably zealously making yourself blackmailable is the most effective way to rise up the power ladder within this global criminal syndicate.
For example, successful politicians like George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barak Obama all pretend to be spiritual people who love God, the Baby Jesus, Moses, Buddha, or Mohammed, yet, privately, allow the controllers to video tape or photograph them having sex with a 10 year old or at least a member of the same sex.

Then your position should be easy to verify, Just provide a single picture or a frame of one of these films and the entire power structure will crumble.

edit on 9/11/10 by Hefficide because: yeah, typos... it's past my bedtime

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by snowen20

It seems like you understand the concept of respect since you bring up the birthday analogy. I really don't think it's too much for anyone to ask for respect from another on a day of significance to them. If that was the "lamest load of steaming BS I have seen in a single post in a while" I can't imagine what ATS you've been reading.

I never said I'm only sensitive to it one day of the year. I agreed with another member and made a suggestion specifically for one day, that's all. You're entitled to do whatever you choose.

Who's coming in storming and flaming?

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by Three_moons

To answer your last question, Neverwhatshis name err.

To reply to your statement.
I wasn't necessarily aiming anything directly at you. Its more of "if the shoe fits wear" it kind of thing.
No it really isn't the most ridiculous post I have seen but it seemed underhanded.
Also My view is that it was memorialized eternally without a special day set aside. To me that seems ridiculous.
We will never forget to me meant any day of the year I will be sensitive to those people from around the world who lost someone close to them. I would not hold one day above another for the purpose of pretension or what I view as such. That's just my view people can think how they want.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by bwinwright

Now that I have uncovered the truth about the events of September 11th, 2001

This is where I stopped reading and started laughing.

You uncovered the truth? WOW! Where is your Pulitzer? I see you are spamming this across the internet today... you have it here and on the John Stewart Show forum... where else will you be make such an amazing clam?

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by Six Sigma

Are you trying to say we are all the victim of a drive by posting?

That may explain our authors absence from the thread. Nice observation.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 10:33 AM
Did any of you read my post? This is like a Birthday (to poster above). For one day can we please put aside the mushroom/acid dropping and understand that there are indeed evil people in the World?

I also LOVE, how you attack my character and my satirical introduction. Put down your bong hippie and listen, listen closely. The terrorists think we are ALL Zionist/Christians. They don't stop and ask before strapping a bomb on and running it into a school if your son, daughter, or other family member inside is a Christian. It is Black and White to a terrorist.

Getting back on the topic. This is a mere smear campaign. Perhaps it even something to do with this:

The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) of Iran has launched a program to mobilize 2,000 Basij members as bloggers to conduct a "soft war" of social network intervention.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 10:34 AM
reply to post by Six Sigma

Sick Sigma,

Did someone piss in your Post Toasties? Yes, I uncovered the truth for myself. I guess you assume I am announcing myself as THE first person to uncover this 9/11 truth? Wow! Perhaps you shouldn't hit that crack pipe so early in the morning.

And yes, Sick Sigma, I write what I feel like writing in the Word format first, then post it to several forums. Not everyone reads everything on every forum like you. Why should you care how many forums I post on?

Perhaps you should take your Prozac before coming to this forum in the future.

You act like a disinformation geek. Your contribution here is embarrassing.

You have nothing of value to contribute. You can only ridicule and condemn, like a Bill O'Reilly or Sean Hannity.

I feel sorry for you.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by snowen20

See previous post.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 06:45 PM

Originally posted by Human_Alien
reply to post by bwinwright

I really don't think the MSM is lying to us because that would at least be explainable. I truly believe they believe what they're saying.

The MSM knew they were lying. I have no doubt in my mind about that.

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