posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 09:02 PM
It's been posted before.
Here's the problem. Prove it was just from 9-11 exposure. These are first responders to everything. They have literally tons of safety equipment, yet
you see photo after photo with safety goggles protecting their forehead or above lip of their hard hats, not covering eyes. Respirators draped around
their neck, not filtering the air they suck in. If they did this at the ground zero site, strong chance they did it everywhere else, also.
Now's, who's at fault. There is a reason it's called personal protection equipment and by OSHA and most State regulations, it is the employee's
responsibility to use the equipment as proscribed. More importantly, the employee will have a signed paper trail on training and usage of safety
One picture of a guy without eye protection and respirator just hanging, fairly well kills his complaint about exposure.
There is also the case of who has deepest pockets. The 9-11 trust fund had billions for affected people. NYC, their employer, is virtually broke. Why
not sue the city? Well, they did and got over $700,000,000 in tax dollars, but they want more. So much for the compensation aspect.
This isn't about compensation. It's about greed... Driven by union reps and lawyers.