My chickens always roost in the barn. Tonight when I went to feed, they were all huddled together on the ground outside in spite of the fact that a
thunderstorm was rolling in. Came in, checked the weather and we are under tornado watch and it is really storming good now. Just shined my
flashlight out to see if they had gone in since it is so bad out and there they all are, out in the rain. Makes me worried the barn is going to blow
away tonight...
Pretty strange behavior for chickens or any other animal that doesn't find protection when a storm is coming in. Keep a close eye on the weather and
the chickens - stay safe.
Although I know chickens react to a coming earthquake, I have to go with predator. If it were earthquake they would be on top of a building, they try
to get off the ground. Not going into their space, I would say fox or snake.
The barn is still standing. Although it really went crazy last night. Washed out my road and blew one of the barn doors off, wind must have been
really strong to bust the lock. We haven't had any problems with predators since we put the guardian dog in with them at night, so I didn't
automatically go to predator...could be the storm made them brave though seeking shelter. Guess I am stuck here until they fix my road or the field
dries out enough to go around, at least the power is back on though.
One of my friends had a similar problem with his chickens not going inside, on closer investigation he found a HUGE infestation of Red Chicken Mites
living in the coop.
There pretty hard to spot unless you know what to look for and they drive the chickens crazy