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China’s UN diplomat in drunken rant against Americans and U.N

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posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 09:49 PM
I agree with him but want to take it further.

I don't really like the UN.

I don't really like Americans.

I don't really like Chinese.

I don't really like Anyone.

A lot of jerks if you ask me.

Just admit it, none of you like each other either.

Earth sucks because everything is about MONEY now.

Most people like money. And I don't like them, or their money.

I find my dislike to be refreshing and terribly honest. I hope you enjoy it too.

At least this Chinese guy knows what's up. Get drunk and rant! That's the ticket. Go crazy drunk guy!

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 10:48 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash

At least this Chinese guy knows what's up. Get drunk and rant! That's the ticket. Go crazy drunk guy!

I'll drink to that!

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 03:15 AM
Hey Slayer and muzzle flash ,hows it going guys? yep ill drink to that too.
I wish he kicked Ki Moons ass for sport haha
If there is any truth to H.A.R.R.P being used on China by America, who can blame the guy.
have a problem with the U.N scum ,not the good every day people i think.
thanks for dropping bye guys

Hey Muz good to see you dude,

people check out slayers atlantis and lemuria thread ,its amazing!!!

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 03:21 AM

stupid pink faced capatalwrist americans mess with me for the rast time!!!
reply to post by 2weird2live2rare2die

Hey 2weird2live2rare2die,hows it going
Hahahaha your crazy for that one my friend,nearly spat my coco pops all over the computer

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 03:31 AM
reply to post by Frankidealist35

Hey Frank,thanks for the reply

When did being Anti-American mean that you were the bastion of truth? The people of the nation here in the USA are really nice and can be friendly. I should know since I live here and have so all my life. Your problem lies with our government. Learn to differentiate between the two

Ill go for what you said

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 03:37 AM
reply to post by Johnze

never mind him having to deal with Americans[i.e your government] thats enough to send any hard line chinamen over the edge.

Also when your actions affect all your people badly,this must make a man feel very low inside and dispise the opponent,thanks for checking back in

edit on 15/8/2010 by johnny c because: type o

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 03:40 AM
you got to respect a dude who shows up drunk at a UN meeting looking for a fight

edit on 12-9-2010 by 2weird2live2rare2die because: bribery

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 04:25 AM
reply to post by 2weird2live2rare2die
Hey 2weird2live2rare2die
sorry was in the other room,your dead right mate,take no # and get pissed!!
and # the world! haha
crazy dude man,all apart from the american bit,i like him!!

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 04:40 AM
reply to post by johnny c

The outburst by Sha Zukang at a retreat for top UN officials in the Austrian ski resort of Alpbach ..

this is what this guy does for vacation?

how much do i personally owe China again? i'd like the opportunity to clear that debt. who do i write the check out to? where do i send it?

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 05:57 AM
Of course he's an alcoholic, he works for the PRC/CCP. They're all drunkards.

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 06:04 AM
reply to post by Esoteric Teacher

Hey Esoteric teacher,thanks for the reply
, holidays? crazy or what?

how much do i personally owe China again? i'd like the opportunity to clear that debt. who do i write the check out to? where do i send it?

dude just dont pay in for geting cheeky

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 06:04 AM
reply to post by Esoteric Teacher

Hey Esoteric teacher,thanks for the reply
, holidays? crazy or what?

how much do i personally owe China again? i'd like the opportunity to clear that debt. who do i write the check out to? where do i send it?

dude just dont pay him for geting cheeky

edit on 15/8/2010 by johnny c because: missing letter

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 06:10 AM
reply to post by DeltaNine

Hey Delta 9 ,hows it going buddy, you would need drink to all with them boring grumpy you know whats

are you part of the delta 9 team? that made brainstorm cannasutra and other breeding greats?

edit on 15/8/2010 by johnny c because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 07:03 AM
LOL mate. Most of the ones I ever met were drunks because they could it on the government tab

I don't know about the second part of your post, but I'll take any credit I can get.

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by DeltaNine

free alcoholic card,lol well ill be dammed!! that could be handy mate

your dead right ,lol great work on the strains

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 10:54 AM
In Vino Veritas

In wine there is truth.

What you are witness to is the naked truth of unrestrained authority. The man cannot restrain himself, because of the disorganised situation before him, from letting let fly all those little irritants and grudges he has been holding back on.

The face reminded me of Little Kim... or any number of great and minor autocrats so full of self-importance that their faces are continually set with disdain and contempt for their fellow humans. Put about 5 shots of good sauce down their throats and all that pent up bile comes spilling out like so much stinking vomit.

