posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 11:44 PM
The Quran burning incident was a non news story, just a blip, until the different politicians made a big deal about such. The moment the President of
the United States of America made one comment about this, then it became a story worthy of the national news and attention, instead of what was going
on during that time frame, and thus all others were put to the side. When this was compounded by the reaction of the different Islamic groups world
wide, along with the different Islamic governments, well guess what, the really important story about what all had happened was not the big news of
the day and people were not that interested in what all was going on in the current armed conflict.
The side note, and this is not to make it seem like the US does not care about what is going on in the world or with the conflict, but the reality is
that we are tired of the long war, that does not seem to have an end goal, nothing to rally the US around and right now, most of us really do not care
about what happens to a bunch of Muslims in another country. Perhaps when they stop threatening the citizens of the US for our freedoms, and maybe if
they would just stop all violence, and the moderates decide to stand up and use stronger language to condemn the actions of a few nut jobs that are
giving them a very bad name, and the congress of the US releases the leash on the US military to actually win this conflict, then just maybe, the US
population will actually care that things like this happen in a conflict zone, where the troops sent there are not representing the US to the best of
their ability. In a country where there is suspected corruption and for every three steps forward, 2 steps back, it is hard to think that such does
not happen.