Originally posted by FrancoUn-American
reply to post by sliceNodice
Hey man I've never met a user of the herb that cannot be named that acted like a violent hateful moron
Ditto, and to add, the only aggressively ranting nut jobs i've ever seen are intoxicated with Alcohol or Crack.
I think somebody believes too much propaganda and has an idealised view of Alcohol.
Even medical professionals and substance abuse counsellors etc, etc, etc, recognise with universal consensus that Alcohol which is a depressant drug,
induces aggression and violence, feelings of hopelessness, doom and persecution like this Alcohol addicted member of the U.N., while Cannabis doesn't
unless being used by somebody who is already a paranoid schizophrenic, it may amplify extant psychiatric conditions, but cannabis rarely actually
causes them, only in propaganda terms, whereas Alcohol does exactly that, mental hospitals are full of people with wrecked mental health due to
[Add: It is prohibition and most commercially grown cannabis in the *unregulated* black markets where it is more commonly only faster and heavier
growing strains grown to a point of diminishing returns and so cropped before plants have properly ripened, % of amber trichomes not clear into cloudy
but cloudy into amber ranging from %05-70 amber trichomes, which allow cannabiniods and terpiniods to oxidise and round off the effects of raw THC,
early cropped and uncured cannabis from commercial growers in the unregulated black market has unripened raw THC, clear trichomes more commonly than
properly ripened and cured product, as is found in medical cannabis producers, with hardly any oxidised content so effects are rushy and can lead to
palpatations and feelings of panic/paranoia in novice users unaware of what is causing negative effects etc, but in point of fact, there are benefits
to many sufferers of a lot of psychiatric conditions when cannabis is grown to ripe and cured propely and this is widely accepted by medical
professionals who actually know what they are talking about, unlike moralists who are bigoted with too much to say based on erroneous opinions, not
facts. Brew, ferment or distill Alcohol improperly and it isn't good, same with raw Cannabis, something not enough people understand!]
Do some research, get your facts straight, not try to perpetuate scapegoating propaganda, plenty of factual scientific research regards Cannabis out
there, you'll find even MSM are starting to be more truthful regards Cannabis lately as well because since 2 years ago, the U.N. changed it's position
on the war on drugs and admitted it was wrong, (Maybe not on Fox but they are a bunch of brainless frackers! Elsewhere they are starting to approach
Cannabis with a bit more integrity and truth.), so slowly but surely, things are changing and less lies are being perpetauted via propaganda through
the media, the UNODC no longer enforces the mandate against drugs and has shifted the entire paradigm to tolerance and understanding regards drugs
especially Cannabis use.
Alcohol is a terrible drug in anything more than infrequent use at moderate intake which ruins a lot more physical and mental health than Cannabis is
even capable of doing and Alcohol causes a majority of social and domestic violence, etc, etc, etc, fact, Cannabis may have negative effects on a
minority but most do not experience negative effects.
It is no longer the black sheep used to herd everybody into Alcohol use it once was prior to a couple of years ago, bit by bit laws everywhere in USA
and Europe are changing to tolerance not criminalisation of Cannabis and in time most of the rest of the world will follow.
[Note to mods. If Cannabis can be mentioned in negative context, it is only fair we advocates can mention to correct erroneous viewpoints, please
pardon this boundary expansion of T&C's. Thanks.]
edit on 12-9-2010 by DeltaPan because: To add [Add:....]