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Quran burning on again? Pastor says maybe

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posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by jfj123

Terrorists aren't dictating law and policy to the United States, by the way how many duplicate posts in how many threads do you plan to make to show off your snazzy new little giff?

In fact all you are doing is complaining over the fact that you find it offensive that people would not be culturally insensitive and there is a price to paid for being offensive to someone else's religion or culture.

So in reality your whole argument is Flag Waving, Christian Americans, should be able to say or do anything they want and anyone who reacts adversely to that is a terrorist.

All the while you are having your own little temper tantrum while you run around from thread to thread, posting the same burning Quran Giff while lambasting and attempting to denigrate anyone who sees a value in being respectful to others.

Being a good American isn't all joining together to show an ability to be culturally insensitive to others.

Just to show we can!

Being a good American is treating all people equally and with respect, which burning someone's religious book and trying to make anyone who practices that religion to be a second class citizen and terrorist is not.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by whatukno

Bull [snip]! The thing I do have an issue with is the lack of honesty by some people on this forum. If you are going to be intolerant, be intolerant, be proud of your intolerance, embrace your intolerance. "To ONLY the extremists" sound's like a complete crap cop out to me.

I'm not intolerant. I'm just tired of cow towing to extremist terrorists. I'm tired of all the politically correct crap.
I'm sorry that moderate muslims feel attacked by this whole book burning thing but the reality is that sometimes peoples feelings get hurt in the name of FREEDOM.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by jfj123

Well said!
2nd line

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
reply to post by jfj123

Terrorists aren't dictating law and policy to the United States,

Yes they are. The FBI showed up at the pastor's house to "talk" to him. Why would they do that? I'll tell an attempt to silence him and prevent him from exercising his CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS. If he can't express his CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS because of terrorist threat, the said terrorists are indeed dictating law and policy in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

by the way how many duplicate posts in how many threads do you plan to make to show off your snazzy new little giff?

Just 2 for now. Well maybe 3....OK I'm not sure yet...can I get back to you on that one?

In fact all you are doing is complaining over the fact that you find it offensive that people would not be culturally insensitive and there is a price to paid for being offensive to someone else's religion or culture.

No what I'm complaining about is that we are allowing terrorists to dictate law and policy in THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. How did you miss that?

So in reality your whole argument is Flag Waving, Christian Americans, should be able to say or do anything they want and anyone who reacts adversely to that is a terrorist.

Not anything. If you read my posts, you would know that "IN REALITY" what I am saying is that ANYONE should be able to exercise their CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS within the borders of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA without threat of DEATH. I'm really not sure how much more clear I can make this. Would you like a flowchart?

All the while you are having your own little temper tantrum

It's actually a fairly large temper tantrum.

while you run around from thread to thread,

Not possible. I can't run through the internet...can't even jog.

posting the same burning Quran Giff

yep 2 whole times? And I think I'll make it my new avatar in your honor
You are welcome !

while lambasting and attempting to denigrate anyone who sees a value in being respectful to others.

Not at all. Please read my posts so you actually know what I'm saying. If you need help with the big words, let me know.

Being a good American isn't all joining together to show an ability to be culturally insensitive to others.

Oh you mean like building a mosque 2.5 blocks from ground zero and when 70% of the US says it's "insensative", you tell them TOO mean like that ?

Just to show we can!

It's just so sad you can't understand what's REALLY going on here. I feel bad for you.

Being a good American is treating all people equally and with respect,

Being a good AMERICAN is about making sure FREEDOM is protected against all enemies foreign and domestic. Being a good AMERICAN means you have an understanding of what "we the people..." means... Being a good AMERICAN means....awww forget it, you have know idea what a good AMERICAN means.

which burning someone's religious book and trying to make anyone who practices that religion to be a second class citizen and terrorist is not.

So what about those same people who blow up girls schools? What about those same people who have been burning the US flag for decades? What about those same people who flew planes into buildings and killed over 3000 innocent people? What about those people who stone rape victims to death for being raped?

I'm sorry...please continue

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 06:53 PM
reply to post by jfj123

I'm not intolerant. I'm just tired of cow towing to extremist terrorists. I'm tired of all the politically correct crap.
I'm sorry that moderate muslims feel attacked by this whole book burning thing but the reality is that sometimes peoples feelings get hurt in the name of FREEDOM.

Ok, if it's not an attack on Islam itself but terrorists singularly, then why not burn a suicide vest in effigy? Instead of singling out the religion of the terrorists, why not single out the actions of the terrorists? After all, isn't it their actions we should condemn and not the religion that these idiots are bastardizing?

reply to post by jfj123

Yes they are. The FBI showed up at the pastor's house to "talk" to him. Why would they do that? I'll tell an attempt to silence him and prevent him from exercising his CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS. If he can't express his CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS because of terrorist threat, the said terrorists are indeed dictating law and policy in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

He chose not to go through with the book burning. He chose of his own free will. Nobody was going to stop him. The only reason he was going to do it to begin with was to be purposefully intolerant. It is his first amendment right to free speech, and no one was going to stop him from doing it.

