posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by Romantic_Rebel
The lady that put forth the prophecy of Yahshua coming Sabbath the 11-t/h is a Jew but here is a case of some jumping to conclusions over the timing
she set forth. I don't dispell the New Testament that it is anti Jewish, as there is also many Messianic Jews. She may be proving to be a false
prophet if she is saying this Sabbath is Rosh Hashanah when the first crescent of the moon was there for 20 some minutes the 9-t/h but not visible so
Rosh Hashanah began today and not Sabbath. She has stated it has to begin on the Sabbath for Him to come.
Isa.53: is the gospel prophecy of the Messiah, compare it to Mat, Mark, Luke, John. Also Isa. 7:14, 8:8 tells us His name is Immanuel.
Then Mat. 1:23 tells us His name is to be called Emmanuel, Meaning God with us. How can some Jews not believe the Messiah didn't come and God was
with them in the body of the one called Emmanuel?
However we should realize He is coming soon to rescue His own from a cruel world about to annilalate His Bride. Soon by the eternal one may be a lot
of yrs. but we must realize prophecy is given in the now and John and all the deciples thought He would return soon and it was the last days, they
were mistaken of course. How much worse can things get before man destroys himself. Man has become co-destroyer with the one called Satan almost.
Anyway we all have much to think about as to what side we take in the matter.
I leave it at that. Truthiron .