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by FrancoUn-American
reply to post by sliceNodice

Hey man I've never met a user of the herb that cannot be named that acted like a violent hateful moron

Ditto, and to add, the only aggressively ranting nut jobs i've ever seen are intoxicated with Alcohol or Crack.

I think somebody believes too much propaganda and has an idealised view of Alcohol.

Even medical professionals and substance abuse counsellors etc, etc, etc, recognise with universal consensus that Alcohol which is a depressant drug, induces aggression and violence, feelings of hopelessness, doom and persecution like this Alcohol addicted member of the U.N., while Cannabis doesn't unless being used by somebody who is already a paranoid schizophrenic, it may amplify extant psychiatric conditions, but cannabis rarely actually causes them, only in propaganda terms, whereas Alcohol does exactly that, mental hospitals are full of people with wrecked mental health due to Alcohol.

[Add: It is prohibition and most commercially grown cannabis in the *unregulated* black markets where it is more commonly only faster and heavier growing strains grown to a point of diminishing returns and so cropped before plants have properly ripened, % of amber trichomes not clear into cloudy but cloudy into amber ranging from %05-70 amber trichomes, which allow cannabiniods and terpiniods to oxidise and round off the effects of raw THC, early cropped and uncured cannabis from commercial growers in the unregulated black market has unripened raw THC, clear trichomes more commonly than properly ripened and cured product, as is found in medical cannabis producers, with hardly any oxidised content so effects are rushy and can lead to palpatations and feelings of panic/paranoia in novice users unaware of what is causing negative effects etc, but in point of fact, there are benefits to many sufferers of a lot of psychiatric conditions when cannabis is grown to ripe and cured propely and this is widely accepted by medical professionals who actually know what they are talking about, unlike moralists who are bigoted with too much to say based on erroneous opinions, not facts. Brew, ferment or distill Alcohol improperly and it isn't good, same with raw Cannabis, something not enough people understand!]

Do some research, get your facts straight, not try to perpetuate scapegoating propaganda, plenty of factual scientific research regards Cannabis out there, you'll find even MSM are starting to be more truthful regards Cannabis lately as well because since 2 years ago, the U.N. changed it's position on the war on drugs and admitted it was wrong, (Maybe not on Fox but they are a bunch of brainless frackers! Elsewhere they are starting to approach Cannabis with a bit more integrity and truth.), so slowly but surely, things are changing and less lies are being perpetauted via propaganda through the media, the UNODC no longer enforces the mandate against drugs and has shifted the entire paradigm to tolerance and understanding regards drugs especially Cannabis use.

Alcohol is a terrible drug in anything more than infrequent use at moderate intake which ruins a lot more physical and mental health than Cannabis is even capable of doing and Alcohol causes a majority of social and domestic violence, etc, etc, etc, fact, Cannabis may have negative effects on a minority but most do not experience negative effects.

It is no longer the black sheep used to herd everybody into Alcohol use it once was prior to a couple of years ago, bit by bit laws everywhere in USA and Europe are changing to tolerance not criminalisation of Cannabis and in time most of the rest of the world will follow.


[Note to mods. If Cannabis can be mentioned in negative context, it is only fair we advocates can mention to correct erroneous viewpoints, please pardon this boundary expansion of T&C's. Thanks.]

edit on 12-9-2010 by DeltaPan because: To add [Add:....]

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by masqua

Hey masqua thanks for the reply ,i agree with you.I think its a sad situation indeed.These are the people who will run the world in the future and by the look of it,it aint good.Imaging the vito of policies for grudges and sorts,they should have a Ufc ring in the basement and they should be aloud to sort problems out there for the good of the world.\
I wont hold my breath for it buddy

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

MuzzleFlash, you gave me one heck of a belly laugh. I enjoyed it very much.
A big thank you!

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by DeltaPan

Delta pan ,thank you very much,i added you as a friend ,hope you dont to dont really!!
I cant thank you enough for your most informed reply!
,the man is 100 percent bang on the money!
cannabis helps millions of people world wide,there has never being one dead from the drug,how many people have died from drink? A gizillion? yes,i made the gizillion up because there is no number big enough!!
anybody intrested on how cannabis can save the world?? check out the book by Jack herer called "The emperor wears no clothes anybody looking for cancer cures check out "RUN FROM THE CURE BY RICK SIMPSON"

Alcohol is a terrible drug in anything more than infrequent use at moderate intake which ruins a lot more physical and mental health than Cannabis is even capable of doing and Alcohol causes a majority of social and domestic violence, etc, etc, etc, fact, Cannabis may have negative effects on a minority but most do not experience negative effects.



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