So what about those same people who blow up girls schools? What about those same people who have been burning the US flag for decades? What about those people who stone rape victims to death for being raped?

That's not in America, what business is it of ours what other people do in their own sovereign nations? Do you somehow think that America encompasses the entire planet?

What happened on 9/11 is not Islam, it was an act of terrorists. I don't think that you are adequately separating the two. It's like blaming Christianity for the Oklahoma City bombing.

I actually think there is a concerted effort by the right wingers in this country to turn this into a holy war. If the right get's their way, then freedom is the only thing that is going to suffer.

edit on 9/11/2010 by whatukno because: To reply to another ignorant post

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 07:05 PM

Originally posted by whatukno
Ok, if it's not an attack on Islam itself but terrorists singularly, then why not burn a suicide vest in effigy?

cause the flames might set it off

Instead of singling out the religion of the terrorists, why not single out the actions of the terrorists?

I don't know. Why didn't they do the same thing? Instead of saying DEATH TO ALL AMERICANS? why didn't they suggest that maybe the pastor was a bad person?

So I guess I'm guilty of doing what they're doing but instead of threatening DEATH, I'm burning some flattened wood and a bit of printers ink.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 07:12 PM
reply to post by jfj123

cause the flames might set it off

You don't know what an effigy is do you?

Definition of EFFIGY
: an image or representation especially of a person;

When they report that protesters in other countries burn our president in effigy do you believe they are ACTUALLY burning our president?

I don't know. Why didn't they do the same thing? Instead of saying DEATH TO ALL AMERICANS? why didn't they suggest that maybe the pastor was a bad person?

They aren't us are they? SO your suggesting that we stoop to their level? Wouldn't that just make us as bad as you think they are? Shouldn't we be better people? Aren't we better people?

edit on 9/11/2010 by whatukno because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by whatukno

Ummmm sarcasm........maybe it'll be more apparent on here in the future as alot of people take themselves way to seriously. In fact, I find it funny that people take themselves so seriously they fail to see when a situation really is serious. Kinda like this whole situation, the government sold us out in front of the world, on a non issue.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by adifferentbreed

Kinda like this whole situation, the government sold us out in front of the world, on a non issue.

How exactly did they sell us out?

Not bull crap speculation prove as a fact that the government sold us out. A man makes a decision himself to not do something stupid, and you believe that the government sold us out, please prove that.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by whatukno

When you have people in our government publicly considering arresting someone before the fact and violating his civil rights to stop a percieved wrong.....I'd say that's selling us out. There is never a reason for an American citizen to have his rights violated so as not to upset foriegn nut jobs. The government had no business sending the FBI to talk to him, the president had no business emboldening our enemies by appearing weak on t.v. If the government was so damn concerned, why didn't they do the same thing with Phelps? Maybe because Phelps isn't stupid and would sue the hell out of anyone he imagined was violating his rights? This whole thing was an eye opener for alot of people....and not just here in the US.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by adifferentbreed

When you have people in our government publicly considering arresting someone before the fact and violating his civil rights to stop a percieved wrong.....I'd say that's selling us out.

I said prove it, not speculation, and what did I get? Speculation.

What part of prove it don't you understand? Do I have to link to the dictionary for every single word I use from now on in order to make it easier for you? If you have questions about a word, all you have to do is look it up, you do have internet access, it's not difficult to look up the meaning of a word that you don't understand.

There is never a reason for an American citizen to have his rights violated so as not to upset foriegn nut jobs.

His rights weren't violated.

The government had no business sending the FBI to talk to him,

The FBI talking to you is not a violation of your rights.

he president had no business emboldening our enemies by appearing weak on t.v.

I suppose that the POTUS should have ordered a bombing instead eh? That way he didn't look weak

This whole thing was an eye opener for alot of people.

And apparently a mind closer for some.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 08:23 PM
Originally posted by whatukno
reply to post by jfj123

cause the flames might set it off

You don't know what an effigy is do you?

You don't know what a joke is do you?

When they report that protesters in other countries burn our president in effigy do you believe they are ACTUALLY burning our president?

So let me get this straight. It's ok to burn our president in effigy but we can't burn a quran ? REALLY?

I don't know. Why didn't they do the same thing? Instead of saying DEATH TO ALL AMERICANS? why didn't they suggest that maybe the pastor was a bad person?

They aren't us are they? SO your suggesting that we stoop to their level?

I'm just suggesting they shouldn't expect any more respect then they give.

edit on 11-9-2010 by jfj123 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 08:33 PM
reply to post by jfj123

Of course we CAN burn a Quran, it's a constitutional freedom that we have, the pastor had every RIGHT to burn the Quran, but is that the message that we as Americans want to portray to the world? Shouldn't we be better people? Or should we stoop to a moronic level and prove to the world that Americans are bigoted idiots?

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by whatukno

Um...maybe you should do a little leg work there is your friend, hell, the search feature here is your friend. It is no speculation that Pat Buchanan suggested that Obama arrest Jones before he could do anything to prevent further islamic violence......check out the list of dems that agreed with himl. This is not speculation, it's fact, they wanted to violate his civil rights over this non issue. Now, go do what you suggest others do frequently, investugate....its o.k. Obama won't send the FBI to look at you, you're obviously on his side. Funny thing is, this was a non issue and yet he made himself look like such a weak fool for the world to see.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by jfj123

You're trying to use common sense, it's not gonna work, he's only going to spout the same rhetoric over and over and over and over, and over, and over....I swear it's like a bot that types automatically. He will never admit there are two sides to anything....just his, don't feed the troll.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 10:15 PM
reply to post by adifferentbreed

No, I am not doing your job for you, you are the one that said this guys civil rights were violated. And so far you have refused to back up that claim. So, I am going to call bull [snip] on your assertion.

Again, the FBI talking to you is not a violation of your civil rights.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by whatukno

If you're too lazy to even use the search function here, which does include the link it's on it what you want, you wanted proof, it's on this sight, I'm guessing you're a Dem and want everything done for you, how typical. Ah well, have a nice night, maybe you can work on sarcasm tommorow, and maybe learn how to use the search function, it's not that hard, I know you can do it.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 11:50 PM
reply to post by adifferentbreed

Sorry pal, it doesn't work that way, you made the accusation, you have to back it up. If I were to make a claim, I have to back it up.

My claim on this whole stupid mess was this...

It is his right to burn the Quran if he wanted to, it's his first amendment right.

The media has over-hyped this and should have just mentioned it once and let it go. But instead, they decided to make this huge thing out of something that in all reality is just ignorance personified. They do this to cause controversy, controversy gets ratings. The downside to controversy is that it makes morons act like morons. See: monkey trap for further illustration of how this works.

Now, jfj123, who is caught in this "monkey trap" want's to stoop to the level of the people that he is against. I suggested that people burn a suicide vest in effigy, which apparently jfj123 didn't understand what an effigy was. So I explained what an effigy is to him. Perhaps what would be better is to burn images of Bin Laden in effigy, that would take Islam out of the picture and focus the anger and angst against someone who personifies specifically what America is against. (I am sure that you will find some flaw in that argument as well)

The man has decided to not go through with his "burn the quran day" and now we get from you two distinct and specific charges...

Now you are saying that because of this that:

1) The POTUS sold out America.

2) This man's civil rights were violated.

Neither of which you have given any proof of, and upon request you blatantly refuse to give us proof of. So until you actually prove your points above, I have to insist that it's a crock of bull [snip] and continue to call you out on it. It's not my job to try and prove your point for you, it's your job to back up your claims.

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by wcitizen

If what I've read elsewhere is true, this guy had to leave his last church because he'd had his hand in the till, was arrested in August for child pornography

I disagree with Terry Jones wanting to burn the Quran. I believe doing so is a violation of unspoken rules of proprieties of a civilized nation. I believe we should all work towards having and showing love for our fellow man.

I don't agree with slandering people either. Can you back up these accusations you wrote that I quoted above? If not, what gain is it to you to spread untruths about someone you really don't even know?


edit on 12-9-2010 by LAinhabitant because: .

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 01:34 AM

Originally posted by wcitizen
reply to post by 547000

Wow, I'm surprised you think all Muslim terrorists come from Afghanistan and Iraq. Let me enlighten you. Iit seems the US government think Afghanistan and Iraq are strategic terrorist areas since they invaded them as part of their 'war on terror' (sic) and in their own Government statements made explicit links between terrorism and both these countries. Also, Israel, unconditionally supported by US,as you know, obviously has an issue with Gaza - . Oh yes, and Israel also wants to invade Lebanon and Syria, and doesn't get on at all well with perhaps this widespread antaganosm towards all these Muslim countries, on top of the point I mentioned in the post you refer to, might also contribute to some Muslims feeling very angry at US and other Western countries who they perceive as murderous, violent, agressive, and anti-Islam. Then of course, we mustn't forget all the talk of attacking Iran, another Muslim country.

So, when this Pastor was talking about burning the Koran and attacking Islam, I think he was referring to all Muslims, not just those in Afghanistan and Iraq.

So, to answer your question, no, 'Muslim extremist' is not synonymous with 'Afghan' or 'Iraqi', so no, not all Muslim extremists come from Iraq and Afghanistan. I do hope this answers your question.

Just one word of caution, you may frequently find Mossad/CIA agents masquerading as Muslim extremists, when they attack places in America, UK, for example. This may be where some of your confusion comes from.

Hope this helps.

I was being sarcastic.

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